Image: 1) Wikipedia/Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit
The B-2 Spirit was a fundamental design. Its plans are made by using computers. The limits of that time computers were very big when that aircraft first flew in 1987. So we can think about what kind of structures modern quantum computers can make with those systems.
The successor of the B-2 the B-21 "Raider" is coming into service. There is made only two B-21 Raiders. The B-2 was made in the time of regular computers.
The B-21 Raider is made in the time of quantum computers. And artificial intelligence. That allows designing every single point of the core of the aircraft by using extreme accuracy. And the AI makes it possible to keep its entirety in its hands and simulate the wave movement that hits the aircraft.
But those bombers might enter service sooner than nobody expects. There are always questions about what kind of systems the modern stealth aircraft uses?
Nanotechnology with intelligent artificial intelligence makes it possible to create solutions. That has zero reflection. And graphene is one of the most promising materials for stealth systems. The graphene that can reflect backward can deny the reflection of the light. And the abnormal ability to absorb light in graphene can also make the new ultimate stealth systems possible.
Image 2: Three-layer graphene |
Things like quantum stealth and zero-point stealth are the most promising stealth systems.
If the aircraft uses the zero-point stealth system the core of the aircraft captures the energy and then that energy can conduct to the PPT (Pulsed Plasma Thrusters)-systems. That means. When the aircraft is under the radar surveillance it can use that energy in its engines.
The zero-point system means that there is the minimum energy level material in the aircraft's structure. That means electromagnetic radiation can travel only in one direction. That material can be the Einstein-Bose condensate.
Modern artificial intelligence can make counter-wave systems that can fall incoming wave movement. That means when the reflection has the same wavelength and force as incoming radiation that thing eliminates the wave movement. But that artificial intelligence can make it possible to create the active waving material.
Shaped memory in hierarchical networks are allowing to make new materials. And that thing makes the new type of things like stealth technology possible. The new graphene-based materials can be waved when they are facing electromagnetic radiation.
That means the structure of those materials is not solid. The active waving material can be the new answer for stealth technology. Artificial intelligence can control the system that makes the graphene-based structures create waving movement that would suppress the reflection to a minimum.
In some cases, there has introduced a possibility that if the system uses opposite-rotating graphene layers those layers can capture the photons and electrons between them. But for making that thing in real life requires that the movement of the graphene layers would be extremely high speed.
There is also possible to connect the graphene structures with photon crystals. The speed of light will decrease to zero in those crystals. And that thing means that there is no reflection. But as you know there are many other ways to make craft invisible for radar, infrared and human eye.
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