Saturday, November 12, 2022

Could graviton be one or two quantum-size black holes?

Another model that could explain why gravitation is so special. 

Above this text is an image of the black hole. But that image could be the image of a quark. In some scenarios, the graviton is a small black hole inside the quantum field. The quantum tornado forms the point where that radiation pushes the quantum field away. So there is the electromagnetic vacuum that pulls the quantum field to the ball-shaped form. But there is also another version of the graviton and its interactions. 

The hypothetical graviton particle that should transport gravitation may be two quantum size black holes. That thing causes a quantum field whose shape is similar to the magnetic field that forms around a rod magnet. Those quantum-size black holes would be the south pole against the north pole. And there is forming a quantum tornado around those two black holes. 

Then the quantum fields are forming the lightning structure or superstring structure. That is looking like a whisk. When those black holes that size is smaller than quarks are starting to make the quantum fields or quantum lightning around them the outcoming radiation makes those flashes of lightning stronger. Because that structure starts to rotate, it turns to look like a ball. And maybe that thing is the quark. Maybe that kind of thing could explain gravitation. 

Another model of gravitation or graviton particle is that gravitation is the force that is forming around the fast-spinning particle. The idea is that when a particle spins. It creates the effect where wave motion travels to the poles or the axle of the spinning particle. And because the particle is extremely small. 

There forms a small quantum vacuum bubble to its poles because those waves impact each other just above the quantum field of that spinning particle. That bubble starts to pull wave motion to the axle of the particle. So when wave motion travels at the surface of the particle. 

Those waves are transporting the wave motion that hits the particle to its poles. So that means the particle that is making the effect of gravitation is like a neutron star or black hole. When a particle spins at an extremely high speed. It transfers wave motion to its poles like neutron stars or black holes are transferring. 

What makes gravitation interesting? That is that the graviton is missing. There is the possibility that a graviton is a quantum-size black hole or so-called black photon. The form of the graviton is one of the most important things in the gravitation theory. 

The thing is that things like neutron stars or black holes are not forming energy from nothingness. They are like generators. Generators are transforming motion into electromagnetism. The thing that neutron stars and black holes are doing the same thing. They are transforming electromagnetic fields into powerful energy beams. 

Or otherways saying they are transferring the frequency of the radio waves to X- and gamma rays. In similar ways, the Casimir effect doesn't make energy from nothingness. When Casimir plates are taken very close to each other electron cores form the quantum bridge over that hole. Then the outcoming radiation will inject energy into those bridges. And that thing loads the energy to the Casimir circuit.

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