Thursday, March 31, 2022

How do water or other liquid droplets erode hard surfaces?


When the droplet impacts things like sand it sends shockwaves to the sand. This is the observation that is made at the University of Minnesota. The thing goes like this. When a water droplet impacts the sand. Part of the droplet will fall between the sand bites. To the point where the droplet touches sand forms the channel where air pressure is lower than around it. 

The water pressure pushes water below the sand bites. And then that underpressure area will pull the top of the water droplet up. And it pulls sand up. The rising top of the water causes underpressure. That rises sand up. 

You can see that thing in the film above this text. When water droplet touches sand it starts to spread. Then the underpressure will start to pull the droplet upward and the water tower jumps up. Until it falls back to the ground again. The thing is that water droplet acts the same way all the time. 

When a droplet travels through the air. It forms a channel where pressure is lower than around it. And that underpressure channel pulls the droplet back to the point where it came. It cannot rise droplets up. But it can cause the effect that they will pull back together. 

When a droplet touches the water surface. Surface tension causes the water droplet travels at the surface of the water. The droplet spreads until the underpressure area. Which forms above the point where the droplet hits the surface start to pull water back into the air. 

Also, the surface tension causes the water surface acts like a trampoline.  And then, the water rises in the form of a tower that collapses through the surface. 

The water droplet has the impact energy as all other objects it will transfer energy to a layer which it impacts. There is the possibility that the impact energy of water droplets is so high that it makes potholes in metal. 

If the speed of the water droplet is high enough the water molecules can tunnel even to steel. Those molecules will transfer their impact energy to metal. And that causes the shockwave through the layer. 

The tunneling effect makes it possible. That the water droplet can make holes even in the metal.

Fermi paradox: firstborn takes all: the thoughts about the war between worlds.

Above this text is a SciFi art that portrays the interstellar war. So could the firstborn take all the reason for this kind of behavior between hypothetical intelligent space races? 

The idea of this version of the Fermi paradox is that every single planet has space for only one intelligent race. The origin of this theory is that young intelligent species and young civilizations cannot accept other intelligent species. And that causes the war between species. So those intelligent species try to destroy each other because they cannot accept competitors. 

When we are looking at human evolution, there is one remarkable thing. When a new member is born in the human evolution its predecessor is lost. So is it possible that this thing can happen on a galactic scale? Could the firstborn civilization destroy all other civilizations? The thing is that ability and will are not the same thing. 

And if some civilization destroys all its competitors that might cause this kind of civilization falls into internal conflict. The destruction of other civilizations requires weapons and then there is always somebody who wants to use those weapons to boost its position. We can think that the civilization that attacks other civilizations cannot hear criticism. And that thing might be visible throughout the entire society. 

The authoritarian dictators are controlling those civilizations. When the outside enemies are gone there is sooner or later an internal fight for power or civil war. If the hypothetical civilization would reach the multi-stellar level there is the possibility that the war between worlds starts between the central world and its colonies. 

There is a couple of things that the interstellar civilization must-have. Before it can destroy its competitors on a galactic level. 

1) It must have the ability to interstellar travel

2) Another civilization must be close enough

3) The civilization must not accept other civilizations. 

4)The civilization must have the will to destroy other civilizations. 

5) The civilization must be immature and thoughtless. The actions like destroying other civilizations cause fear. And that thing can have internal problems in that kind of civilization. 

The war between the stars doesn't mean the war between civilizations or war between races. It can mean a war between the capital of the hypothetical civilization and its colonies. 

The thing is that those three things are the thing that fights against this "firstborn takes all theory".  

During the SETI program is made the profile of civilizations that would make aggressive contact. And the thing is that the sad thing is this. The most aggressive civilizations are young civilizations. That just created their first interstellar systems. 

Those civilizations are believing their force. And they are in a sense of strength. But there is only little possibility that the civilization that just made its first interstellar spacecraft will even face another civilization. There could be about 39 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy. But the distance between those civilizations would be enormous. 

But if the civilization that just made its first interstellar spacecraft faces the primitive species temptation may become too great. And that civilization can make a massacre. 

For creating interstellar technology, the civilization must solve its internal problems. Interstellar projects require very large-scale investments. And even if the civilization doesn't use money. There is needed lots of resources and a workforce. 

There is the possibility that the other civilizations would not be close enough. So the civilization must make advanced interstellar technology for reaching another civilization. And that means the civilization must be mature enough for making that type of contact.

And that means that at least another part of the hypothetical interstellar conflict should be a multi-stellar civilization. 

But when we are thinking about the war between multi-stellar civilizations we must realize how dangerous those wars are. There is the possibility that even another civilization will win and destroy the other. There are always some outposts that are creating new forces and then they might attack the winner. 

The thing is that even the planets are hostile to lifeforms that we know. We must realize that technically advanced civilizations can live on almost every kind of rocky planet. They can create underground tunnels. And underwater stations.

Even if red dwarfs are not allowed a good chance. That lifeform can advance on their planets. Technically advanced civilizations can benefit the solar energy from the dayside of locked planets. And the ocean planets also allow using of the power systems that benefit the capillary power. 

Engineers introduced this power source during the oil crisis in the late 1970s. The system is a raft where is the tube. Which other end in the deep sea. The underpressure will pull the water through the generator. The reason why that project was dispanded. Was that some people believed that the water layers in the ocean will mix. And that causes problems for the ecosystems. But that kinds of things are not problems if there are no lifeforms on the planet. 

See also: 

Drake's equation

Fermi Paradox

Human evolution


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The information could have a mass.

The information itself has a mass some scientists claim. And that thing causes an idea that maybe dark matter is some kind of empty bag or flat quantum field that travels in the universe. 

Researchers say that information has a mass. The thing that makes the mass of the information is the wave movement of the quantum fields. If we store information the things like electrons and protons. We must use wave movement for that thing.  The wave movement is affecting the mass of the particle. 

And the thing is that if we would aim the wave movement to the particle long time enough. That particle transforms into a black hole. This thing is an interesting thing to think about the form of material and its relationship to information. Some scientists claim that dark matter is information itself. And the idea of that is that dark matter is like some bag that travels through space. 

So is the dark matter like some kind of empty balloon? Which travels in space. The idea is that the darl matter is the remnant of some particle that turned into a 2D structure. 

The reason that dark matter doesn't interact with the material is that. It travels through the quantum fields of the material.  We can demonstrate this idea by comparing dark matter with an empty balloon. 

In this example, the material is like the mangle. The quantum fields of the material are rotating like the rolls of the mangle. And if we are putting the empty balloon to the mangle that doesn't cause resistance.

Image) "Artist impression. Of the observed out-of-equilibrium criticalities in graphene superlattices. The image illustrates the electron-hole creation process that occurs after electrons are accelerated to very high velocities. (Courtesy: Matteo Ceccanti and Simone Cassandra)" (Physicsworl/Schwinger effect seen in graphene)

The Schwinger effect can make long-term quantum entanglement possible. 

The Schwinger effect is the first time seen in graphene. And that thing can make the smaller and more effective quantum computers possible. One version of the system that increases the quantum system resistance is increasing the power of electricity which covers the outcoming effect under it. 

