Saturday, November 12, 2022

Could gravitation form when quarks are moving back and forth?

There is one forgotten version of the gravitation theory. The idea in this theory is gravitation forms when particles inside protons and neutrons oscillate. When the size or the distance of those particles changes. That thing forms an effect that is like a pump. So the gravitational effect forms when quarks are moving back and forth inside their quantum field. If that movement forms gravitation, it will explain things like gravitational waves. 

When the distance of quarks inside protons and neutrons expands, that motion forms quantum low pressure between those particles. That low pressure causes the electromagnetic- or quantum fields are dropping between those particles. So could that thing be gravitation? That explains why planets are the gravitational centers. 

There are lots of protons and neutrons. And when the quarks that form those particles are moving back and forth that thing causes an electromagnetic pumping effect where the force of the quantum field between those particles changes. 

When those quarks are closing each other they are forming a standing quantum wave between them. And in that case that virtual particle will send wave motion or gravitational waves to the universe. That thing explains gravitational waves. 

The mystery of gravitation is an interesting thing. There is a possibility that mysterious gravitons are only oscillating quantum fields. When the size of the particles is turning smaller. That thing also causes the position where escaping quantum field forms the electromagnetic low-pressure zone that pulls quantum fields to that particle. 

The pulling effect of the gravitation forms. When the particle rides with wave motion that falls to the gravitational center that model is true. The gravitation effect is similar to other fundamental forces. 

That means electromagnetic wave motion travels through a hole that is in the middle of those three quarks. That means those waves are traveling in and out from three quarks. And the incoming electromagnetic field or radiation forms the cone that causes scattering to the outcoming electromagnetic field. 

The idea is that when the distance between those quarks increases that pulls the quantum field through it. That quantum field continues its journey. And the same effect happens on both sides. There is the possibility that the impacting electromagnetic or quantum fields are forming a quantum bubble in the middle of those quarks. 

That bubble pushes radiation away from it. Around that bubble is forming an area that is at a lower energy state than the quark. And that forms bridges or gluons between those quarks. The outcoming energy can travel between those bridges. And maybe that is one form of gravitation. 

The thing that might make photons unique is that they are somehow slight. Maybe the thing that explains the photon's speed is that the particle's quantum field somehow pulls energy inside it as much as it delivers. The interesting thing is that the speed of light is lower in the medium can be explained in this way. 

The medium pulls the energy away from the photon faster than a vacuum. But fast-moving particle replaces the lost energy. In a vacuum, the photon travels at the same speed as wave motion. So because quantum fields cannot fly out from photons. That means those particles' speeds will not decrease.

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