A lighthouse is a good example of an isolated place. What if some person lives entirely life in that kind of place. And plays some computer games? Would those games turn to reality?
Is reality an simulation? Before you will start to laugh we must determine the simulation. Many people believe that simulations are only things like computer programs. But there are also other types of simulations. The main types of simulations are:
1) Computer-based virtual simulations like computer games.
2) Physical simulations like military exercises.
3) Hybrid simulations where operators control robots at operational areas.
The virtual or virtual reality-based simulations are the computer programs that are running on virtual reality. And things like computer games are one version of simulations.
But the physical simulations also exist. Physical simulations are things like military exercises. The physical simulation means that person would go to some area. And then that person starts to make things like assault practices. Those are needed for some special things. Things like fire simulations for firemen training are also physical simulations.
When we are thinking about virtual simulations those simulations can be independent. They might not have a connection with the real world. But there is the possibility that there is a hybrid simulation where the operator is controlling things like remote-control jet fighters or field-operating man-looking robots. So the operator would sit on the chair and control things that are happening in the field. That kind of simulation allows making real-life attacks against air defense stations.
The Solar Warden is the theory of the modern Kaspar Hauser. That fully isolated person would live in a place where is no real contact with outsiders.
The idea of living in simulation begins with Kaspar Hauser. That boy has grown in a cell where his only toy was the horse(1). You can read his story from Wikipedia. But by using modern technology is possible to make the "modern Kaspar Hauser". Have you ever thought about what happens if some person grows at the lone island or deep-sea base?
When we are thinking about things like "Solar Warden". In conspiracy theories "Solar Warden" means imaginational space station that is orbiting the sun. We forget that "Solar Warden" might mean the lone island. The idea of that thing is stolen from the novel " The Little Prince". by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The "Little Prince" lives on his asteroid. The thing is that the "little Prince" is the symbol of the isolated person.
So what if we would replace the word "asteroid" by using the word "island"? There is, of course, made a version about that tale where the "island" is the base like nuclear command bunker where the information is fully controlled? What if our Little Prince would live at the Cheyenne Mountain command center all his life? What kinds of things that person might think about the world. What if somebody claims that the world outside Cheyenne Mountain is destroyed in the nuclear war? Would somebody come out and check the things.
There is one very interesting story about the Finnish lighthouse at Bengtskär. When the youth of the lighthouse guard came to school on the mainland that person didn't even know what were trees. The lighthouse is in a place where are no other islands. And there is the possibility that the person would not see trees before. If the person would not have any other contact with the outer world the people who share information might control everything that isolated person knows.
And they might call the planet where they are Neptune. Or they can even create their religion for those people who have no other contact with the outer world than some selected person. The thing is that the people who might have no contact with other reality than information that the controller shares might believe that the world is destroyed in the nuclear war.
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