At this point, I must say that Swchwinger-effect is not the only way to create long-term quantum entanglement. In the Schwinger effect or Schwinger mechanism, electron-positron pairs form spontaneously in the extremely strong magnetic field. 

The idea of the Schwinger effect is that the material formed because of the effect of the strong electromagnetic field. That thing makes limits on the system. 

And if those positrons and electrons are in a strong electric field they or their quantum fields are rotating in opposite directions. That thing can cause the wave-particle duality. The Schwinger effect can use to create sterile particles that are useful to use in quantum computers. 

But the electron-positron pairs or positronium can use to create the long-term quantum entanglement. At first, the electrons that are trapped in graphene or Wigner crystals are affected by laser rays that should form the stable electron-positron pair. Then the data will transport to that particle pair by shooting it with photons. The energy of protons is traveling through the superpositioned electron-positron pair.


How does information travel in quantum systems?

The image above this text introduces the neural network. When information arrives in the neural network that thing faces the prime mover. The information raises the energy level of the prime mover. And that thing means that the prime mover rises to a higher energy level than other individuals in the quantum system. 

Then the energy that contains information starts to flow across the quantum system. Because the energy level of the prime mover is higher than in other places of the system. That means the prime mover turns more dominant. And it causes the oscillation will spread across the quantum system. 

There are two conditions for successful data transmission.

1) The transmitting system must be at a higher energy level than receiving system. 

2)The information in transmission must have the ability to create resonance for the prime mover of the system. 

When a quantum system will transmit information the prime mover must step to a lower energy level. That allows the other participants of the quantum system can transfer their oscillation to the prime mover. Then the prime mover will transmit the information forward. 

The receiving quantum system must be at a lower energy state than the transmitting quantum system. And the particles that are receiving the information must have the capacity to oscillate or resonate with the receiving information. 

Information travels always between quantum systems in the same way. The transmitting system that is at a higher energy level sends wave movement or information. Then the receiving system that is at the lower energy level starts to resonate with the wave movement. At the first, the data bridge forms between prime movers. 

And then the information will start to spread over the quantum system. The reason why extremely cold antennas are most capable to capture signals is that. The lower energy radiation can transfer itself into that antenna. If the antenna is at a higher energy level than the incoming radiation the radiation will get more energy and jump back from the antenna. 

And by the way. Also, black holes can form the quantum system. 

So how the spider net of the wormholes can form? 

Black holes can form the quantum system like all other particles. So information should act in the cloud of black holes as it acts in all other quantum systems. 

The wormholes are an extreme example of information transmission. The information acts in the black hole network as it acts in all other quantum systems. The prime mover or the black hole that is at the highest energy level of the system starts to oscillate. And the oscillation will transfer to other black holes that are at lower energy levels. 

Even if the black holes cannot oscillate and resonate themselves the material disk around them can oscillate and resonate. So the energy that causes resonance in the transition disk will be transmitted to the black hole. And then, it causes resonation or changes in the energy level of the event horizon. 

The idea of the spider net of the wormholes is that the black holes are forming the network that is connecting them with other black holes. That theory was introduced in the 1970s. And the thing is that this kind of thing is one of the most brilliant and also incredible ideas in history. 

In that idea radiation that comes from black holes is making a series of black holes. That is superpositioned and entangled. This theory allows for the transport of information at a very high speed between stars and even galaxies. So the thing is that this kind of thing allows bringing information from long distances by benefiting those black holes.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The black hole information paradox.

The idea is things like the cosmic spiderweb of wormholes are not new. But that idea is taken under serious observation in the few last years. The black hole information paradox is that a black hole destroys information. 

But nothing can destroy information itself. When we are thinking about the case where information drops into the black hole. We might think that a black hole destroyed that information because information vanishes from our eyes. The event horizon closes information out from our universe. And we can get that information back only when the black hole vaporizes. Or information travels out from it through the wormhole. 

So even if we cannot see information and make contact with it through the event horizon. The information that fell into the black hole still exists. Without depending on the form of the information that traveled through the event horizon.

And the black hole just closes it away from the observer.  But the thing is that inside the black hole time should move backward. The reason for that is that the escaping velocity in the black hole is higher than the speed of light. That thing turns the clock moving backward. 

So the information should come out from the point in space and time where the black hole formed. That means that the supernova that created the black hole also releases information that the black hole stores during its existence. 

So what if the information paradox of black holes would be in the form "black holes are chancing the form of the information or cuts the information so small pieces that it cannot take its original form".  That seems much better than just saying "black holes destroy information". 

When we are talking about black holes and information. We sometimes say that a black hole is like some powerful chipper. The chipper destroys paper. But if we have enough time, we can remake those papers again. That means paper and the information in that paper still exists. 

Even if we will put the papers in small pieces. And put them in different trash cans around the city there is the possibility that somebody finds those bites. And then our hypothetical super puzzle-maker puts them together. 

So the thing is that information just changes its form. Even if the wormhole's diameter is smaller than gluon it can carry wave movement. The problem with the observation of that phenomenon is a little bit complicated because nobody has ever seen a wormhole yet. 

The problem is that the material, or rather saying, information travels in a wormhole without the ability to interact with its environment. The wormhole is the whirl of radiation that closes the space inside it. The reason why there is no cosmic speed limit is that there are no crossing quantum fields. 

So the information itself can travel through the wormhole. But the form of information can be wave movement. The idea is that a black hole cuts information that is in particle form into pieces that it's hard to return in their original forms. Or the massive gravitation or electromagnetic radiation that surrounds the black hole will pull the particle to flat and turn it into wave movement. 

And when that flat particle will come out of the wormhole it impacts the quantum field that turns it back into a ball-shaped particle. So information can travel across the wormhole. But the problem is can the information return to its original form? 

Science and thinking are advancing. 

Today we know that science and theories are not complete. There is also a need for new formulas and new ways to think. Today we know that we may be ever can connect quantum mechanics, quantum physics, and classic physics in one theory that can operate in all places. There are always places where the conditions are so different than in the so-called normal or flat universe. 

When we are talking about regular material as an example, we are talking about visible material. But when we are looking at things like dark matter we must realize that we can see only 15% of the material. So by thinking that way, dark matter is the thing that we should call "common" or "regular material". 

If we are living in some northern land we might think that all people have white skin. The reason for that is simple we are seen only white people around us. But the fact is that. In the global environment, white European-looking people are a minority. The thing that we see only one type of thing is making us believe that the thing we see is very common or the only thing that exists. 

Let's take another example of the information that distorts reality. Maybe, we can think of the case. That we are members of some motorcycle gang. We know only people who have the same lifestyle as us.  So we might think that all people in the community are members of motorcycle gangs. We might think that everybody has a motorcycle. That is the social information paradox.

Why did Agatha Christie vanish in December 1926?

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) in 1926 (left) and 1958 (right). 

On a cold December night in 1926, famous novelist Agatha Christie, the creator of the beloved fictional detective characters Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple vanished for 11 days. Police recorded the vanishing on (probably) December 5, 1926, when they found her car empty. In stories ever mentioned, were those policemen in uniform? 

