We want to find alien life. We want to prove that we are not alone. But same time. We are afraid of that moment. We want to believe things like a flat universe because it closes the past universes away. We want to believe that UFOs are only fiction.
We always think. That hypothetical aliens have the same relationship with time as we have. We always believe that they are exactly similar to what we are. In our models, they advanced on the same planet where their race was born. So they cannot move to another planet or solar system when their sun turns into a red giant.
But could those aliens have some kind of hair that protects them against the eruptions of stars? If the crew doesn't want to return, interstellar travel is not as difficult, as we want to believe.
Hypothetical aliens must just stop time in their spacecraft. And that allows the crew to travel between stars in their lifetime. In all models, the hypothetical space crews want to return home. But what if that thing is impossible? Or what if they are made by using genetic engineering and they saw their senders? In that case, those crews will not miss their homes because they spend their entire lives in space. They might be born in spacecraft and sent on their missions.
We always think that the crew of those capsules want to return home. Outside that craft, the generations are changing. And that means the senders of the crew will not ever see that they return.
Futurologists made millions of models of what kind of things allows the theoretical space race to travel between stars. And one thing is that those aliens use genetically created crews that are not missing their homes. Or maybe those aliens are lost their home planet. In that case, there is no return if their home planet is destroyed in the supernova or nova explosion. In that case, aliens cannot return home even if they want.
In normal scenarios, we think that time means mission time that craft spends on its mission. In those kinds of hypothetical interstellar missions, the time means, that somebody waits for that crew at home. What if there is no home left? Time loses its meaning. In this case, that nova or supernova destroyed the crew's home planet. That thing means that the crew continues its journey in infinity.
But when we are thinking about the religion and culture of the hypothetical space race, there is the possibility that the space aliens would use the cloned or artificially made crews. That means those interstellar crews would not have any relationships with planetary aliens. Because that thing makes their mission easier.
But same time we want to evidence that we are not alone in the universe. And that is one of the biggest paradoxes in history. When we find new planetary systems. And new exoplanets.
We are facing one of the biggest crises in history. That crisis is that "certainly there are no exoplanets and aliens" turns to form that "maybe there is no alien life near us". "Certainly there are no aliens, and intelligent aliens do not exist" is one of the biggest mistakes in history.
When somebody says that they believe in UFOs they were cheated and blamed. Nobody even wanted to see another truth than the exoplanets do not exist. And now we know that almost every star in the universe has some kind of planetary system.
But can we find aliens? That is a different question than can we find intelligent aliens? What kind of aliens can we see first? Can we see bacteria, or can we see intelligent civilizations? We expect that those alien civilizations are using radios as communication tools.
Or they should use combustion engines. The biggest problem with the SETI program is: How to track civilization that doesn't use combustion engines or radio communication. Or even if those aliens use radio communication, we should find the right frequency.
The communication lasers would not give similar signatures to radio communication. If the civilization locates in the electromagnetic field. It might rather use communication lasers than some radio transmitters for communication. Finding bacteria is even more difficult than finding an extraterrestrial civilization.
Super earth with lifeforms. Lifeforms on super-Earths are possible. But they can be far from what we know on Earth.
Liquid water alone doesn't make life. Things like Gliese 436 b proved that there could be water on an exoplanet and that water cannot vaporize because of strong gravitation. The Gliese 436b is the so-called hot Neptune there strong gravitation makes hot ice on its core.
The temperature on that exoplanet is over 300 Celsius (Over 500 Kelvin). There is the possibility that there are lighter worlds with liquid hot oceans. So the water itself means almost nothing in the search for life. There is the theory that on the planets like Gliese 436b is lifeforms that are like tapeworms.
In that case, the ice protects those hypothetical 2D lifeforms from the eruptions of the M2 red dwarf. But that kind of lifeform would be very primitive. Strong gravitation means that the ice cannot melt. And if there is some kind of alien lifeforms they are far away from what is on Earth. But otherwise thinking, the alien lifeform would be fully adapted, to their environment.
The model for that hypothetical alien tapeworm is taken from the worms that are near black smokers on the ocean floor. Some of those creatures don't need oxygen for their metabolism. But powerful radiation from the star and especially strong eruptions from the red dwarf are causing the lifeforms on that planet to be very unlikely. The hot temperature means that there are only primitive lifeforms on that planet if there is some kind of alien life.
Intelligent life requires conditions that start to favor intelligence. That means all planets are not suitable for forming intelligent lifeforms. If conditions on the planet are too stable large number of descendants is enough. So there is needed a catastrophe. The disasters like meteorite impacts cause conditions where species must start to think about how to find food. When the entire planet is buried under snow. The creature must know where to dig for food. Or the result is death from hunger. The right conditions are making primitive lifeforms possible. But the crisis is making it possible that evolution starts to favor intelligence.
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