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Today borders are higher than ever before. Or are they?

Many people believe, or think, that national borders are the only borders in the world. The highest of all borders is the economical border. Even though we live in republics, we all have the right to go to school, and we are all equal people at the front of the law. We are facing economical inequality. 

When we are thinking about social inequality. We must ask: is that some kind of new thing? Or are people aware, that there is some problem with our beloved society? When we think about average salaries there are high-class directors whose salary is far above the average worker's salary. 

Even if we are not a class society where some kind of background guarantees some kind of position, we must realize that people who are born into wealthy families have a better chance to get better positions in working life. They know more high-class leaders who are offering better positions to those people who know more leaders. And people who have high positions in companies offer higher positions for employees. 

But even if the noblemen or noble person's dispensations were discontinued. The land was still in hands of noblemen. That meant that, especially in England, those people earned lots of money at the beginning of the industrialization era by renting their land for factories. The ownership of land offered very big incomings to people who owned it. And that thing caused that capital stayed in the hands of noblemen. And that formed the new term "idle upper class". 

Wealthy businessmen worked with noblemen to make money. And that social network formed the new upper class. 

Big ownership brought more money. The reason for that was that wealthy people visited similar events. And in those hobbies, those people could form a network with similar people. 

And that inspired Karl Marx when he created his "Accumulation theory". The economic accumulation theory meant that capital accumulates in the hands of people who already have the capital. And the reason for that is that wealthy people are knowing each other. So people who have capital also accumulate in the same rooms or events. People are surrounding them with people, who have similar opinions. 

And that is problematic. The people who have a membership in the "idle upper class" knew each other from childhood. And that made outsider hard to join that group. People who knew each other from childhood had their own stories. They always talked about their own business. And that caused a situation where people like Marx felt that they are outsiders. 

The problem is that there are still attitudes that wealthy people must keep their level. People who have expensive clothes are something else that people who have lots of money want to see. The social accumulation where people already know together makes outsider hard to join the group. 

A successful business requires good networks and good relationships. Without relationships, nobody buys new products from start-up companies. The networking with right people who can buy products is the thing that makes business. 

We might think that people who are similar to us are cool. And people who are different than us are "lol".  

The thing that caused the hate between the high- and working class were the expensive things. Or we must realize that if a person is wealthy something expensive for the worker is cheap for that wealthy person. Because high-class people are isolated behind their fences they heard stories about dangerous streets. So that caused the need to isolate more and more. The businessmen didn't want. That their families knew that they just kicked workers out of their company. And the same way those people who kicked off their homes. 

When some bosses kick workers off, they told stories that made them look innocent. The stories that were told were, of course, that workers just didn't do the job. And then the superior just told the person to go to find another job. That kind of thing was water for the agitator's machine. Agitators repeated that great injustice is done. 

The reason why communists wanted to please workers was simple. Workers were a bigger group than high-class people. So for agitators, the workers were better alliances than some high-class people or businessmen, who made big money from factories. 

Today in some cases. People can check things from surveillance records on the net. But before the net people must trust or not trust the stories that the participants are telling. The net has brought surveillance in the cities. It also offers a channel where people can tell their opinion or viewpoint of things. But the problem is how to prove things that people are saying. 

Agitators always wanted to believe workers. The fact is that the worker was not always innocent. But the conditions in the working class were not as good as they should. Social problems caused high-level crime statistics and conditions in some homes were horrible.


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