Or were those cops who found car civilian-clothed policemen or detectives? She went out in the evening on December 4 with an attaché case. And she returned home 11 days later. Sometimes people asked, what was in that attaché case? Was there some kind of new manuscript? 

And where she was those 11 days?  There was some kind of rumors about other hotels. When searchers found Agatha she was easy to transport to the hotel where searchers found her officially? So was there some other hotel where she spent time? That could explain why the hotel crew didn't report that visitor to the police. 

 She wrote detective stories and married an army colonel Archibald Christie. So when that writer's car was found empty and her purse and other personal stuff including her driver's license was in the car the search began immediately. Agathe Christie was found in the hotel eleven days later and in the hotel book, she wrote a different name. The name that Agathe used was Mrs. Tressa Neele from Cape Town.  Didn't the hotel crew ask for any ID? Agatha must have an ID in some other pocket. But why the crew didn't call to police when they saw that Agatha was wanted? 

The question about that 11 days vanishing is that people were a worry. About 15 000 people took part in the search operation. The thing is that the hotel crew recognized Agatha Christie. But for some reason, they didn't tell that thing to authorities. The eleven days of disappearing was big news. And the family of Agatha Christie told to press that she had memory problems. 

Was Agatha Christie face some kind of (alien) abduction? 

If somebody or something abducted Agatha Christie, what happened during that 11 days? What was the motive?  And was the amnesia true, or did she act that thing? And if amnesia was true. What caused that thing? If amnesia was fake what did those people like colonel Christie hide? And why did Agatha ever tell about that thing later? 

The real reason for that vanishing remains a mystery. There sometimes speculated that the divorcing from col. Christie caused nervous problems for Agatha. Another and more creepy explanation is that Agatha was abducted. The thing is that the abduction experiences are the thing that seems like similar cases with Agatha Christie vanishing. 

The person's car is empty. There is often purse and ID papers. And when the person will return there is no memory mark or no memories of what happened. The case of Agatha Christie vanishing is a mystery. The famous novelist took her secret to the grave. But legends remain. Why hotel crew didn't call the police? Or how is Agatha allowed to get the room without ID papers? Or did she have ID papers in another place than in her purse? 


Monday, March 28, 2022

Free will, quantum mechanics, and quantum spiritism are interesting philosophical things.

Above this text is a surrealistic painting. Or, the image of the surrealistic painting. That painting is the dream world that can be existed only in the imagination. But when we are thinking about the imagination as an abstract thing. That is separated from reality we might be wrong. Or at least partially wrong. Dreams are the one version of imagination. We cannot separate dreams from reality. 

And even if dreams are surrealistic and happen in the virtual world of imagination. We must realize that those things are real for the sleeper. That is the imaginational world we can be everything that we want. And surrealistic paintings and other surrealistic art are one way to make those virtual worlds visible to other people. 

As you might understand, we ever can use free will. All things that we can do are connected with natural laws. But can we imagine or think about what we want? The things that we think are connected with our environment and our knowledge. Thinking is the virtual world where we can make virtual things like travel to other stars. That way to think is called imagination. But also imagination is the way to connect the bites of information to virtual characters. And that's why even imagination is not a free thing. 

When we are thinking possibility to cross the speed of light as an example we can think of the possibility to create the wave movement that travels between quantum fields of atoms and subatomic particles. But another way to think about that thing is that we are making conditions where all particles are traveling at the same speed. And that thing means that the photons must travel in that area faster than outside that area. 

And one of those areas is the black hole. In the black hole, the gravitational effect that causes the escaping velocity that is higher than the speed of light makes it possible that all particles are traveling faster than light. That thing is one of the most interesting things in black holes. But even in a black hole, we have no free will. We can travel only in one direction. And that is to the middle of the black hole. 

We don't know how to get out of that place. Or actually, we are facing an interesting phenomenon where time moves backward. And that means we will come out from the black hole when it was born. So the supernova that formed the black hole will release our hypothetical astronaut out from the singularity. 

But then we are going to think of the spiritual things. 

The idea of quantum spiritism is interesting. The smallest know bite of information is quark or gluon. The fact is that elementary particles exist from the beginning of time. Or maybe the particles of dark matter are even older than the universe. The idea is that those particles can store information like qubits are storing it in a quantum computer. 

There is a theoretical possibility. That those small-size qubits can deliver so powerful electric impulses that our neural system could detect them. That thing requires that there is so large a cloud of those particles that the nervous system can detect those radio- or electric oscillations that are left from those particles. But is that thing real? Nothing denies that possibility. 

The idea of simulated reality is not new. That thing is connected with the philosophical question, "what is the purpose of life". So sometimes is introduced an interesting theory that the purpose of life is to get or collect data for some entirety. 

When we are thinking about that theory from the point of view of metempsychosis. We are facing interesting philosophical thoughts. So the soul is the electric phenomenon that is dumped into the entirety of what we can call "Brahman" or "Matrix" when its host's mission is done. And the most capable of those souls or EEG curves get the new host. And that is the origin of the simulated reality hypothesis. This idea is taken from Hinduism. 

When we think about human brains there are many things. That we don't know. One of the most interesting things is that brain cells activate before and after death. That thing is proven when the person died in the MRI scanner. And a similar thing is seen in the EEG curves of the dying patients. People who have  "near the death" experiences described that they met their beloved dead family members. And maybe that thing is made for making death easier. 

I know that the thing that I next write might seem very ridiculous or weird. But that change of brain activity and near-the death experiences are looking like some kind of memory dump. Like something sends that data to somewhere. 

I think that this feels weird or creepy. But the thing is like something that erases the memory blocks of the neurons on purpose. During the first pike, the memory that is stored in the brain is erased. And then something checks that erasing is done. This is the way how the computer system operators work. When they remove data from the old system. 

There must be some reason for that. Nothing happens in the human body without purpose. And that's why this type of phenomenon must research more.

Wormholes can make the stable quantum channel in quantum computers.

Wormholes could make it possible to create stable quantum entanglement. But the problem is that nobody is made the quantum-size wormhole between quantum-size black and white holes. But virtualization of the wormhole is possible. 

Theoretically, things like wormholes between quantum-size black holes and white holes can make it possible to create the most powerful quantum computers that ever be possible to make. The problem is that aiming the direction of the quantum-size wormhole is difficult and the system requires enormous energy mass. 

The wormhole can aim by using superpositioned and entangled particles. And the creation of the required black hole can make by pressing the electron or proton in the middle of the ball-shaped chamber. That system can be possible somewhere in the future. 

Fullerene nanotubes inside maser-rays could use as virtual wormholes.

Fullerene nanotubes inside maser-rays could use as virtual wormholes. The maser ray protects the nanotube against outcoming radiation. And the quantum entanglement can form through that miniature fullerene channel. 

But the fullerene nanotubes are making it possible to make the virtual wormhole between the objects. The idea of the use of carbon nanotubes is that the quantum computer system basing on the idea that the carbon nanotube protects the qubit or quantum entanglement against the outcoming effects. The quantum entanglement can form through the nanotube. 

If researchers want to make it easy that energy in the virtual wormhole travels to one direction they can put Bose-Einstein condensate at another end of the nanotube. And that causes the effect where energy travels to the side of the Bose-Einstein condensate.

