Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Time reversal symmetry is broken in the superconductor.

"Discovered time-reversal symmetry-breaking fields imply the presence of long-theorized ‘orbital currents’, where charge flows spontaneously in loops around the unit cells of the kagome lattice. Credit: Paul Scherrer Institute / Mahir Dzambegovic" (ScitechDaily/Time-Reversal symmetry-breaking Magnetic Fields Discovered Inside a Kagome Superconductor)

The time-reversal symmetry is broken in the superconductor. That means laws of physics and time can go forward and backward in that quantum system. This thing means that the system can destroy and recover information. And that thing makes this kind of system interesting. The ability to affect backward in time is fascinating. That ability makes it possible to fix errors and retake things in quantum computers. But as we know. 

The time-reversal symmetry, or rather saying, breaking that symmetry also makes it possible to create quantum radars. That can get information from the future to the past. Even if that system can bring data from the second away from the future it can give systems one second more time to react to things. That time is extremely long in the time of quantum computing. But it can also make it possible to make the systems that can predict outcoming effects more accurately. 

The thing is that nanotechnology allows us to create systems that can see to the future. Or if we are more accurate we might say that it brings data to the observer earlier than it reaches the observer in nature. The idea is to create extremely long quantum entanglement. As I wrote many times before quantum entanglement is like a long stick. This is the reason why it can bring information faster than the speed of light. 

The quantum entanglement is moving with the speed of light. But because its two particles are connected by a "stick" or energy channel they can bring information to the observer faster than it travels in the natural environment. Another way is to create an extremely long absolute vacuum where are no quantum fields. 

In that tube, photons can travel faster than normal space. The fact is that this kind of system can bring information from the flares of the Sun faster than otherwise. In that system, the photon is traveling in a synthetic quantum channel. And it reaches Earth earlier than a photon that travels in the regular universe. But seeing real things from the future requires some other systems. 

One version is to create the quantum entanglement where the other part will stress with energy. That energy stress should cause the time dilation in another part of that particle pair. And that thing makes it possible to bring information from the future.


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