"The cuprous oxide crystal (red cube) was placed on a sample stage at the center of the dilution refrigerator. Researchers attached windows to the shields of the refrigerator that allowed optical access to the sample stage in four directions".
"The windows in two directions allowed transmission of the excitation light (orange solid line) and luminescence from paraexcitons (yellow solid line) in the visible region. The windows in the other two directions allowed transmission of the probe light (blue solid line) for induced absorption imaging".
"To reduce incoming heat, researchers carefully designed the windows by minimizing the numerical aperture and using a specific window material. This specialized design for the windows and the high cooling power of the cryogen-free dilution refrigerator facilitated the realization of a 64-millikelvin minimum base temperature. Credit: Yusuke Morita, Kosuke Yoshioka, and Makoto Kuwata-Gonokami, The University of Tokyo" (ScitechDaily.com/Physicists Create First Quasiparticle Bose-Einstein Condensate – The Mysterious “Fifth State” of Matter)
Bose-Einstein condensate is a good tool for making information travel in quantum computers. Image three shows the size or energy level of the ultra-cold atoms. That thing can make a hill where information travels in a certain direction.
Things like positronium are forming a structure that is acting as quantum entanglement. The positronium is a particle where positrons and electrons orbit each other. And the same way, in protonium, the proton and antiproton orbit each other.
A magnetic field or radiation can put those particle pairs in a certain position. There is one problem those particles are highly reactive. If a positron or antiproton touches material, that causes an annihilation explosion.
Image 3:)
In exciton, the electron and electron-hole (later electron-hole called simply "hole) act like an electron and positron in positronium.
The Bose-Einstein condensate can use to make exciton. The exciton is the virtual particle where an electron hole and electron are orbiting each other. Quantum entanglement can use to make the superposition between the electron and hole.
That means exciton is pair of electrons and an electron hole. In that system, the position of the electron and hole act like positronium.
Energy travels from the electron to its hole. And if the system can remove energy immediately from the hole. That thing helps to keep quantum entanglement longer time. Or in other words. This system makes quantum entanglement by using exciton.
Energy or information will pump to the higher energy side of that entirety. And the system will remove it from the hole. The electron and electron hole form a pair that acts like two particles. So electron hole is one of the virtual particles.
"Researchers applied inhomogeneous stress using a lens set under the sample (red cube). The inhomogeneous stress results in an inhomogeneous strain field that acts as a trap potential for excitons. The excitation beam (orange solid line) was focused on the bottom of the trap potential in the sample. An exciton (yellow sphere) consists of one electron (blue sphere) and one hole (red sphere)".
"The team detected excitons by either luminescence (yellow shade) or the differential transmission of the probe light (blue shade). An objective lens set behind the sample collected luminescence from excitons. The probe beam also propagated through the objective lens. Credit: Yusuke Morita, Kosuke Yoshioka and Makoto Kuwata-Gonokami, The University of Tokyo"(ScitechDaily.com/Physicists Create First Quasiparticle Bose-Einstein Condensate – The Mysterious “Fifth State” of Matter)
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