Friday, February 18, 2022

Superheavy elements bring one of the most interesting myths to the mind of researchers.

People always told stories of the mythical islands. The mythical islands are places that are full of treasures. There is also the myth about mythical islands in physics. There is a tale that behind the line of the super heavy isotopes is the stable element. 

Sometimes this mythical and hypothetical element is called "Byzantium". The superheavy elements exist for an extremely short time. And this is the reason why the stable superheavy elements are the myth. When Bob Lazar told the story of the Element 115 "Moscovium" people didn't believe him. The UFO-conspiracy theories are full of stories. How that kind of synthetic isotopes can use in propulsion systems. 

The superheavy elements are allowing the creation of extremely small nuclear reactors. But the short existence of those isotopes and elements makes those things useless. 

There is the possibility that the time dilation makes a teacup-size nuclear reactor possible. There is the theoretical possibility that there is a radioactive superheavy element that splits into the stable. Or non-radioactive isotopes. That thing would be the greatest advantage in nuclear technology. The non-radioactive fission products would be the solution for nuclear waste. And it can also offer the possibility to create nuclear weapons that are not producing radioactive waste. 

The short-living isotope would not be suitable in any kind of propulsion system. When we are thinking possibility to put that element ("Moscovium") inside a particle accelerator.  We can extend its lifetime by using time dilation. But there is another thing that the superheavy element can make. This kind of thing can collect energy from the quantum fields. Or it can also create an electromagnetic vacuum behind its ionized form. 

A fast-moving superheavy isotope would form the zero-point system where the fast-moving particles are pushing the quantum fields to the core of the particle accelerator. The idea is when the particle accelerators are accelerating the super heavy element to the speed that is near the speed of light. The particle would travel inside its radiation. That means it cannot split in natural fission. Energy is pressing it to the form. 

But when the particle is traveling extremely fast the quantum field around it would conduct energy to the walls of the particle accelerator. The idea is similar to the perpetual motion machine. The energy cannot transfer out from the fast-moving particles and the extra energy will conduct to the antenna that transforms it to the power supply. Also, the electromagnetic vacuum behind the particles pulls the wave movement to the accelerator.

Friction makes perpetual motion machines impossible to create. Perpetual motion machines would not create energy. They just recycle it. The thing that makes perpetual motion machines useless for energy production is that the power supply eats energy from the system. 

So if the perpetual machine should do something more than rotate. It requires an outcoming power supply. If the perpetual motion machine would give power supply for the light. That thing requires energy that replaces the energy loss. That means the outcome energy would turn some systems into extremely long-moving components.


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