Monday, February 14, 2022

Microchip-controlled robot fish is a pathfinder for robotics and organ transplants.

The autonomous biohybrid fish made by human cardiac cells is opening new roads to create new hybrid organisms and cyborgs. It opens the new visions for making artificial organs for an organ transplant. There is the possibility that the next generation organ transplant. Bases genetically engineered pigs where the organs are grown. Or researchers maybe clone organs. By using the own cells of the human. There is the possibility that the cancer cells can use as the base for that kind of thing. 

The genomes of the wanted organ are taken from the cells that are forming the organ. Then they are turned into viruses that are injected into those cancer cells. The artificial virus can equip with the genetic code that makes the cell destroy its DNA. And then the virus can replace the genome by using synthetic DNA that transforms the cell into a wanted cell. 

But in some visions, the genetically engineered cells are the next-generation doping. The cardiac cells are extremely strong and that thing makes the visions create normal muscles by using cardiac muscle cells. And that thing is possible by making the genome transplant to the regular muscles. Also, genomes from the gorillas and reptilians like Anacondas can connect with human muscles. And that thing makes those muscles stronger than anything before. 

The cloned organs and muscle cells can connect with robots. The living tissues allow making flexible structures. That makes it possible to create the cyborg animals like robot fishes and birds. Microchip-controlled animals can be the next-generation tools for research and intelligence work. Artificial muscles can be connected to the metal skeleton. But in the perfect models, the computers can control the cloned body. 

The use of living tissues allows robots to fix the damages themselves. The robot doesn't need powerful internal computer systems. The thing that robot needs are a powerful data connection. That connection allows the supercomputers that are in the data center to control robots. When the robot loses its connection it must just find the map of GSM connections and then walk to the area where the connection can be re-establish. 

That thing makes it possible to create a real-life cyborg. Those cyborgs can use the fuel cells for making electricity for their computers. That means the system can use any kind of hydrocarbon for making electricity. And in the most interesting visions, the cyborg could be the so-called "gastro-bot". 

What kinds of robots are eating the same things as humans. And that thing makes them useful for many types of operations from undercover actions to complicated research and development work. Maybe this kind of remote-control robot that is acting so-called "external bodies" and allows the enhanced reality experience are things that analyze the first samples from planet Mars. The operators can use those robots by using virtual reality tools. And maybe they can use the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) for allowing borderless cooperation between robot and operator.


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