Is the world really in crisis? Or are we realizing or understanding the crisis in new ways when the internet brings them even into our bedrooms?
We all say that the internet brings crisis to our living rooms. But does the internet make the crisis more difficult to handle than they were before the internet? So is our world in its deepest crisis? Or have we just become aware of the crisis? That is an interesting question. How would we manage a crisis like the war in Ukraine?
Otherwise, the internet is bringing new and powerful changes to society. The problem is that the Internet is causing turbulence. And nobody can control this kind of change. So managing this scale of change is impossible. Legislation is behind technical advances. And there are billions of users of international networks. But the international networks are also giving the possibility to deliver false information.
And one other thing that makes the Internet different than any other information delivery tool is that we can see only things that we want. We can close all other opinions except those supporting us, out from our social network. We can say that those people who don't like the same things as us are lol. They are boring, they don't wear the same clothes as we like. Or they don't like the same music as us. So we don't have to listen to those people.
What would the media tell us about the Ukrainian crisis if we would not have internet? Would we just accept the Russian military actions? And just say that "there is conflict in Ukraine", and then start to look at football? The internet makes people aware of a crisis like the Syrian civil war.
That kind of situation. Where one of the world's largest military powers involved in internal conflict ever introduced great public.
At least in the same volume. There were many weaknesses in the Russian military, and one of those weaknesses was the lack of high-accurate smart weapons. That forced Russia to use the TOS-1 thermobaric ammunition which caused lots of civilian casualties. The Russian operation was not as successful as it should.
And Russian way to use firepower caused lots of casualties and if some western commander would make those things that man would sent to court martial. But Russian commanders must not care about the civilian casualties. And Syrian leaders accept all of the actions the Russian troops made in Syria. And Russia believed that the same tactics are effective also in Ukraine.
That thing is one of the most interesting and same ways dangerous things. Political leaders must listen to public opinions more carefully than ever before. So crises and actions in those crises cannot hide from the great public anymore. Or the government must use high-class censorship.
And that is against western principles. In the western world is one holy principle. Everything that is not prohibited is allowed.
Things like energy crises are at the door. And the new thing is this. We have no chance to replace the energy with other deliverers. We must accept that energy is one of the most powerful weapons against western infrastructure. So if we will buy natural gas or oil from some nation, we must understand that those things are not just trading. They also have high-class political dimensions.
The conflict in Ukraine makes this problem deeper than ever before. If we do not support Ukraine, it means that Putin will get the green light for the next steps in Western Europe. Europe must therefore stand strong and defend its values. But one of the European values is its largest Achilles' heel. One of our most important and finest values: freedom of speech is one of the most dangerous tools in the hands of populists.
We always believe that nations or governments are punishing people who threaten others. But nobody even imagined that threatening individuals. Net bullying, and propaganda. Are supported by some governments. I always wrote that people must use many sources for making their opinions. In that case, people must find many viewpoints.
But what if some government and its media are full of bullshit? What if the official media. Which is a trusted source in Europe and the Western world is a pure propaganda channel? What if the media's function in some countries is only to support the government?
We must realize that the internet caused an information revolution. But there must be rules in there. We know that net bullying and disinformation must delete from the net. But the difficult question is who defines what is disinformation or what is bullying? This is one of the most difficult questions in the world. We know how the Russian government defines those things.
Things like one-sided information are dangerous. And things like Russian support for Trump's election campaign and Brexit news were highlighted only what benefits that thing brings to Britain should be warning signs of what we must beware of. We must remember that there are people who get very much from dictatorial countries. There still are people in the east and west who wants to return to the iron curtain. The iron curtain was the line between East and West.
People like KGB agents could make big money by introducing western businessmen to their colleagues. They offer cheap wood and raw material to western businessmen. And if those products were made in the Soviet Union. It offered cheap labor.
But there is one other thing that this thing allowed. That was money laundry in the Soviet Union.
People could carry dollars to the Soviet Union. Then they could change that money to German Marks, British Pounds, and other currencies. And then they could return that money to the west. That money made the Russian mafia a very powerful organization. The reason why the KGB didn't want to stop that thing was simple: it needed western money for its illegal operations.
The Euro or the common currency in the European Union made that money laundering impossible. There was only one currency. That made it impossible to exchange the dirty money for Russian Ruble. And then rechange those Rubles for multiple western currencies.
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