Saturday, February 19, 2022

Could this thing make the "Sports model of Area-51" possible to operate?

Image: Pinterest

What if an annihilation reaction replaces the laser in that high-power ion-accelerator? The annihilation from the brightest light in the world. And that thing can use for making the next-generation aerial vehicles that are using plasma-ion thrusters for making them to flight. 

The graphene-laser-based high-energy ion accelerator can use to make the aerial vehicle act like the legendary "Area-51" sports model UFO. The idea is that the entire craft can be covered by using the graphene layer and the laser ray would replace by using the annihilation. 

That thing makes it possible to create the craft. Which the entire surface can cover by the ion thrusters. That thing makes it possible to create a craft. That can change its flight direction freely. The thing is that a high-power ion accelerator can be used as an ion engine, as I wrote recently. 

If researchers really will mount this kind of high-energy accelerating system in the probe. That operates at an asteroid belt or in the atmosphere of the other planets makes those probes extremely highly-maneuverable. 

Diagram 1)"(a) Schematics of the experiment. By irradiating a large-area suspended graphene target (LSG) with the ultra-intense J-KAREN laser, energetic ions are generated. (b) and (c) show the Raman spectrum and microscope image of graphene, respectively. (d) and (e) show the schematic drawing of stack detector using solid-state path trackers and Thomson parabola spectrometer (TPS), respectively. (g) and (f) show the typical data from TPS and stack, respectively. Credit: 2022 Y. Kuramitsu et al. Robustness of large-area suspended graphene under interaction with intense laser. Scientific Reports" (ScitechDaily, Graphene and an Intense Laser Open the Door to Extreme Energetic Ion acceleration)

But there is the possibility that this kind of system can be used in the Earth's atmosphere. That thing makes it possible to create an aerial vehicle that is extremely high-maneuverable. And also that thing makes it possible to create a stealth system that cannot be seen on the radar. 

The problem is how to make antimatter for the system? One version is to use a powerful magnetic field. That thing allows the system to pull protons or electrons through the thin gold layer. That thing turns some of those particles into anti-protons or positrons. And then that thing can use to make the extremely powerful light. 

The purpose of that light is to pump energy to the ions that are traveling in the system. The diagram of that graphene-based ion accelerator is above this text. And the explanations for the diagram are taken from

Diagram 1)

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