And if the maser ray will travel around that nanotube channel there is the possibility to make the virtual wormhole. In that virtual wormhole would be no crossing electromagnetic fields because maser rays that travel outside the nanotube deny access to natural quantum fields in that tube. That thing protects the qubit against the outcoming effect. 

The quantum computer could use the electrons that travel between laser impulses as the qubits. In that kind of system. Is easy to deny electromagnetic turbulence. The laser ray will aim at the electron. And it will push the electron through the nanotube or virtual wormhole. 

See the next terms: 

Black hole

Quantum entanglement 

White hole 


The new quantum inventions can use to make more powerful quantum computers.

"Rydberg parity QAOA protocol. Arbitrarily connected optimization problems can be parity encoded in a regular geometry of neutral atoms trapped in, e.g., optical tweezers. After initializing the Rydberg quantum processor in an equal superposition state. "

"Generating variational wave functions by applying QAOA unitaries. Only requires local control of laser fields generating quasilocal four-qubit (square boxes) and single-qubit gates (disks). Credit: Physical Review Letters (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.120503" (Phys.Org/Researchers develop quantum gate enabling investigation of optimization problems)

The main problem with a quantum computer is the input-output process. The computer or Turing's machine is useless without the ability to introduce information to the user. The quantum gate that is introduced above this text can make the communication between the quantum and binary systems more flexible. 

There are three main problems with quantum computers.

1) How the system can transfer data between quantum and binary systems. That ability is required is that screens and keyboards are using binary systems. The quantum computer is used through binary systems that input and output data in and from the quantum systems. 

2) Quantum computers are sensitive against outcoming effects like electromagnetic radiation. And even gravitational waves can disturb the quantum system. 

3) Quantum entanglement stays only a short time. The quantum entanglement stays for about ten seconds. After that, the system must reform that thing. 

That's why data must store in fast-operating quantum memory units until it can be driven back to a re-adjusted quantum system. Without that ability, quantum computers cannot handle long-term calculations. 

Also, even if long-term quantum entanglement is possible. Data must be backup copied. The reason for breaking the quantum entanglement could be a sudden electromagnetic impact like an eruption of the sun. Or gravitational waves can break the quantum entanglement. 

So how the quantum computers can be easier to use? 

The single-photon source that paves the way for quantum encryption is an interesting tool. That thing makes it possible to make quantum computing much easier. 

In that system, the data will load to single photons. That is launched into a quantum computer. And then those things will superposition and entangled. The single-photon source can use to transmit data to the single electrons. 

That kind of vision is interesting. And the single-photon source can make it possible to transmit data in qubit form over long distances. For long-distance data transmission. Those information carrier photons must cover against outside effects. And in that information photons will load into the laser ray. And then the laser ray will transfer them to the receiver. 

The lasers or photons can also derail electrons through graphene. The photon will push electrons between the graphene layers. Then the photonic interaction will pump the data from the electron to the photons that are the heart of quantum computers. And the data that those superpositioned and entangled photons are carrying will transfer back to electrons and then to graphene. 

The quantum gate that suppresses the data from the multi-qubit system to one qubit will make it possible to create better interaction between binary and quantum systems. The system benefits the Rydberg atoms in its operations. And that thing can make the quantum computer easier to use. The new quantum gate can help to optimize the communication between qubits and binary systems. 

There are many problems with quantum computers. One is noise or turbulence. Superpositioned and entangled photons are very sensitive against outcoming effects. And one way to increase the resistance of quantum computers is to increase the power of the quantum system.  

A Quantum computer's radiation will push disturbing radiation away from the computer. Another way is to use some heavier particles like protons or electrons for making quantum entanglement. 

The problem with those heavier particles is that they are reacting to magnetic fields. The new programmable quantum sensors also make it easier to separate the information from multi-stage qubits and transfer it to the binary system.  

So the quantum entanglement must protect by using powerful magnetic fields. Those kinds of magnetic fields are used in the fusion tests. And they can make the points of the heavy-particle quantum entanglement stable.


Should we choose the Theory of Special Relativity or the Theory of General Relativity?

The fact is that which formula we should use depends on the gravitational field. The gravitational field causes the curvature of spacetime. But when we should choose the Theory of General Relativity or Theory of Special Relativity? The curvature of the spacetime must be strong enough that the Theory of General Relativity can give the right answers. 

Some people say that the Theory of Special Relativity and the Theory of General Relativity should be renamed oppositely. The Theory of General Relativity handles particles' behavior in strong gravitational fields or curving spacetime. The Theory of Special Relativity handles the behavior of particles in a weak gravitational field or straight spacetime. 

The idea of curvature of spacetime means that every single material particle is in a gravitational pothole. And the curvature of spacetime is like the edge of the pothole. 

The theory of Relativity is two theories.

1) Theory of Special Relativity is a suitable tool for calculating speed in straight spacetime. 

2)Theory of General Relativity gives the right answers when the particle is in the strong gravitational field. 

In straight spacetime, the Theory of Special Relativity is a useful tool. So in a weak gravitational field, the Theory of Special Relativity is still an effective tool. But when the pothole that gravitation makes is deep enough the Theory of General Relativity turns to get the effect in calculations. 

Some people say that we need a new gravitational theory. But for that theory should be some kind of evidence. And the remarkable thing is that those two theories that were made in 1905 and 1916 are still unbreakable. Maybe quantum computers and new telescopes are finding errors in those brilliant masterpieces. 

See also:

Theory of General Relativity

Theory of Special Relativity

A couple of writings of black holes

An interesting idea of the formula E=mc^2

When we are thinking about the formula E=mc^2



c=the speed of light

Does that formula note the situation where an object itself moves to a speed that is near the speed of light and there will impact more energy? In the case, where the object orbits a black hole just at the point of the event horizon, its speed can increase the speed of light. 

And then there is coming energy impulse from the side of the object. That thing causes the energy level will rise to the level. That is higher than the object gets at the speed of light. That energy impact is called the virtual cross of the speed of light. In real life that impact will push objects inside the black hole. 

In the cases that the escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light, the speed of photons and other particles is the same. When the particles are inside the event horizon. They are all traveling at the same speed. And if we think that the speed is also the relative thing. That depends on the difference in the speed of the objects. So if the speed of photons and other objects is the same the difference between their speed is zero. 

So relatively saying the behind the event horizon speed of a photon is zero if we compare it with the speed of other objects. In black holes is not speed like we think that thing. And behind the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light. All objects and wave movements travel in the same way with the same speed. 

What if we would drop in the black hole? The thing that makes black holes different than other places in the universe is that all movement travels to the direction of the center of the black hole. 

So in the black hole, all particles are traveling in the same direction with the same speed. That means there is no mutual speed between them. That kind of situation is impossible in our universe. There is always radiation that comes to us or that comes sideways.

But if we want to think about the situation that all particles are traveling at the same speed in the same direction we would not see the person who is in front of us. Or we cannot see either the person who is behind us. All objects in that strange world would be alone. 

Because photons and wave movement are sent from them are surrounding those objects. Because everything travels at the same speed even photons cannot reach an object. That is behind or ahead of the object then sends radiation. 

