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Machines are not racists. Human beings are racists.

The "shot spotter" system is very effective for locating the place of gunshots happens. The "shot spotter" cannot track people after gunshots are fired. It can make two circles around the location of gunshots.

Triangular metering determines the place where gunshots are located. Those circles are the possible distance of the shooter to the point where gunshots are located. Those distances are basing the average speed of a walking or running person or person who uses some vehicles. 

The "shot spotter" came into service in the 1990s. And there are more effective ways to locate the gunshot point. There is the possibility that when the shot spotter locates a suspected gunshot the system can send the drone to see what is going on. Or the system would aim the nearest surveillance camera to the point of suspected shooting. 

The new systems might base the networked systems like surveillance cameras and automatic drones that send to the point where shots are located. The system can base on the quadcopters that are around the city. And when that system locates suspected gunshot. It can send the quadcopter to see what is going on automatically. And that helps the field control to make sure about the situation before the patrol is sent. 

The acoustic system bases the microphones that are taking triangular metering. The reason why people are resists this system is that it makes the police more sensitive to use guns. The shot spotter sends information to the police HQ. And then the field leader will make a decision. Was the thing that is heard a gunshot or not? 

The shot spotter is a suitable system for the battlefield. But is it the same way suitable for city area? When the acoustic system detects a suspected gunshot. The field leader gets information about a gunshot that person has 80 seconds to decide to send or not to send the patrol. And then the reputation of the area has always an influence to decision. 

But the reputation and tales about the area. Always affect the actions of the law enforcers who go to that mission. If some area has a violent reputation. And the police are searching for an armed suspect. That thing causes the finger of the trigger to become too sensitive. And that causes deadly gunshots. If the attitude of a law enforcer is that the minorities are criminals. That will turn the risk of use of the gun even lower.  

If the decision is that the heard thing was a gunshot. The leader will send the patrol to the area. That will lower the limit to using the gun. Because the policemen will search the armed suspect. The thing is that the system is claimed to be unfair to ethnic minorities. When the suspected gunshot is heard in the neighborhood where the main population is a minority. 

This causes the patrol will send to the area more often than to the area, where the main population is white. But when we are thinking of the systems the weak ring in all chains is human. The thing is that the acoustic system heard the bang. That sound is not necessarily gunshot. Artificial intelligence can tell does some sound the serial fire of assault rifle. But the problem is that this thing needs artificial intelligence. 

The problem is not in the system that tracks possible gunshots. The problem is in people who are reacting to the cases. If the leader would not send patrols. That thing means humans made that decision. So the problem is not in the system itself. The problem is in the attitudes of people who use the system. 

Is there any kind of statistics that are telling how many phone calls to the emergency center cause that police to come to place? Or how many times police will not send because the on-call decides that the patron will not need to come? And how many of those decisions have been wrong? And how many of those 911-calls caused no reaction or where the patrol not sent was made because of gunshots?

The thing is that in the system where the decision of the reaction makes the human is vulnerable. If the leader will have racist opinions that are not the problem of computers. So why the system will not be allowed to send patrols to position automatically? The problem is that if the attitudes of police are racist. That thing always causes problems. The acoustic gunshot location system was the plan for making easier to find shooters. But the problem is the human who executes orders. When police will get information about the gunshot. Law enforcement must take those things seriously. They must prepare for the gunfight. 

And those situations are always stressful. Then somebody says "gun" and then there is a victim who had no gun. So after that, the internal affairs starts the investigation that takes as long as they want. The investigators were not in the dark street, where is the suspected armed criminal. Or the shooter claims that somebody saw a gun. Of course, there might be attitudes that some area is more violent. And that thing will cause the level to shoot people is lower than it should be.


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