Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Can we rule out the Big Bang?


The Big Bang was the case, where matter got its form. So it was the beginning of spacetime or was it? Was there dark matter before the universe? 

Unknown things like dark matter and dark energy are causing questions about the universe's begin. In some models, the Big Bang was the case when the dark matter took the shape of visible material. And that thing makes the Big Bang a very interesting thing. Because if that is true the Big Bang was the case where one form of the material turned into another. 

The thing, that makes the Big Bang mysterious is that matter cannot form from emptiness. The Schwinger effect where matter forms from the wave motion, require that the wave motion exists. And there must be some kind of source for the wave motion. 

The Schwinger effect requires that two quantum- or electromagnetic fields are impacting together or some force turns the superstrings turn into a ball-shaped thing. A superstring is a thin quantum field that is traveling in space. The Schwinger model means that the material cannot be without wave motion. And wave motion cannot be without ball-shaped particles. 

The Schwinger effect means wave motion and particles are two sides of each other. So wave motion and particles are the same things. And the thing that makes the Schwinger model very creepy is that the Schwinger effect always forms particles and is anti-particle. So if the Schwinger effect forms the universe, that forms two universes. 

If we think that the black hole turns into an X- or gamma-ray pulsar. It means that its rotational axle turns similar to neutron stars or pulsars. That thing forms an X- or gamma-ray pulsar. If the black hole's rotation axle turns to its equator and the polar spin continues that black hole starts to act like a pulsar. 

But the energy level of that kind of pulsar is much higher than regular pulsars. That thing can form the case where the Schwinger effect can form a material that we cannot see. The idea is that there is a small area in the black hole where is no gravitation. And if the quantum bridge crosses that area the black hole can start to cross its nucleus. 

And then that bridge makes wave motion travel through the black hole. The idea is that the fast rotation motion along with extremely high centripetal force. Make that string antenna that conducts energy out from the black hole. The fact is that the universe is the combination of at least two main quantum systems. The invisible system and the visible system. Or actually, there are at least three different quantum systems. 

*Dark energy: an invisible wave motion. That rips the universe into pieces.

*Dark matter: an invisible gravitational effect. The thing that forms dark matter is unknown. There is suspicion that those things could be some kind of virtual particles. 

*Visible material and wave motion. Those things are forming the visible universe. 

So if dark matter is the virtual particles or so-called wormholes that thing causes an interesting idea. Is the cosmic web the dark matter? If those strings are forming because of the cosmic vacuum channel that explains the dark interaction. In that model, fast-moving particles like electrons can form the electromagnetic- or quantum vacuum tunnel. 

The idea is when an electron moves very fast it pushes quantum fields from its route. In the case, where the second electron follows the first one very close the quantum channel cannot be closed. And if the quantum whirl starts to rotate around that channel, that thing causes the situation where that quantum channel cannot fill. So that thing is called a wormhole if it's true. 

The role of dark matter is one of the things that is interesting. Dark matter is the gravitational effect. That is the only thing that we know about its shape. 

There is a possibility. That dark matter is the virtual particle. That hypothetical virtual particle forms when extremely fast spinning particles are starting to expand. 

When non-elementary particles like hadron spin. The outer quarks move outside from the center quark. That thing expands the length of the quantum tunnels between quarks. And then those quantum bridges are acting like antennas that are harvesting more energy levels to those particles. And that means the energy level and weight of the particles of that fast-spinning hadrons are turning higher. And that material is only too heavy. 

Or there is forming some kind of quantum bubble. Where the energy level or temperature is lower than the temperature of that particle is lower than the environment where they are. If dark matter is a matter that temperature is lower than the cosmic background or even lower than zero kelvin we cannot see that material. 

Or if we think that dark matter is an extremely fast-spinning electron there is a possibility that there are forming holes in that quantum field. In that case, the lower energy bubble pulls energy inside it. And that means if that kind of bubble is stable. It will pull radiation inside it. So that outcoming radiation will keep dwarf galaxies in their form. 

The idea of cosmic inflation is forming the theory that the universe is in a cosmic vacuum. That means energy travels from the higher energy universe to space around it. This thing means that cosmic inflation is the energy flow out from a bubble where all visible material exists.

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