If an object is diagonally angled to the movement direction of the observer. There is the possibility that the observer can see the photons that are seen sideways or horizontally against the trajectory.

 Or if we know that there is some object at the side of us can touch that object. But we cannot see that object because the photon cannot reach us. We could see the flash from the object that is diagonally ahead of us. The reason for that is that the photon that moves sideways or follows the track that is the cone can impact us. 

If we are thinking the case that the particle is traveling with the speed of a photon. And we want to compile the speed of light with the speed of the object that travels with the same speed with photons the difference between the speed of photons and other particles is zero. 

And that means if the object travels with the speed of photons. There is no interaction between the object and photons. The photons and wave movement cannot reach the object and the wave movement can escape from the object only sideway to its track. 

Or the gravitational field of the object can pull the particles and wave movement to its core by curving the wave movement that travels on the side of the object.  This is the key element when we try to analyze what happens in the strange world inside the black hole.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

How the hypothetical universe where time moves backward might form?

We believe that the origin of our universe was in the Big Bang the great explosion that released material to space and time. When the universe was extremely young. It looked a little bit like a quasar. There is the possibility that there was some kind of asymmetry in the eruption of material. 

And the reason for that might be that the object that released material had some kind of polar structure like black holes has. The polarised object could be from the material jet that is similar to that quasar's release. But that jet was much larger. The universe is surrounded by plasma or a quantum bubble that pulls energy from inside the universe. And that energy movement causes the expansion of the universe. 

Everything happens in the opposite order in the anti-universe. The reason for that is that the birth of the anti-universe began from the core. Inside the core of the anti-universe was the electromagnetic vacuum. 

And the wave movement started to drop in that EM-vacuum because energy travels always from the highest energy level to the lower energy level. So because the wave movement travels to the center of the anti-universe. We cannot see that thing. The electromagnetic vacuum will pull all wave movement inside the anti-universe. 

And the reason for that is simple. The core of the hypothetical anti-universe is at the highest energy level in that structure. In our universe, the inner areas of the universe are at a higher energy level than the core. 

Image 2) Quasar 3C 273 and its jet.

So when the material is released from the universe it lost a little bit of its energy. And that means that another universe has a lower energy level in its plasma field than our universe has. That means energy travels to another universe from our universe. 

The remarkable thing is that in that antiuniverse the plasma field is at a higher energy level than the inner space of the anti-universe is. And that causes that energy falls inside that bubble. The reason why the energy level in the anti-universe is higher than inside it is simple. That hypothetical antiuniverse started to form from the outside to the inside. 

And because wave movement travels to the center of the anti-universe. That thing means that the energy will load to particles inside the anti-universe. And that means time travels backward in that hypothetical universe. The material will turn younger until it cannot store any more energy or starts to release that energy. When material releases energy it turns older. 

And finally the theory about the timeless civilization. 

There is the possibility that somewhere inside the universe is a civilization that can live forever. That hypothetical civilization would cover its planet or entire solar system with a plasma ball that rotates with the speed of light. 

Then that plasma ball will shoot energy rays. And that thing makes the material turn younger. The virtual crossing of the speed of light can be made by putting the cylinder or ball-shaped object rotate with the speed of light. And then the energy rays will aim at that structure. Because the energy level inside that structure is lower than in its core. The wave movement travels only to the inside of the structure. 

And that thing can cause an effect where quantum fields of material will pump by extra energy. Another version is just to make the ball-shaped physical or ion-gas structure and then the EM radiation will impact that structure. There is the possibility that this thing can make energy travel in only one direction which is to the center of that ball. And that thing could load the quantum fields of the material with the new energy. So that kind of thing can make the material young again. 

If there are two layers in that plasma or quantum ball there is the possibility. That the wave movement travels in that electromagnetic vacuum. There could be the superpositioned electrons that are making it possible that energy can travel across that vacuum. 

And that thing makes that hypothetical solar system invisible.  The idea of some quantum stealth systems might be that the wave movement will put to travel inside the plasma or quantum bubble. And it travels only to the center of the bubble, which means the observer would not see the target, because the quantum bubble denies the reflection. 

Image 2)

The laptop computer broke in 53 hours an encryption code, which prevented to deny the quantum-computer attack.

This thing shows the weakness of quantum computers. The error handling and disturbing handling are not yet effective enough. And another thing is that quantum computers are not so usual things that they will turn to regular tools for programmers. 

The thing is that there are no programmers on Earth who have so-called large-scale experience of working with quantum computers. So without error-handling. There is a large number of errors in the program code and algorithms. That is made by using quantum computers. 

What part of the broken algorithm was made by using the quantum computer? That thing is not mentioned in the news. That is linked below this text. The fact is that the encryption codes that are made by using binary computers are useless against the quantum computer. 

There is the possibility that quantum computers are used only to generate the prime number that is used in the encryption process. If the algorithms are made by using binary computers. There would be no problem for breaking it with a quantum computer. 


The zero-point in the Riemann hypothesis causes the re-estimation of the encryption that uses prime numbers. 

The computers are using Riemann conjecture that is also known as Riemann conjecture for that purpose. There are zero points in that conjecture or "Zeta function". So there should be found some other way to create prime numbers. 

Image: Zero-points in Riemann hypothesis. 

"The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function, along with the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first nontrivial zeros can be seen at lm(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022, and ±25.011". (Wikipedia/Riemann hypothesis)

Even if there is a zero-point in Riemann's conjecture in the point Re(s) 1/2. There is a possibility to generate prime numbers by using this formula. If there are only a couple of zero points. Into the program code must just involve a command. That denies using of those points. ("Don't use the point Re(s)=1/2)" would be the command). 

But as you see from the film at the top of this text there are five zero points in the Riemann zeta function that is also known Riemann hypothesis and Riemann conjecture. There is the possibility that there are more zero points. And if the Riemann Zeta function is used in the encryption algorithm. Those points should involve to "don't use list". 

But in higher-level encryption that is needed in the most secured data transmission, there is the possibility that Riemann conjecture or hypothesis is not enough to reach the Pretty Good Privacy level in the highest secured data transmission. 


The hacker cannot predict time what breaking the algorithms takes. 

When we are thinking that the hacker uses 53 hours to crack some algorithm we must remember one thing. Before the code-braking process, the hacker cannot predict how long that process takes. So when the code braking process begins the system can handle that problem from one minute to 10000 hours. And as you see code-braking requires patience. 

But maybe quantum computers are not very common systems yet. Yet those systems are not creating the large-scale risk for the things like crypto-currencies. Those computers are in well-guarded laboratories. But in the future, the situation will change. 

The quantum computers turn more common. And those systems turn private-owned. Also, the experience of programming and error-handling in quantum computing will advance. And that makes it possible that quantum computers will scale themselves across the internet. When we are thinking about quantum computers. They will repeat the history of computers. The first computers were in laboratories. 

And they were used by very highly trained people. But then those systems turned more common, cheaper and finally, even ordinary people could find those things. The Apple's Lisa and IBM PC (Personal Computer) was the first breakthrough for computers. The second breakthrough was the pocket-size mobile devices or "smartphones". That allows people to be connected to the internet all the time. 

