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The most exotic world in the Universe: PSR B1257+12 known as "Poltergeist"

Image: Artist's impression of "Poltergeist". The radiation of pulsar melts the dayside to liquid stone. And that planet would be sterile and one of the most hostile worlds in the Universe. 

The most exotic planet in the known universe is PSR B1257+12. Also known as "Poltergeist". The "Poltergeist" is the first found exoplanet And it orbits a pulsar PSR B1257+12 named "Lich". That exoplanet is a member of a three planet system. 

Those planets are Under powerful radio and particle radiation. The source of that radiation is in the pulsar. The fact is that powerful radio impulses would make the surface of "Poltergeist" one of the most frightening and unusual things in the known Universe. 


The SETI. And visions of the singularity of consciousness of the alien species.

The surface of "Poltergeist" is sterile. The pulsar will sterilize it. But it has brought a couple of visions about the possibilities of the powerful magnetic fields. "Poltergeist" is the planet that brought some interesting visions into the minds of researchers. One of the things is the hypothetical "Poltergeist creature". 

The idea of the "Poltergeist-creature is like the game of imagination. If some creature could live on that planet it might have a "Jedi force". That means this hypothetical creature could channel the powerful magnetic fields through its nervous system. So if that creature would be in an extremely high technical state. 

That thing could pump energy to its nervous system by using a superpositioned and entangled particle pair. So the creature would be the identical twin. The other part of twins is at "Poltergeist". And then that creature will transmit energy to the nervous system of another part of the twins. But that is only the hypothesis or philosophical model. 

That intelligent species at the surface of "Poltergeist" might not exist. But those visions about the singularity of minds are interesting. 

If the intelligent species would land on the surface of that planet the mind of those hypothetical creatures would turn into a collective singularity. The strong magnetic field will act as the carrier wave. And that turns the organisms into one entirety. 

The SETI researchers have created a hypothesis that the EEG of intelligent humanoids can collect by using radio telescopes. When radio waves of the pulsar travel through the brains of hypothetical aliens. 

That radio transmission acts as carrier waves. The alien EEG causes errors in the radio transmission. So, astronomers can detect those errors or changes from Earth by using radio telescopes. But how to separate those EEG curves from the natural radio transmission from pulsars is a little bit problematic. The fact is that nobody knows what the alien EEG should look like. 

If there would be some intelligent species at the surface of the "Poltergeist" they would not need any other energy source. The radio antennas can bring enough electricity to the technological advantages of that hypothetical civilization. The pulsar will sterilize the surface of "Poltergeist". And that means it's hostile for lifeforms. 


The "Poltergeist" can give information about how planets are forming. 

The "Poltergeist" is suspected to be the so-called post-stellar planet that formed from the supernova remnant of the "Lich" pulsar. The fact is that. Also, all other planets are forming of material that formed in some supernova explosions. But "Poltergeist" is probably formed from the dust. That material formed when the "Lich" exploded as a supernova. 

Before rocky planets can form the interplanetary nebula must have the elements that are forming rocky planets. Every single element in the universe is formed in stars except hydrogen. Elements like uranium and other very heavy elements form only when the largest stars in the universe are exploding. The fusion reaction in the stars is the source of all elements in the universe. 

And forming of the superheavy elements requires extremely or precise size stars. All uranium that is on Earth is a remnant of the ancient supernova.  

 The star should have a precise mass when it explodes is simple.  is if the star is too heavy. It turns into a black hole during the supernova explosion. If the star turns into a black hole during a supernova explosion. There is the possibility that the entire material that it releases is dropping back to it. 

The forming of a black hole begins in the center of the star. The explosion of the collapsing star causes giant fusion that presses the material to singularity. The event horizon is starting to expand and if the size of the star is high enough the event horizon that expands with the speed of light will reach the escaping material and close it inside the black hole. 

The speed of expansion of the gas bubble around the supernova is always slower than the speed of light. The expanding event horizon will always reach material. Because of the expansion of the event horizon reach a speed of light.  So it closes the material bubble inside it. And that thing will make the effect of the disappearing star.


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