Sunday, February 20, 2022

The artificial sun is hotter than the sun.

In the fusion reactor, the intensive heat causes The temperature of the plasma to be higher than the nucleus of the sun.  And there is too hot for light. The dominating infrared light will turn all other radiation to infrared. And the temperature in those systems is higher than the sun's nucleus.

Deuterium and tritium plasma that is traveling in the donut-shaped Tokamak-accelerator-reactor. And then the magnets will create intensive pressure in that plasma. The magnets keep the plasma away from the core of the fusion reactor. 

Ignition of a fusion reactor will make by stressing plasma with lasers and microwaves. The microwaves are better because that radiation will make it possible to stress plasma in the entire area of an accelerator.

The intensive heat of the reactor needs extreme tools for making the best solutions. And one of those systems that can help researchers is deep-learning AI. That AI can use to collect data of the highest reached temperature, the longest fusion time. And the best energy production. From those cases, the AI will also store the relations of deuterium and tritium in each case. And that data can use for re-adjusting the fuel mixture.

The deep learning AI can control the magnetic fields inside the reactor. And that thing makes it possible to drive plasma with extremely high accuracy. Most civilian fusion systems use deuterium and tritium are for making fusion. In hydrogen bombs, lithium or lithium-deuteride is acting as the fusion stage. The mainly used mixture is Lithium-6-deuteride. That material is impacted by neutrons that are forming deuterium and lithium.

There has sometimes introduced an idea to use vaporized lithium (or lithium-deuteride) in the fusion reactor. The vaporization of lithium can happen in the fuel line, and then the vaporized and ionized lithium will conduct to Tokamak-reactor. That system requires an absolute vacuum because lithium explodes very easily if it contacts with oxygen. The deuterium and tritium production can make by stressing that lithium or lithium-deuteride with x-rays. 

The absolute vacuum makes it possible to vaporize lithium by using microwaves or lasers. In the Teller-Ulam construction of thermonuclear weapons, Lithium 6-deuteride is bombarded with neutrons. That reaction produces tritium. The problem is how to make neutrons? 

The problem with heavier hydrogen isotopes, deuterium, and tritium is that those isotopes are not very common. There is the possibility to produce those isotopes by using cosmic radiation. The water tank will rise to high mountain areas or the high atmosphere and then the cosmic radiation turns the hydrogen of water to deuterium and tritium. 

That thing makes it possible to create more deuterium and tritium atoms than in normal water. But the fusion is waiting for its breakthrough. And when that thing happens we have a new and powerful energy source.


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