And then we might think that the quantum computers are following this way. Maybe sooner than we think we can see the quantum-personal computers in the supermarkets.


Are Ley-lines made accidentally, or are they made on purpose?


Image) The Malvern Hills in the United Kingdom, said by Alfred Watkins to have a ley line passing along their ridge (Wikipedia/Ley line)

Have you ever heard Ley lines? The fact is that many historical monuments are in straight lines. And the reason why those lines are made is a mystery. Are those lines made in purpose? Or is the location of those landmarks only an accident?

The Ley-lines are historic landmarks built into straight lines. Those landmarks are built at different times. And the question about those lines is are they built in purpose? Or are those locations in straight lines only a coincidence? The fact is that even if those historical structures are the built lines in purpose that thing might be made for some kind of positioning. 

We don't know, are Ley-lines made in purpose? 

1) If those Ley lines are made in purpose. The reason for that is that the old artificial landmark offers a good spot for surveyors. That point gives surveyors possible to put the buildings in the right place. 

2) If those lines are accidents. There is the possibility that the underground water flows are making the ground easier to dig in those lines. 

3) The Ley-lines might be shown route from somewhere to somewhere. They might be made landmarks for people who carried some documents or something like that. 

4) The most unbelievable explanation for the Ley-lines is that they are made for pointing the route of plasma balls. In that quite interesting idea, the plasma ball would make by using mirrors that heat the air. And then that plasma ball would start to travel in those lines. But as I wrote earlier that thing is theory. 

Like everything else that is written about this kind of thing. Nobody is sure why the Ley lines are made. Those lines can be a coincidence. Or they can be made for some unknown purpose. Maybe that purpose is to make the line that the traveler can follow. Or maybe those things are only landmarks for surveyors. Or maybe they are made above underground rivers. 

And that rising water keeps the air humid in those buildings. Or water ions that are mixed with some other ions are making the air easier to breathe inside those buildings. 

The old historic structures are offering a good landmark for surveyors. And that can give the natural explanation for those mystery lines. The fact is that the lines are true. But the thing that is a mystery is the reason why those sines are built. Are they built because the surveyors used some prehistoric monuments as a landmark? Or is there some other reason for that?

There is one non-proven claim about those lines.

Did somebody use them for creating electricity?

There is the possibility to make electricity by benefiting the magnetic field of Earth. The idea is that the long antenna can pull through the air. And the magnetic field of Earth inducts electricity into that antenna. In history, there was a radio receiver called "crystal radio". Those crystal radios were very popular before electricity turned more common. 

Crystal radios didn't need any other energy source than radio waves.  When electricity turned more common the amplifier radio ousted crystal radio. In amplifier radio. The sound was better than in crystal radios. And that made them more popular. But there is the possibility to make high-voltage electricity by using crystal radios. Those radios can connect to series or side-by-side. 

The crystal radios are turning topical again because of nanotechnology. The miniaturized crystal radios can use as a power source for nano-sized machines. And they can use to receive remote-control signals to those nanorobots. In nanotechnology, those systems can turn radio waves into electricity. And that electricity can use in nano-size engines and computers. 

Famous inventor Nikola Tesla introduced the idea that electricity can make by using Earth's magnetic field. In Tesla's idea, the only needed thing was the antenna that is long enough. So did those Ley-lines made to create electricity? The thing that is needed is long gold or iron wire. That inducts electricity from the magnetic field. 

One of the most interesting things in the claim is that the fire phenomenon is more common in the Ley lines than in other places. The theory claims that those lines are built for following the magnetic power lines of the Earth. That claiming might be just a coincidence. But in some theories, inside the stones of historic structures is iron crystals that can cause those fire phenomena. 

The idea is that. When the iron sticks are in a north-south position. The magnetic field of Earth will make them magnetic. And when the magnetic field is turning strong enough it starts to expand in that system. Sooner or later those magnetic crystals are starting to send the radio waves. If they cannot erupt their electric load to the ground. 

Those crystals can collect electricity from the magnetic field of Earth. Then they can send the radio waves through the air. If positive and negative radio waves are impacting each other. They are creating a stable electric channel. Then the magnetic field of Earth will pump energy to that radio bridge and sooner or later forms a plasma. The plasma ball travels in the magnetic power lines. The thing is that the ionized air between two towers is making perfect conditions for making the eruption channel to plasma ball. But can that thing explain Ley-lines?


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Superconductivity and collapsible power plant satellites can be the systems that can slow climate change.

Image 1) "Experimental data from trilayer graphene (bottom) shows two circular Fermi surfaces, creating a ring-like shape, in which the occupied electronic states lie (top). In unconventional superconductivity, the electrons are assumed to be “glued” together by interaction, not to be confused with their usual interaction of electrical repulsion. (Courtesy: IST Austria)" (Physicsworld/New explanation emerges for robust superconductivity in three-layer graphene). 

In that image, you can see that the outer electron is traveling the outer layer in the quantum field. And the inner electron is traveling near the structure. So the energy travels between those electrons from the outer quantum field to the inner quantum field. The idea is that the size of the outer quantum field is larger and its energy level is higher than the inner quantum field if the inner quantum field is lower energetic. 

When electrons prowl the outer quantum field it travels a longer journey than the electron, which travels in the inner quantum field. More energy is transmitted in it than to electron that travels in the inner quantum field. So the structure inside the inner quantum field can turn lower energy by cooling it with the Bose-Einstein condensate. 

The superconductivity with three-layer graphene can be more fascinating than we ever imagine. The reason for that phenomenon could be that the up and below the middle graphene layer would make the pressure effect that denies the oscillation of the middle layer. 

The resistance is extremely low in 2D materials. Because the wires are so thin, oscillation in that kind of material has no similar effect with the oscillation in regular wires. That thing makes that three-layer graphene structure superconducting. The superconducting materials are interesting. 

They can use in quantum computers but those superconducting materials are suitable to use in the systems that are synthesizing energy from the radio waves. The superconductivity can be very interesting if that thing is connected with Lorentz Butterfly. The Lorentz butterfly would be the superconducting antenna, that pumps energy to the system. The idea of that thing is that the energy level will rise in the system until it can transfer somewhere. 

The 2D graphene and the systems that can transform radio waves can use as an energy source in long-term space missions. Those systems don't need nuclear fuel. But the problem is how high voltage those systems might have the ability to create.


Collapsible power plant satellites can be in use sooner than we expect. 

The thing is that the kilometer-size structure that is launched in one shot for testing the artificial gravitation can work as a pioneer for creating large-size space structures. Artificial gravitation doesn't mean that its strength is the same as the gravitation on Earth. The purpose of gravitation is to anchor objects to their positions. And the benefit of artificial gravitation is that it anchors also non-magnetic objects like flowerpots to layer. 

The kilometer-size space structure can also be the pioneer for power plant satellite structures. The idea is that the large-size solar panels can be like small scaly silicon cells that are on the large mylar layer. That structure can make the power-plant satellites possible. 

The mylar structure can connect to the power delivery unit. And the system can transmit energy to Earth by using lasers or radio masers. The energy transmission would happen by targeting that radiation to antennas. That kind of system is more flexible than the systems that are planned in the 1970s. The power plant satellites are introduced for the choice for use of fossil fuel. And maybe they are real sooner than we expect. 

