Thursday, November 10, 2022

The impossible triangle and energy flow make quantum armor possible.

Penrose's impossible triangle is the model of the problem of information travel in quantum systems. The energy must always travel to the side where the energy level is lower. And if we think that time is one of the quantum systems the reason why it's so difficult to receive information from the future is that future has a lower energy level than the past. 

So for traveling to the past. There must be a system that rises the information's energy level higher than the energy level at a certain point in the past. That allows the information to travel back in time. In this model time is one of the quantum systems. 

The particle or object travels in the three quantum systems. The distance to the particle is horizontal travel. The energy level is vertical travel. And then the object travels in time. So time is one of the quantum systems. 

Forms of photons such as wave motion and particles are one of the most interesting things in the world. That means photon travels in the form of a superstring. And energy cannot escape from the photon. That causes that time stands on that particle. 

Superstrings can also connect two quantum systems. Or two quantum systems can exchange information because they are part of a larger quantum system. The requirement that energy travels between two quantum systems are that those systems are connected. The connector can be the larger quantum system, where those two systems belong. 

If the energy level of participants of quantum systems is the same, that thing destroys the system. The reason for that is when wave motion that has the precise same forms (energy level and wavelength) impacts with other wave motion that pushes particles away from each other.

So there is needed a quantum system between those main systems. That increases the transmitter's energy level to higher than the receiver's. That thing makes time travel so difficult. The energy level must rise so that way it would not break information. The fact is that the information cannot vanish. It can break into pieces or be encrypted in a new form. 

This information helps to make stronger structures. If the energy level of all particles in a quantum cube (material) has the same energy level energy impact on that structure destroys it immediately. In quantum armors, there could be a network of the things like noble-gas atoms at the fullerene structure. In that structure middle of those noble-gas atoms is atom chains. That are forming quantum antennas between those atoms.

When energy impact hits those noble-gas atoms they send extra energy to those nano-antennas. The requirement for working nano-antennas is that the energy level at their top is lower than other structures. That allows energy to flow to those antennas and out to the system. 

The idea is similar when a particle slides from conditional space to absolute space. When energy starts to stress the structure the quantum antennas are transferring it out from the system. There is the possibility that the counterwaves are making the impacting energy weaker than it should be. When incoming radiation hits counter radiation it loses part of its energy. 

And that decreases energy stress on the structure.  Or in some other models, every particle in the quantum structure can have individual energy levels. That allows energy to fall to those lower energy particles in the case of energy stress. 

The thing that we must realize. That the end of the energy stress causes the wave motion. That breaks the structure. If there is space that allows the energy stress to rise without causing the wave motion that makes the structure more sustainable against the EM stress. If some particles in quantum structure have lower energy levels than others they can form cups where energy can flow when particles are sending electromagnetic impulses. 

If there are holes in the quantum entirety where energy can fall. That thing gives extra strength to that structure. In the case that the energy level of the system's participants is not the same. There are not forming identical waves that push particles away from each other. 

If some particles in entirety have lower energy levels than others. That offers the possibility that those lower energy particles can receive the energy impact. In the case that every participant of the quantum system has an individual energy level, the energy can travel to lower energy particles when those particles are sending the wave motion. 

Those lower energy particles offer holes where the wave motion can drop when energy stress to particles drops. Another way to minimize the effect of energy impact is to cover the most out layer of the quantum structure by using some other particles than another part of the structure. 

When energy impact hits those particles. They send energy impulses. And if that energy impulse travels through the rest of the structure. Without interaction. That makes the structures stronger against things like em-impulses. 

The particle travels in horizontal space where its distance increases. It travels at a vertical level which is the energy level. And then it travels in time. So time is one of the dimensions. But can we think of time as a quantum system? If time is the quantum system it allows information transfer to the future. But the problem is that the energy level of the information must rise. And the decoding of information can make that thing at least very difficult. 

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