Saturday, February 5, 2022

A couple of words about the black hole engines

The Doppler-effect can cause the object cannot to cross the speed of light.

The black hole engines are still at a purely theoretical level. The thing that can deny crossing the speed of light can be found in the Doppler-effect. When an object moves to the observer the wave movement that goes to the observer turns shorter. That effect would make the light wall. 

The reason why extremely high speed stops the time. Is that the object travels with the speed of its wave movement. When the object is closing the speed of light is starts to push wave movement and photons along the quantum fields ahead of it. That wave movement would create a wall that makes it impossible to cross the speed of light. 

When the energy of the object is higher than its environment. That thing causes that energy is flowing out from the object. That thing causes the pushing effect at the front of the object. So for crossing the speed of light the craft must turn to lower energy than its environment. If the energy travels to the craft. That thing can make it possible to travel across the wave that travels at the front of the craft. Or otherwise, the wave that travels ahead of the craft must just be pulled in the craft.

But how to make that thing? There is theoretically possible to create the craft that can make that thing. But it requires a black hole for driving. The black holes are suitable for the futuristic and hypothetical engines that make it possible to travel inside the solar system. The gravitational engines are simply two objects that are orbiting each other. And they would make the gravitational waves to the engine. 

WARP-bubble just removes electromagnetic waves inside it. And that makes the light is traveling in it faster than outside the WARP bubble. 

WARP bubble is required for crossing the speed of light. The WARP bubble is the electromagnetic vacuum that denies quantum friction. But the WARP bubble makes it possible to travel back in time. The thing that makes the WARP bubble give the craft or its exhaust particles the speed that is faster than light is that there are no quantum fields inside that bubble. That means light is traveling faster in that bubble than outside it. And that makes the WARP bubble so powerful effect.  

So that means the system requires WARP-bubble for crossing the speed of light. The problem with the WARP bubble is this. If it forms around immobile object energy travels away from that object. So if we would raise the energy level of the things like protons or electrons too fast. That thing will make the shock wave around that object. And that shockwave is the electromagnetic vacuum. 

Energy travels away from the object. And this detonates material. The problem with WARP bubbles is that they are easy to form around electrons and protons. But they are quite hard to create around the craft that weight is thousands or even millions of tonnes. 

 If the WARP bubble is forming around the stable object. That matter is starting to lose its energy. So denying the detonation requires the energy that material loses must replace by pumping it to material from somewhere. If that thing is possible, that allows us to travel back in time. 

Traveling forward in time is far easier. The time dilation makes it possible to travel far to the future. But making time move faster than outside is a problematic thing. 

H.G Wells' fictional time machine

The fictional "Event Horizon" is more of a time machine, than the faster- than light spacecraft. 

The next writing is purely theoretical. Proving those things requires very advanced technology and also time must be real. If time is energy level in the material time travel is not possible. But if we are thinking that we will increase the energy load to the material the size of the quarks is turning other than visible material. And that thing turns the craft invisible. Also, even the black hole engine cannot cross the speed of light. The black holes can use to make the craft invisible and they can create extremely strong time dilation. 

The thing in black holes would be that. The wave movement and radiation would travel to the black hole. If there is a crew in our hypothetical spacecraft. That radiation acts as the carrier wave. That synchronizes the EEG of the crew. And if there are two crew members in line. The person who stands behind others can control the person who is in line to the black hole. But the others see the mind of the person who stands behind them from the black hole. 

In the movie "Event horizon" the spacecraft is getting energy from the artificial black hole. The black hole would be inside the spacecraft and then its radiation pike will push the craft forward. The "wings" of the craft will take energy from the black hole's halo. And that halo would also turn quantum fields to whiling. 

That thing would make the spacecraft fly faster than light. The radiation pike will conduct to the tube where quantum fields are removed and that makes it possible that gamma or X-ray impulses from the craft will travel faster than light. The thing is that this kind of craft cannot travel faster than the speed of light. But it would be an otherwise extremely capable system. 

The halo of the black hole is a whirl of the particles that makes the Tipler cylinder around the craft. So the craft can travel extremely close to the speed of light. And then the Tipler cylinder or fast rotating particle whirl causes time dilation. And that kind of craft could virtually travel faster than light. That thing could turn that system into a time machine. The idea is taken from H.G Well's "Time machine". There is one plate that rotates with the speed of light. And that causes time dilation. 

Another cylinder that is transversely in front of the dashboard would cause another time dilation. So if the sum of the speed of those cylinders is higher than the speed of light that should turn the craft traveling faster than light virtually. That means the craft will travel to Alpha Centauri minimum of 4,5 years and people outside it will age 9 years. But the crew inside the craft will not be aging. 

So if the time is real and affects space that means the speed of light could deny that crew will not age. And then the time machine returns them to the past. And that thing means that those people will not ever visit or even leave their homes. But that thing is purely theoretical. For proving those things technology should advance very much.

Images: Pinterst


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