Some people resist that technology. Because those satellites can also use as killer satellites. And they can create megawatt-scale electromagnetic radiation that can affect ICBM swarms and those systems can also be dangerous for cities. Even if that satellite cannot destroy the houses or melt stone on the ground. It can form powerful EMP-pulses.


What is inside a black hole? (Fuzzball theory, negative energy, and wormholes).

The thing is that the area behind the event horizon is the place where all particles and radiation or wave movement travels to the center of the black hole with the same speed. The black hole is the only place in nature where all particles like the proton and other particles are traveling at the same speed with photons. 

The black hole is not empty. It's full of negative energy. That negative energy travels to one direction that is in the middle of the black hole. There is the possibility that the black hole will break protons and neutrons but it cannot destroy the information itself. It can break electrons, protons, and neutrons into quarks and turn them to wave movement. But the wave movement that formed those particles still existed. And particle-wave duality means that the wave movement can return to the particle form. 

There is a theorem that the black hole might have hair that destroys the information. The hair would be billions of miniature black holes or superpositioned particles that are acting like whips. And those things might destroy information. The fact is that there could be black holes that have and have no hair. So if the black hole rotates fast enough the hair would turn smooth. 

So what is fuzzball? That means the black hole has thorns.

The black hole is the most intensive thing in the universe. The point where the escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light is precise. That means that even the smallest changes of distance from that point called event horizon mean that the photon can escape from the gravitational field. 

Those thorns are the thing that should bring energy outside the black hole. The idea is that some particles are superpositioned and entangled between heavier particles. And that causes an effect where the heavier particle will fall through the event horizon. In that case, the superpositioned and entangled particle pair could transmit energy outside the black hole. 

The rotation speed of a black hole is near the speed of light. And if some particle is traveling through the event horizon. That thing causes that wave movement can escape from that point because the black hole throws that thing outside. 

And what forms the hypothetical wormhole? When the black hole forms some particles that are in the center of exploding stars. Are making superpositions and entanglement with particles that are at the outer core of the star. The energy of the supernova is enormous. And the particle pair would form the bridge through the event horizon. 

The energy level in the center of the black hole is enormous. And that means the information is starting to travel outside the black hole through that channel. The electromagnetic vacuum will pull the information out. The wave movement that travels in the channel keeps it open. And the core of that phenomenon can get energy from the event horizon. 

And because wave movement in the wormhole can travel only to the outside that causes the effect where the photon and other particles can travel at the same speed. In the middle of the black hole is the point where is no gravitation. 

The gravitation inside black holes is enormous. But it acts like all other gravitational fields inside the ball-shaped objects. And because in the very middle of Earth and other ball-shaped objects, the gravitation is zero. That means there should be that kind of point in the middle of the black hole. 

There is the possibility that the energy vacuum inside the black hole causes that material falls in it. 

So when we are thinking like this. We are facing an interesting theorem. The black hole will suck particles in it by using an electromagnetic vacuum. In this model, the event horizon is the area where the energy level is highest in the black hole. All material is not falling in the black hole and that material impacts at the poles of the black hole forming X- and gamma rays. And the energy level in the event horizon rises extremely high. 

But all energy is not traveling inside the black hole. It travels to the poles of the black hole. And the area inside the black hole is at a lower energy level than the event horizon. Energy travels always from the higher energy area to the lower energy area. And the same way gravitation should travel. 

Then the energy travels to the middle of the black hole and wormhole that is the energy channel out from the singularity. So the zero-gravitational point that should be similar to the zero gravitational point in Earth causes that energy is traveling inside the black hole. But the difference between energy levels between the core and center of the object is much higher in black holes than it's in Earth. 

The fuzzball is not a yarn ball where wave movement orbits the center of the black hole. 

The fuzzball is sometimes accidentally confused with a yarn ball. The yarn ball means that when particles are falling in the black hole. The intensive gravitation pulls them to wave movement. And then that wave movement continues its rotational track when it falls through the event horizon. 

The particle follows the trajectory in the whirl that surrounds the black hole. And that means. Particles and wave movements that form whirl around black holes. Continue their movement. by following the same trajectory that they used outside the event horizon.

Friday, March 25, 2022

A quantum neural computer can have antimatter in its brains.

A Quantum neural computer or 3D quantum neural network could be by using antiprotonic helium and positronium. The antiprotonic helium and positronium are extremely unstable things. That means the smallest mistakes can cause a devastating annihilation reaction. 

Antiprotonic helium can be the key to creating the 3D quantum network. The idea of this type of futuristic neural quantum computer is theoretically simple. The helium nucleus, along with antiprotons acts as the nucleus of the neurons. And the positronium when electron and positron are connected. Or protonium where antiproton and proton are orbiting each other acts as axons.

The problem is how to stabilize the positions of antiprotons and positronium? There is theoretically possible to use the magnetic fields to make that thing. The magnet pulls the antiproton away from the nucleus and anchors it to the right position. 

The power that the magnet uses must be the same. That keeps the antiproton at its trajectory. At the first, the information will transmit from antiproton to positronium. There the quantum entanglement will transfer it to the next antiprotonic helium. 

The positronium would be more suitable. Because antiproton and electrons don't cause annihilation if they touch each other. The data would transmit to that system by stressing helium nuclei by using electromagnetic radiation. The positronium would be easy to put in the right position. And then the superposition and entanglements are easier to form. 

But the practical solution of that kind of this kind of hybrid system is extremely hard to make. The needed mass of antiprotonic helium and positronium requires very much energy. And if something goes wrong the annihilation would be devastating. There is a theoretical possibility to make that kind of structure that hovers in its vacuum chamber in magnetic levitation. And the data can be input into that system by using electromagnetic radiation. 

The brightness of the EM-emission in that structure makes it possible that the sensors can observe the quantum structure and output the information. Maybe that kind of futuristic quantum computer can is put in the hologram. When the energy level of that system changes it causes interaction with the hologram. 

The positronium and protonium would be extremely good actors in quantum computers. They are easier to position at the right angle and if we want to stabilize those things. There is the possibility to use the magnets. That is put on both sides of the positronium or protonium. Then those magnets are put those antiparticle-particle pairs in the right position. And then the laser- or some other radiation would superposition and entangle those particles. 

That kind of system requires an extremely low temperature that eliminates the oscillation from the system. The thing is that the compact-size quantum computer can look like a little bit the electron microscope. The electron-positron pairs can be at both sides of that system. And they are trapped in the graphene net. 

The positrons must be at the middle of the holes in the graphene structure. The magnetic fields are keeping them hovering. That denies them to touch material. If positron touches the material that causes annihilation. Then the powerful EM-radiation would send lengthwise through that system. The fact is that this kind of system is extremely hard to create. And if there is a leak that causes powerful annihilation.

The models for the self-operating nanorobots are from nature.

Image 1) (Pinterst)

Biotechnology allows the creation of artificial DNA. That allows making the artificial bacteria for certain purposes. 

