The cosmic inflation means that the environment turns bigger. And the material and radiation remain at the same level. So the expansion of the universe means that there is less material for the size of the space. That thing means that energy travels from material faster all the time. And that means the material is turning to wave movement.
Material oscillates all the time. When radiation hits protons and neutrons that thing press quarks inside that thing against gluons. Those gluons are acting like springs. They are pushing quarks and their quantum field outside when energy stress ends. When the universe expands the outside quantum field that limits the size of protons and neutrons turns weaker.
And that thing means that the gluon springs are pushing protons' and neutron's quantum field to a longer distance. When the movement of that quantum field ends and it turns to move inside it leaves photon or wave movement behind it. The reason for that is that. When the quantum field turns to move inside there is a small electromagnetic vacuum behind it. And that vacuum pulls wave movement or photon outside it.
In an economy, inflation is the case where the value of money is decreasing. But there is also inflation in cosmology. If we think that material is money and space is the environment we should think opposite way than in economic inflation. People usually think that cosmic inflation is a similar thing to economical sciences.
Cosmic inflation is rather conducted with space than material. The reason for cosmic inflation is that there is more space for material and energy. And the reason for that is the expansion of the universe. The material is interacting with its environment. And when the environment is expanding radiation pressure that keeps material in its form decreases.
Cosmic inflation means that the density of the material is decreasing. The universe's expansion means that there is less material and wave movement in the area that we call the universe. The three-kelvin cosmic background means that the material will turn to wave movement sooner or later. When we talk about cosmic expansion, we forget one thing. We normally think that universe is like a balloon where is blown air.
The situation is not like that. The universe is like a balloon in a vacuum. That means energy that comes from inside the universe pushes the edge of the universe outside. So cosmic inflation means that there is more space for the material. And that means it's the thing that it's the material-space interaction that causes that material vaporizes. And the reason for that is that there is less material in a certain space.
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