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The new milestone in fusion research

Image 1) This illustration provided by the NIF (National Ignition Facility) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory depicts a target pellet inside a hohlraum capsule with laser beams entering through openings on either end. The beams compress and heat the target. 

The lasers will rise the fusion capsule's temperature to a higher level than the sun's nucleus temperature is. The reason for that is the pressure of the stars must compensate. By rising temperature higher level than the nucleus of the sun is. 


Fusion energy is coming.

Fusion energy is coming. And every day. Scientists are closer to breakthroughs for commercial fusion systems. They are assisted by artificial intelligence. Which is collecting data from those tests more accurately than ever before. Quantum computers can handle more variables than ever before. 

Machine learning makes it possible to adjust temperature and different types of electromagnetic radiation along with the most suitable materials for reactor constructions. Nanotechnology allows the creation of many new tools like miniature injection pipes that allow injecting the ions in the systems with very high accuracy. 

The main problem with fusion energy is that the reactor must give out more energy than it gets in the ignition process. Another problem is that the energy level in the fusion reactor is extremely high. The problem in the fusion reaction is that the pressure that helps to maintain reaction in the nucleus of the stars is very high. And on Earth, the pressure must compensate by increasing temperature in the fusion chamber. 

Then the fusion system requires a temperature that is higher than the temperature in the nucleus of the sun. The fusion system can use two plasma beams that have opposite polarity. And then the positive and negative plasma beams are impacted after they are shot through high-energy particle accelerators. The energy level at that point can increase by using laser beams. 

The electromagnetic pulling effect can make it easy to aim the plasma beams. There are two major types of fusion reactors. For regular energy production. The donut-shaped "Tokamak" accelerators are more suitable. The plasma orbits in the donut-shaped accelerator. And magnetic fields keep that plasma ring flowing away from the reactor's core. The magnets are pressing the plasma ring. And it is also targeted by using lasers. 

The problem with "Tokamak" is that system must use the monopolar plasma. The reason for that is the magnetic press would not work if there is a plus and minus mark ions in the same chambers. The opposite polar ions would be suitable for increasing the friction in the plasma ring. 

Another type of reactor is the ball- and tube-shaped reactor. The NIF (National Ignition Facility) uses a ball-shaped system for simulating the power of the hydrogen bombs. In those systems, in the middle of the reactor will put the lithium bite. And then it will be shot with laser rays. The power of the ignition system is extremely high. And it will make the lithium atoms melt together.  

The ball-shaped systems can also be very powerful and there is the possibility that in the middle of the chamber will flow the ion cloud. Then the rotating magnets and magnetic press along with lasers and microwaves will turn the temperature of the plasma ball to extreme heat. The rotating magnets cause internal friction. That is increasing the temperature. 

Image 2) Artist's impression of Bussard ramjet

The fusion rocket and weapon solutions

Fusion engines can use in rockets. There are many types of theoretical fusion engines for rockets. And the problem with them all is that they require extremely high ignition power. In conventional systems, the fusion engine gives only thrust. And the other energy supply will get from the fission reactor. The most awesome theoretical fusion system is the Bussard ramjet. 

The system uses a magnetic field for pulling ions through the spacecraft. So there is a channel in the system where the magnets will press the ion flow and behind the system, the lasers will ignite fusion in the plasma. That means the artificial sun will push the spacecraft forward. That fusion could be self-sustain. Or it can get auxiliary energy from a fission reactor. 

The tube-shaped reactor is one of the most interesting versions for lightweight systems. The tube-shaped fusion reactors can be connected with particle accelerators that shoot their two opposite polar ion beams in the chamber. That ion flow will impact together. And that impact helps to ignite fusion. The tube-shaped system makes it possible to create more lightweight fusion systems than ever before. 

Hydrogen bombs or thermonuclear weapons are small fusion devices. The uncontrolled fusion causes huge detonation. There is made a research on how to replace the fission bomb that gives energy for begin fusion by using the lasers. Theoretically, the small fusion device can be the lithium chamber where is shot high-power laser rays. 

That is causing detonation. That thing makes fusion weapons cheaper. But there is the possibility to use the particle accelerators for shooting plus and minus ions together. And that thing can use as the "fusion cannon bomb". 

The fact is that those tube-shaped "fusion cannons" can be used as the base for the new type of terrifying fusion weapons. Those new types of fusion bombs would not require a fission stage. The detonation of the fusion system happens by using the lasers. 

The idea of some of that so-called free-ion nuclear weapons or "artificial suns" is that the high-power ion beams that have different polarities will shoot together. That system can use the chamber or it can use the ion beams. 

The magnetic pulling force will make those ions come together. And that thing can cause the detonation. In some visions, two different polar ion clouds. Will release over the target area. And then the system will shoot those ions with laser rays that form artificial sun over the area.

Image 1)

Image 2)


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