Monday, February 7, 2022

Is gluon the mysterious graviton?


So are gluon, photon and graviton the same particle? That means the graviton would be a very well-known particle. That has some ability that researchers have not noticed yet. 

If we think that gravitation is an interaction there is forming the energy channel between objects there is the possibility that gravitational interaction requires some kind of resonance. So if we think that gravitation is the interaction that affects every single particle in the universe we might think that graviton is some well-known particle. 

And that thing makes me think, that could the graviton be the usual thing? That usual thing should be involving almost all other particles. And one of the most usual particles in the universe is gluons. Gluons are locking quarks to protons and neutrons. 

So if we think that we can split photons into two pieces. That makes it possible that photon is two particles. Some energy bridge would connect those particles. If we use the terms that are meant for operating at the molecular world there is lower energy pressure in that channel than in other places. 

 Or is there a small particle between those photons? And of course, there is the possibility that the photon itself is gluon and graviton. That means it has a form that we just don't know yet.  

There is introduced an idea that there is formed synthetic gravitational waves. By orbiting protons in the particle accelerator. If the speed of protons or some heavier ions would be high enough. That thing makes it possible to create synthetic gravitational waves. The idea is that the quarks and gluons are turning in a straight line when the speed of the proton is high enough. 

Maybe that thing can answer to questions, "are gluon and graviton the same thing"? There is the theory that gluon is the mythical graviton. There is an idea that the gluons are making an electromagnetic vacuum behind them. And those extremely small WARP bubbles will pull quarks to one entirety. 

So the source of the gravitational waves would be in the movement of those gluons. But also the spin of the protons can send the quantum gravitation. The idea about the pushing gravitation is in the idea that there is an electromagnetic vacuum near the object. 

And that vacuum or electromagnetic low pressure will cause the outcoming radiation to push objects to the gravitational center. So there is the channel where is lower electromagnetic pressure between objects. And that means the gravitational energy travels in the border of that electromagnetic channel that pushes objects together. 

The thing is that the energy travels from the gravitational center to the orbiting object. That object will throw the gravitational wave away from it. And that thing makes one very interesting thought in my mind. If we think that gravitational waves are radiation. And if the gravitational interaction requires some kind of resonance. That makes one interesting question: is material where the gravitation has no effect exists?

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