Sunday, November 27, 2022

The black holes, and what is their relationship with eternity?

Could the Schwinger effect in black holes be the source of mysterious Hawking radiation? 

Is there some outcoming radiation that comes out from the black hole? And could that thing turn the event horizon invisible? Could that outcoming radiation be the thing called "dark energy"? If that strange wave motion is coming from the fourth dimension. That radiation is invisible to detect. There is the possibility that dark energy tunnels through superstrings that are forming all elementary particles. 

There is a theory that black holes are particles. That is in the fourth dimension. The idea is that when a particle jumps to the fourth dimension or otherways saying energy level that means the fourth dimension. It leaves a hole behind it. That hole is the channel where the radiation from that fourth dimension comes from that super-high energy level. 

And the reason why we cannot see the singularity is that there is some kind of counter-radiation or wave motion that will pull energy from incoming radiation. In that case, the gravitational waves or Hawking radiation that impacts other wave motion near the event horizon acts like a counter-wave from the beach. 

The counter wave pulls energy out from the impacting radiation. So the radiation that comes from the black hole must be very high-frequency. But the height of those hypothetical waves is very low. And that means the effect of that radiation could be visible only extremely close to the event horizon. 

So if that Hawking's radiation is coming inside the black hole there is one reason that could explain this thing. And that is this. There is some kind of Schwinger effect in black holes. The rotation speed of the black hole is extremely fast. And that can cause the Schwinger effect. Where wave motion turns particle-antiparticle pairs. Could there be some kind of Schwinger effect in the black hole?

The universe is material. And the material is one form of energy. Energy is the thing that determines how long the universe can exist as a material entirety. 

The dimension is the energy level where particles can interact with each other. We are living in the third dimension. And the thing that separates the fourth and third dimensions is the energy level. 

The energy level of the four-dimensional particle is so high that it cannot interact with three-dimensional particles. But the fact is that time will travel in the same direction in the fourth dimension as it travels in three-dimensional space. 

Term time dilation means that time moves slower on the particles that travel at a very high speed. Or another thing that can cause time dilation is the energy pumping to the particle. 

So if we will think that the particles are hairy things and the hair is forming when the superstrings erupt from particles. That thing is called quantum vaporization. The reason for that vaporization is the expansion of the universe. 

All energy and particles are involved in the universe. And when the size of the universe increases. That causes the material and energy relation with space decreases. That thing is called "Cosmic inflation". 

Cosmic inflation causes that material never to reach the minimum energy level that is the same as space. And that thing means the vaporization of the material accelerates all the time. Quantum vaporization or "vaporization" means that the material sends wave motion. And that wave motion is the thing that decreases the mass of the particle. 

Energy cannot form from emptiness. Particle turns to wave motion because the material is one form of energy. So when energy or wave motion targets the particle. It gets the lost energy back. And that energy increases the mass of the particle. 

But the problem is that when we return the particle's "youth" the energy level of the universe decreases. And that means the energy difference between the particle and its environment increases. So when the energy pump to the particle ends. It starts to release energy faster. 

And the wave motion that is left from the particle can pull a warp bubble or electromagnetic vacuum around it. That causes a situation. Where the wave motion that travels out from the particle rips it to superstrings. 

The thing that destroys the particle is not the energy pump. The end of the energy pump and too fast energy movement out from particles is the thing that destroys single particles. 

Dimension is energy level. If energy levels between two objects are too far from each other those particles cannot interact. 

The energy level is the thing that determines the third and fourth dimensions. The dimension that is at a higher energy level is always smaller than the previous one that is at a lower energy level. But the upper (higher energy) dimensions are denser than the lower energy dimensions. The energy travels from higher energy level dimensions to lower energy level dimensions. And that energy flow is the thing why it's so hard to reach those invisible dimensions. 

When the particle jumps to the fourth dimension. Its energy level rises very high. And that thing makes it possible that particles can keep their particle form longer than the universe exists. When the particle's energy level turns high enough, we could say that it jumps to the fourth dimension. It loses its ability to interact with other particles. 

Sooner or later that particle will lose so much energy that it returns to the third dimension. But if some particle makes that thing it keeps its particle form longer than the universe. The reason for that is that the energy level of that particle is so high, that energy in it will remain longer than in other particles. 

And when we are thinking about cosmic inflation and the aging of particles. We can say that this particle in a hyper-high energy level follows other particles in the aging process. That thing is called time dilation. There is a possibility to restore or return the youth of the particle simply by stressing them with electromagnetic radiation. 

Can some particle someday reach eternity?

That thing depends on how we describe eternity. If we say that the universe's lifetime is the limit of the existence of material. We must remember that information never vanishes. And the reason for that is when the wave motion reaches its final and smallest form. The universe reaches a stable form. The energy level of the system reaches its minimum level. 

For the first time in its history, the form of the material doesn't change any more. So that means the superstrings that formed the universe after the Big Bang cannot split into smaller parts. But when the material reaches its final form. Greek philosophers called that form the "Atomos" form. 

Material cannot take any smaller or lower energy form. But the fact is that those strings still exist. And the existence of the universe never ends. 

But could some particles keep their particle form forever? We can say that the end of the universe is the end of material existence as particles. When all particles are turned to wave motion that thing could describe the end of the universe. But there is a possibility to create a particle that lives longer than the universe. 

Time is one form of energy. And the thing that causes that material to turn to wave motion is the end of energy. When energy ends that thing causes a situation where the superstring that forms the particle turns open. 

But there is a possibility that the particle energy level is so high, that its energy level is so high that energy cannot release during the lifetime of the universe. The energy level of this sub-atomic particle would be so high that we cannot see it. 

Or the quantum field of that particle in the hyper-high energy level just pushes other wave motion around it. And that outcoming radiation denies that particle's ability to interact. The radiation just travels around the particle. And that radiation makes it hard to detect. That wave motion will just make that particle act like some kind of stealth material.

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