Image 1) The spin launcher.
Spin-launcher could be the next-generation tool for launching small-size satellites.
The spin-launcher is the centrifuge that accelerates an object to a weight that is 1000 stronger than gravitation. And when the payload is released at the right moment that sling will throw the small satellite to the orbiter. The speed of the sling can increase by using a long arm.
And in some ideas fixed arm will replace by using a whip that is made by using kevlar or spider's net. The electric motor will accelerate that whip to extremely high speed. And then the hook that connects the satellite to that string will release in the absolute right moment. The hook can control by an internal computer.
And the system can use Bluetooth, WLAN, or wired communication for sending the order to release cargo. The string of spider's web is one of the strongest materials in the world. It is harder than kevlar. And kevlar ropes are used to stop aircraft on the aircraft carriers. The whip can pull in when it's not in use. And because the string is elastic and flexible. That kind of centrifuge whip can install at the bottom of the jet fighter.
When the centrifuge wanted to launch the payload will release. And the electric engine starts to rotate the whip. And when the speed of the whip is high enough. That jet fighter can turn another wing to the ground. And that thing releases the small-size satellite. That centrifugal sling can install also to HAA (High Altitude Airship) or electric engined aircraft.
The airship or that ultra-high altitude aircraft will raise the satellite to an altitude of 20-30 kilometers. And then it can send it to the orbiter. If the wire of the whip is strong enough it can connect to the Pegasus rocket. And that allows flighting that thing to a high orbiter.
The sling catapult is one of the ideas. That allows the shoot of miniature satellites to low orbiters.
Major problems with regular rockets are noise and pollution. Also, the prices of the launches are extremely high. So the spin launcher can be one of the next-generation tools for launching satellites.
Image 2) Chinese new hypersonic aircraft
The next generation things in the space systems are miniature shuttles and nuclear-powered systems.
Do you know why Lockheed SR-71 flies higher than U-2? The reason for that is that the pressure cone of the SR-71 will drive air to its motors. The supersonic cone is used in Lockheed CL-400 SunTan and "Skylon" systems.
The unusual location of the engines makes it possible that those aircraft and shuttles can pull miniature shuttle or satellite launching tanks behind them. When the system is at its maximum altitude it can start to dive. That movement can give the sling effect to that system. Which will launch to the orbiter.
The miniature shuttles are the thing that can make many types of missions. They can act as remote-controlled laboratories. But the same systems can use as the orbital fighters. The prime target for those small shuttles that can be manned or unmanned and use stealth technology could be recon and communication satellites. The miniature satellites can also operate as missiles. Those super-kamikaze drones can have an internal nuclear bomb. And if those systems are not used.
They can return the weapons to the base. Those miniature shuttles can also equip with high-power radars and other recon tools.
The Chinese unveil their miniature shuttle or hypersonic glider. The hypersonic glider can dive against things like command bunkers and aircraft carriers. The kinetic energy of those impacts is destructive. But warheads make those systems even more notorious.
When we are thinking about the satellites that kind of threat means that they must equip against those orbital ASAT systems.
One version of the counter-operations is to use so powerful telescopes in satellites. That they can be far away from Earth. In that case, distance from Earth will protect the satellite against low-orbital ASAT systems. And the satellite that is in the high position has more time to use its counter-weapons if something flies against it.
Image 3) SR-71 "Blackbird"
Those counter-systems can be like the Israeli "Trophy-system". That effective counter-anti-tank weapon system. Is mounted on tanks for protecting them against anti-tank weapons. But the satellites can also use it.
Or they can use kinetic energy projectiles or directed energy weapons for destroying incoming missiles. But those same systems can use for offensive attacks against other satellites.
And high-orbiter satellites can pick an opponent's recon, positioning, and communication satellites. And destroy them by using kinetic energy projectiles or directed energy weapons like lasers or microwaves.
Image 4) U-2 "Dragon Lady"
And the nuclear reactors are giving the satellites more abilities. Fission reactors are giving energy supply to the satellites. That they can avoid strikes.
Nuclear-powered rocket engines are making those systems more maneuverable than regular systems are. Nuclear power will give satellites more power than ever before.
Nuclear engines can use to operate space probes at the asteroid belt. But they can also give energy supply for the directed energy weapon. And those weapons can use for defending satellites or for destroying other satellites.
Image 5) Kosmos 954
But the nuclear reactors can give also energy to microwave and laser weapons of the satellites. Those weapons can destroy incoming missiles. But also high-power radio waves can use to jam another satellite's technology. The warning of the existence of that kind of satellite got in 1977. when the Soviet Kosmos 954 dropped from the orbiter to Canada. The Kosmos 954 was a nuclear-powered satellite.
That satellite used a lightweight nuclear reactor. That kind of power supply makes the EMP-weapon of that kind of satellite possible. In that EMP weapon, the power of satellites' radar turns so high that it destroys other satellites by burning their components. The killer satellites are meant for destroying other satellites.
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