If information ever exists. It cannot either vanish. If something vanishes it requires that at least information about that object exists. If something never exists. It cannot either vanish because vanishing requires existence...
The reason for that is simple. Only existing things can vanish.
If we are thinking about Schrödinger's cat. And the box where that cat is put where the cat is in a position where it cannot release without killing it, we can say that at the same time cat is dead and alive. But the fact is that the answer to the question is the cat is dead or is it alive requires another type of logic. The particle can be in two places at the same time. Because of quantum superposition. But the particle can have only one existence if it will have existed.
In logical quantum mechanics, the superposition means that the particle is in two places horizontally. But the energy level of those particles can be different. And that means the particles can be vertically at different levels.
But if the particle is dead. It doesn't have existence. And that means the particle is meaningless.
In information theory, the information cannot vanish. But if the observer doesn't have information. That makes information non-existent. Getting information makes it existent. But if the observer doesn't never get information about the things like a cat. The cat is dead.
Because information never existed. It cannot either vanish.
Information can change its form. in system theory, this means. The cat that carries information is living. And when the cat delivers its information it is dead. So if the cat serves some system as the messenger which carries some USB stick between two computer centers. That means the cat lives until it delivers the USB stick.
If we think like that anything that means something to the system is alive. And if the cat doesn't have a message or it just walks on the streets it's dead. So living means that things have some kind of meaning to other actors.
But information theory describes the existence that an object doesn't have the form of to subject before the subject sees that object. So the cat is dead for a person until that actor gets knowledge about the cat's existence. We all know that in our house can be a cat. But we cannot see it and because the cat doesn't cause any actions to us or it doesn't give any markings to our calendars that means the cat is dead.
That way thinking only things that we know and things that causes interactions are alive. The form of the information can be virtual. That means even if the cat. That someday carried messages but then escaped and the observer never sees it again the cat is alive in its virtual form. Observers can discuss the missing cat. And that makes the cat still alive. Even without straight contact with the observer. The cat remains alive in the virtual mode in the memories of those people.
So the cat's living or existence can be stronger or weaker. It depends on how often we see it, and how often we talk about that thing. Maybe we will tell stories of the lost cat to our grandchildren. And that keeps it alive in our memories or the virtual world if we want to call memories virtual projection. But memories are forming of real things. That means those tales about that cat are weaker existence than seeing a cat straight. Or touching it.
Being alive=Being exists.
Being exist= actor can measure an object.
And then the actors know the object.
Knowledge brings the object to reality.
That means until we measure or touch the cat. It would not turn into reality.
That is one interesting thing. Before a person sees a cat it is dead because it is not part of reality. That means the cat or particle can be at the same time in two states but those states cannot be too far from each other. The cat cannot be alive and dead at the same time. That is a paradox as I wrote earlier.
But a cat can be alive in virtual and physical existing modes. We can see the cat and tell about it to our mate, who stands near us. That means the cat has two states virtual and real to the system. But for individual actors, the cat can have only one state. They see cats and measure or they cannot see them.
The system slides from a conditional state to an absolute state.
Conditional state>>>>>Information spreds>>>>>>>>>>Absolute state
Conditional state
Individuals of the entirety get information about the cat.
Information spreads
In absolute state, every participant of entirety knows about the cat.
The system slides from a conditional state to an absolute state. When the cat or information is between the states. It can have this conditional state. But sooner or later, the information must reach a stable state. Or if the cat falls between states it has the absolute state. The fall means that the absolute state changes very fast. But when the cat reaches the floor. It would reach the minimum energy level or state.
"Being alive" for an object means that the actor can know about it. The knowledge of the actor turns it alive.
"Maybe mode" is the mode where the same time cat is alive and dead at the same time. But when information spread in the system the system turns to Yes/No mode.
That thing requires that there are multiple independent actors in the system. The system slides from the conditional state to the absolute model.
When the first actors in entirety get knowledge of the cat's existence. There is the medium where the entirety has at the same time two states. But then the system will slide from the conditional mode or state to the absolute mode. When the system is in its absolute state form, the cat is dead or alive not dead and alive.
An actor can be an individual. Or it can be a group of individual actors.
All systems contain multiple actors. And if we think that group of people is searching for the cat and one sees it. Then that individual tells that thing to another participant that thing causes that cat to have two states virtual and physical in the system where are multiple actors. But the individual actor the cat is real or virtual. Or the actor doesn't know the existence of the cat. And that means the cat is dead.
The actor can have three forms. Two of them are where the observer realizes its existence. And one form where observers don't know the existence of the actor. That is the dark mode that is hidden from actors.
*Virtual form
*Physical form
*If nobody knows the existence of the actor, he's dead.
The knowledge makes the object dead or alive. Being dead and alive are black and white. The actor can know the existence of the cat. Or the actor doesn't know that thing so the cat is dead. If the actor hears about the cat that thing makes it alive in virtual mode. When a person sees cats' traces. That will bring the knowledge of its existence stronger. And that will turn it more existing and more living than just talking about it.
But a cat cannot be dead and alive at the same time. When people are talking about cats it turns alive. Because existing things are living things. The cat's existence can be virtual when somebody just describes the cat to others. Or it can be physical when the actor touches the cat. But in both cases cat is alive. The reason for that is that requirement for a thing's existence is that the observer becomes conscious of its existence. If a person doesn't know about its existence the thing is dead. The existence means that the cat is alive.
When we think that a cat is dead or alive. We must say that for the system that is the entirety of multiple actors. The cat can be dead or alive. The individual actors can have different knowledge about the existence of the cat. In that stage, the system is in maybe mode. But when information about that cat's existence spreads. That system will turn to the mode. That allows it to get knowledge about the existence of the cat.
The term dead cat means a cat whose existence is not known. Knowing the existence of the cat makes it alive. The cat cannot be dead and alive at the same time. The reason for that is simple we know that cat exists or we don't know a cat's existence. We cannot know and not know the existence of the cat at the same time.
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