Saturday, November 5, 2022

The neutrinos are bringing greetings from the distant galaxy.

Messier-77 (( Glimpse Into the Inner Depths of an Active Galaxy Provided by Ghostly Neutrino Particles)

"Messier 77 and Cetus in the sky. Credit: Jack Parin, IceCube/NSF; NASA/ESA/A. van der Hoeven (insert)" ( Glimpse Into the Inner Depths of an Active Galaxy Provided by Ghostly Neutrino Particles)

Neutrinos captured by the Ice Cube sensor bring information from the galaxy NGC-1068 or Messier-77. The eruption inside that distant galaxy sent are impacting particles in the Ice Cube sensor, and they can give information about the distant galaxy. 

Neutrino is an interesting particle. That small lepton particle is hard to make react with other particles. And the impact of the quark is one of the things that give information about that mysterious particle. Another way is to observe Cherenkov radiation. That is released when the speed of the neutrino decreases in the water tank. 

Only precise impact with quarks or leptons like electrons stops the journey of that particle. But if neutrino will not impact with quark or lepton, it can travel through Earth. Neutrinos are forming also in the Sun and nuclear reactors. 

But the weak interaction between neutrinos and other particles makes it hard to detect those impacts. Or otherwise, it's hard to separate neutrino impacts from other similar impacts. That is happening because of some more well-known particles. 

"When a neutrino interacts with molecules in the clear Antarctic ice, it produces secondary particles that leave a trace of blue light as they travel through the IceCube detector. Credit: Nicolle R. Fuller, IceCube/NSF" ( Glimpse Into the Inner Depths of an Active Galaxy Provided by Ghostly Neutrino Particles)

The thing that makes neutrinos interesting is their ability to travel through the material. Some researchers believe that neutrinos are somehow bipolar particles whose energy level is very high. And when that particle impacts with a proton or neutron. 

It will push quarks away from their route. So the thing that causes the weak interaction would be the high-speed spin. And in that model neutrino acts like some small neutron star. The neutrino would have an energy pike in its poles. And that thing causes that neutrino can push quarks away from its route. 

And that causes the question are quarks also polar particles? And is neutrino a so-called chameleon particle? In that case, the chameleon particle means a particle that has two forms. That means neutrinos can be same time lepton and fermion. So an interesting question is could some quark be neutrino? In other words, when quarks come out from a proton or neutron, it would turn into the neutrino.

IceCube Detector Schematic

"IceCube detector schematic showing the layout of the strings across the ice cap at the South Pole, and the active detection array of light sensors filling a cubic kilometer volume of deep ice". ( Glimpse Into the Inner Depths of an Active Galaxy Provided by Ghostly Neutrino Particles)

A neutrino can be a tool for long-distance quantum communication. 

The idea of quantum communication is simple. There is needed three systems that have different energy levels. The idea is that the information must travel from the system that sends it to the receiving system. If researchers can make that system that makes long-distance quantum communication possible. And maybe IceCube is the base for that technology. 

1) The system that forms the long-distance qubit. That system has the highest energy level. 

2)Transporter particle. The energy level of that particle must be higher than receiving particle. 

3) The receiving system that energy level is lowest in that system. 

So the information should travel in that system in the next order. 

1 (Sender)>>>2(Transporter)>>>3(Receiver). And information always travels from a higher- to a lower energy level. That is the order of the energy levels in quantum information systems. 

If the system uses neutrinos as information transporter. The system can load information into the neutrino system by using radiation that is created by stressing other neutrinos. But the problem is how to stop neutrinos in the systems making neutrino beams. 

The idea of neutrino beams is similar to neutron radiation. When energy stress impacts neutrinos. It loads energy into them. And when energy stress ends neutrinos are sending wave motion. The same effect where electromagnetic radiation stress neutrons make neutron bombs possible. 

The neutrino is an interesting particle because weak interaction makes it the perfect particle for long-range quantum data transport. If there is a safe way to create neutrinos. And that particle can be superpositioned and entangled it can form a new platform for long-distance quantum communication. 

The neutrino could be the perfect thing for the superposition and quantum entanglement that makes quantum teleportation possible. At first, the data will be driven to another neutrino by using quantum entanglement. Then the other neutrino will shoot to its journey. And then the receiver will capture it. The weak interaction causes the information that the system stores in neutrino will stay in its form.

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