Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Discoveries can explain why magnetars have so strong magnetic fields.

"The study of the sound speed has revealed that heavy neutron stars have a stiff mantle and a soft core, while light neutron stars have a soft mantle and a stiff core – much like different chocolate pralines. Credit: Peter Kiefer & Luciano Rezzolla" ( Chocolate Pralines: Physicists’ Surprising Discovery About Neutron Star Structure)

Even if neutron stars are rotating at extremely fast speeds. Sound travels in those extremely thick objects. Sound is an oscillation of atoms, subatomic particles, and molecules. And soundwaves are traveling in neutron stars almost like in all other particles. Except in neutron stars sound means the oscillation of the neutron's quantum fields. And that thing makes that thing very interesting. 

When the jet of another neutron star impacts with another neutron star it can put it to resonate. That resonance is possible especially if the neutron star's core is stiff. 

The light neutron stars have a soft mantle and stiff core. Heavy neutron stars have stiff mantles and soft cores. In the case of neutron stars, the "stiff" and "soft" are far harder than iron. The material of neutron stars is one of the strongest in the universe. Researchers are interested in that material because the 2D neutron network is called "neutron-" or "quantum graphene". 

Neutrons are polar particles that have north and south poles. And that thing makes it possible that neutrons can create a similar structure to graphene. 

The discoveries can explain why magnetar's magnetic field is so strong. Magnetar is a neutron star with a very powerful magnetic field. And the reason for that is the core of that neutron star orbits very fast. Magnetars are lightweight neutron stars. That allows their core can rotate faster than heavy neutron stars. 

That thing can explain what makes magnetars so special. The fast-rotating stiff core can like hover above the mantle. And the extremely fast rotating core is the reason why magnetar's magnetic field is so strong. There is a vision that magnetars can superposition with each other. In that case, the radiation from another magnetar synchronizes the resonation of their core. 

In some other theories, neutron stars can have two stiff cores over each other. That thing removes the friction between those cores. And the core of that theoretical model rotates over the quantum rolls. The neutrons of the lower core act like small rolls. That almost removes the friction from the structure. And that thing makes it possible that the speed of the core is near the speed of light. 

That kind of rotating core can simply push the photons away from it. Or the powerful magnetic or quantum field simply captures photons between electrons that are orbiting in that field. That kind of effect can turn this kind of neutron star almost invisible.

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