Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Is the reason for autism that there are "too many" certain type neurons in the human brain?

The math neurons are causing a question: is autism an anomaly about neuron groups that control certain skills. If the neuron group that is controlling mathematics skills is too dominating. That means there are fewer neurons for handling some other skills.

The discoveries like math cells in human brains are leading neurologists to track the origin of autism. The savant autism and math-cells are causing an idea that maybe autism is the disorder. In the relation in cell groups in human brains. The specialized neuron group is controlling every single skill that person has. That means there are "math neurons", "language neurons", "musical neurons", etc.

 And if there are "too many" neurons that are controlling some skill. That means there are fewer neurons that are controlling some other skill. Even if we have 300 billion neurons in the human brain every single neuron is responsible in its area. And every single neuron has the area where it's best. So that means autism can be an anomaly in the relations of the neurons that control certain skills. 

There is made new research about autism. And one sad thing that is seen. Is that sometimes undiagnosed autism is the thing. That is driven a person to suicide. This thing is reasonable because autism causes problems with social relationships. The need to be social is the thing that causes sad things. And I certainly hope that nobody must die because society wants them to be "normal". 

Modern society benefits good social skills, and that means a person, who has autism must always force and drive themselves to social contacts. Being different than others causes. Other people would start to show them with thumps. And being different means fear of being closed out from social relationships. 

Why people would not get autism diagnoses? The problem is that autism is the diagnosis that is stamped as "mental". This means that autism causes thoughts that this diagnosis has caused that person would kick out of school. 

Autism is a problem with social communication. And that means the autistic person must use more energy in social relationships than the so-called "normal" person. The problem is that society is benefiting so-called "normal" people who are social. And if there is some kind of anomalies in behavior. That means the person is "weird". And especially at a young age, that kind of thing is a catastrophe. 

This means that person would need more energy for creating social relationships. And that thing will bring extra pressure in the life. If the person must always concentrate on behavior and force being social. That thing can drive that person to self-destruction. And that thing is sad to read. 

So is autism the anomaly in the relations of the specific neurons that are controlling certain skills? 

Autism is one of the things that are not researched very well. Things like savant where the person has extraordinary skills in the very thin sector are causing the question, why some person can make the computer program or play some composition. But they cannot make things like cooking potatoes. There is no certain skill that savant autists have. 

Savant-autists might be extraordinarily talented music players. Or they might be extraordinarily talented mathematicians. That thing means that there is might be too many neurons. Those are needed for controlling some special skills. Researchers found so-called math cells in human brains. So there must be "music cells" and "language cells" and "computer programmer cells". 

The new findings like the math-cells in the human brain are causing theories that maybe autism is the disorder in the specialization of neurons. When we are looking at savant-autistic people we sometimes see extraordinary mathematical skills. And that thing means. That there is a possibility. That too many math cell is in their neural structure. So that means autism would be the disorder in the specialization process of the neurons. 







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