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The event horizon is the point where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light.

At the beginning of this text, I must say that black hole journeys are far in the future. And nobody ever visited black holes. So the event horizon is the last point where we can make observations from particles. 

There is one place in the universe where an object can travel faster than the speed of light. That place is a black hole. Behind the event horizon, all particles are traveling at the same speed. And that means the photons are traveling at the same speed as other particles travel to the nucleus of the black hole. The reason why the speed of the particle is turning higher than in the regular universe is that there is no Doppler effect behind the event horizon. 

The massive gravitation will pull that wave of photons and wave movement to straight. And that thing makes it possible that all particles can move at the same speed. So if somebody wants to dive into the black hole. That person should accelerate to the speed that is as close to the speed of light as possible. Then the black hole must not be surrounded by material. That thing removes the hyper-energetic halo around it. That halo would erase the astronaut and his spacecraft. So what is inside the black hole? 

The black hole is the thing where even the light cannot escape. The fact is that the event horizon is the final point where outsiders can see the object. But there is another thing that we must realize. The event horizon is not coming suddenly. It's a series of so-called brane layers where the gravitation and the escaping velocity will increase until even photons cannot escape there. So the shorting space around the black hole causes the object will go past the brane layer more often than in other places in the universe. 

The brane layer is the energy or gravitational level around the black hole. When the object goes through a certain brane layer it reaches a certain energy level. That means the black hole would make the particle travel straight to the fourth dimension. The white hole is the point where the material returns from the fourth dimension. 

So can we travel through a black hole? That requires that we must keep the spacecraft in one piece. Or we must return the information in the form of spacecraft. But seriously. The thing, that some unmanned probe can travel through the event horizon doesn't mean that a living organism can make the same thing. The thing that erases the material is the gas whirl around the black hole. 

Gravitation glue can deny that black holes are ripping material in pieces. 

Does the black hole rip the objects into pieces? There is created an idea that there is a magnet inside the spacecraft. That magnet will pull material together. But in the case of a black hole. There is needed another black hole inside the spacecraft. In some very futuristic visions. In the spacecraft's structure is the neutron or graphene network. The system forms the miniature black holes in that structure. 

The idea is similar to Wigner crystals. The electrons or protons are captured in that structure. And then there is connected energy. That energy turns those particles into black holes. They are acting as the gravitational glue. But today technology is not at the level that allows creating that kind of craft. 

In some futuristic visions, the system creates another black hole inside the spacecraft that will pull material together. But that thing is far in the future. Maybe there are nanotubes in the futuristic spacecraft. The system creates a series of nano-size black holes just at the right moment. The gravitation of those black holes would pull the structure together. 

The fact is that it cannot break photons or quarks and wave movement. If we will cut the information into small pieces as possible they can travel through the black hole. But even if some quark can travel through the event horizon that is not the same as the molecules can travel through it. If information will cut into the smallest possible parts. 

That means the quantum computer can communicate by using black holes. The states of the qubits remain even if the photon or maybe neutrino travels through the event horizon. Returning that information requires knowing how much energy will transfer to the qubit. And then that energy level can remove in the measurements. That allows returning the states of the qubit. 

But if we would send something more complicated to the black hole we are facing one thing. Information can travel through the event horizon. But can we return it to the same form that it was before it went to trip? The fact is that information itself cannot be destroyed. 

Photons, electrons, and wave movement that form material remain after the protons and neutrons are destroyed. The situation is like if we will burn newspaper. The form of paper turns to ash. 

So the information is not gone. The paper and ink still exist. Information just turns to form that it cannot reorder in the form, that it was before it broke. That means the wave movement that formed material still exists. 

When the object is closing to the black hole. It will reach many points where a certain size of the object cannot escape. At the first molecules, then atoms, separately protons and neutrons cannot escape from the gravitational field. And finally, the black hole will capture electrons and photons along with wave movement inside it. The black hole would look like an onion. Every layer in that onion is the certain energy state of the space and material. That means the black hole is the miniature universe in the universe. 

The point where a certain object cannot escape depends on the mass of that object. But when the final edge of the event horizon is reached happens one thing. The Doppler wave that is denying crossing the cosmic speed limit turns straight. That thing makes it possible that every object inside the black hole will reach the speed of photons. But can the information return from the black hole? The fact is that photons and wave movement can return. But can some more complicated go through the black hole? The answer is we don't know. 

Images: Pinterst


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