Bacteria are a good example of biorobots. DNA molecules control every single action of those things. But, there are not many operations that bacteria can do. The number of actions depends on the number of the DNA types of the bacteria. The things that are controlling bacteria are simple but effective. The size of the control code is not important. The important thing is how the system uses the code is important. There are not many base pairs in the DNA of bacteria. But those base-pairs are controlling their everyday actions very effectively. 

When some chemical sensor of bacteria faces some problem like an antibody. That thing triggers bacteria to create slime for its safety. And the thing that triggers that action is the small bite of DNA or RNA that the sensor creates when it faces something that might affect the bacteria. And that causes the bacteria can react to those things. 

The DNA plasmids are the brains of bacteria. They are chemical computer programs that are controlling the everyday actions of bacteria. Bacteria are a good example for the biorobots. They are controlled by the DNA molecules. And they can operate quite independently. 

The main problem with the small-size nanorobots is their small size. There should put the microprocessor the power source and the hard disk where is the data that the system uses. But the fact is that the smallest possible nanomachines are molecule-size systems that are using enzymes for the programs how to operate. 

To the surface of molecular nanomachine are the enzymes or nutrients that are making things like immune cells carry those nanomachines to the wanted target. 

Chemical programming like the series of certain enzymes can use to carry the molecular-size machines to the right point.  The idea is that certain chemicals are causing an effect that the enzyme is starting to move the molecule. And each enzyme or chemical on the core of the molecular machine is reacting with a certain counter chemical. That means the molecular machine can make certain series of operations. 

But the thing is that the nanomachine should have the ability to make more complicated operations there is the possibility to equip the bacteria with synthetic DNA plasmids. That DNA plasmid is like a chemical computer program that allows synthetic bacteria to make complicated operations. The genetically engineered bacteria can reprogram by chancing the DNA plasmid inside its core. 

The new AI-generated protein can wake silenced genes. And that thing makes it possible to create artificial bacteria that can make many things. The DNA inside those bacteria is like a computer program. And another genome can be for normal use. And another could be for special missions. Like searching and destroying harmful cells. That genome can be silenced. But when the researchers find harmful cells. That protein can activate the silenced genome. 

Image 2) 

The nano-size microprocessors and hybridization between robots and cloned neurons are making nanorobots more multi-use than ever before. If the robot uses cloned neurons as the biocomputers that means the robot needs nutrients. 

And that machine can take nutrients can be the blood cells where the nutrients are loaded. If the nanomachine swims in blood veins. That system can use the same nutrient as people.

Image two (Image 2) is  "the artistic depiction of DNA nanomachine with protein cargo, surrounded by other protein subunits in solution". ( nanomachines inspired by nature). 

But it could portray a nanomachine loader that uses a small generator. For delivering electricity to those machines. 

When we are thinking the autonomous nanomachines the problem is how to make the needed microprocessors and power source fit in the robot? There is the possibility that the nanorobot can be a small cyborg. The artificial structure can involve the cloned neuron that gives electricity to the small engines and computers in that small-size system. That system can be the hybridization between the neuron and the small-size machine. 

And nanotechnology makes it possible to create energy for extremely small-size systems. There is the possibility to use the hemoglobin and small gold plates to make electricity for the nano-size robots. The nano-size microprocessors can use similar technology. That the regular drone swarms are using. 

Drone swarms use decentralized data processing. Where microprocessors share their capacity. That makes it possible to create independently operating nano-robot swarms. For power supply is introduced the electric cells of the electric eel. Or there is the possibility that the energy delivery units are landing on the surface of neurons.

And those systems can also communicate between the neurons and transmit the control code to nanomachines. Or the nanomachine androids can use living neurons for delivering control signals and electricity for the robot. The possibilities of the nanomachines are limitless.

Image 2)

Thursday, March 24, 2022

The term "angel systems mean" powerful but also very vulnerable systems.

The angel symbolizes powerful and, at the same time, delicate things. So the angel is the symbol of an unknown force. The angel system means the system that is extremely powerful, extremely capable, but very easy to injure. The angel particle means the short-term, extremely high-energy particle. That sometimes is seen in particle accelerators. 

Superpositioned and entangled particles are needed in quantum computers as data transporters. But the problem with quantum entanglement is its short-living phenomenon. 

Normally quantum entanglement doesn't happen between particles. The quantum entanglement happens between the quantum fields of the particles. The thing that makes quantum entanglement so unstable is that the spin of the particles is rotation or the spin. If the electron's spin would be a full rotation that makes the quantum entanglement long-term phenomenon. 

The spin of an electron is 1/2. And that means the electron rotates 1/2 time around itself. Then it starts to return to the original position. So when the particle is spinning back it brakes the quantum field around it. That's why the spin of the particle pair must be synchronized. 

That movement will destroy the quantum entanglement. The thing is that the particles are rotating in opposite directions in the quantum entanglement. And if the power that is used to make that entanglement is too strong. The quantum entanglement is turning the spin of another particle into antimatter. 

One of the most powerful things in the universe is antimatter. The antimatter needs only touch from the "regular materials" and mirror particles are turning each other to radiation. 

But there is a combination of the regular material and antimatter. The most well-known of those combinations is positronium where the electron and positron are orbiting each other. And another is protonium where antiprotons and protons are orbiting each other. The orbiting speed keeps those particles away from each other. 

The thing that makes those combinations interesting is that they can use to store antimatter. But another thing that they can use is to make the superposition and entanglement between those particles. Because the antimatter particle positron is positive and the electron is negative the particle pair is easy to position at the right angle. The antiproton is the negative version of the positive proton. 

But the problem is that. The antielectron or positron ( or antiproton in protonium) is an extremely unstable particle. 

Wounded Angel by Hugo Simberg

Great Finnish painter Hugo Simberg painted this painting in 1903. Some people say that it inspired the civil war of Finland but the civil war was in 1918. The thing is that Hugo Simberg could not know about Civil War and Finnish independence that happened on December 6, 1917. 

Somebody has introduced that the painting symbolizes the people who were sent to Seili mental hospital. Or some other rendition about this painting is that those two boys are poor, they have only themselves. And then some girl talks to them. They feel that the girl who shows interest to them is an angel. 

But there is one thing that we forget. The angel can symbolize the unknown power that is not from this world. The term "angel" means the UFO signing. And in some stories, the sight of the angel will burn everything around them. 

So maybe Simberg tried to tell us that if we someday help people who are different. They can give us much more than we ever thought. 

The angel is a powerful and also delicate character. The same way things like nuclear reactors are powerful. But very easy to turn unstable. When nuclear reactors are operating with full power they are easy to push out from balance. 

Another thing that is the combination of power and delicate is a quantum computer. The quantum computer can make many things that are impossible for regular computers. But the system itself is very delicate and even gravitational waves can break the symmetry in the quantum computer that operates with the superpositioned and entangled particles.

The same way the most powerful organ in our body is powerful. But at the same time, it's vulnerable. The brains are things that are superior to all systems. They are the creators who can create same time good and bad things. 

Human brains can make machines and tools. But the human brains are also destructors. They are the place of the darkest fantasies that we can imagine. 

When human brains are making something they sometimes create destruction. Things like nuclear weapons can be destructors. But someday they can save the Earth. Nuclear technology is only one example of the things that are the same time creators and destructors.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...