Sunday, February 20, 2022

What if Earth would be flat?

We all know that Earth is almost like a ball. Or it's flattened on poles because centripetal force is stretching its equator. But the Earth is not flat. This is the thing that everybody should understand. 

 Flat Earth is one of the things that are proven wrong. But if Earth would be flat. That thing should rotate quite fast. Or the size of the pancake world should be extremely small. 

If the flat Earth would be stable the gravitation would pull all water to the middle of the disk. But large size object requires centripetal force to deny the collapse of the structure. That means the structure must rotate. Same way, if we will create the black-hole-driven spacecraft. Its core should rotate. For eliminating the effect of the massive gravitation. In that case, the centripetal force will pull the edge of the core outside. 

When we see films where people would hang at the edge of imaginational flat Earth we forget that gravitation would pull those people to the center of that thing. So people could walk at the edge of the world normally. Or the centripetal force will just throw people away from the edge of our flat Earth. 

Many things are wrong when people are talking about flat Earth. If the flat Earth would rotate the rotating disk would act as a centrifugal cannon. That thing means that water and all hummus will fly away from the disk. The idea is similar to when the fast-rotating disk would drop water. That disk would sling that water around the room. 

The centripetal force would just remove gas and water away from that disk. If that disk would not rotate the gravity would crush that structure. So the centripetal force is needed to deny the collapse of the pancake world. 

The flat Earth is the thing that is proven as fake. The curving horizon proves that Earth is ball-shaped. 

The "Alderson disk"

But there is one very interesting model that might interest people. That model is called "Alderson disk". The idea of the Alderson disk is taken from flat Earth. The Alderson disk would be a giant artificial megastructure. So-called artificial planet. The Alderson disk would require rotation movement for keeping its form. 

And that thing makes this futuristic disk-world very hard to build. Without centripetal force that structure would collapse immediately. But the rotating speed at the edge of the disk would be extremely high. And that speed would drive all water to the space. 

The Alderson disk would be very big construction work even the Kardachev class 3 civilizations. The weight of that kind of structure would be enormous. So that means there is the possibility that even if that structure is possible to make. The asteroids will impact with it and destroy that thing.

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