Sunday, February 27, 2022

The next-generation stealth could be here.

Image: 1) Wikipedia/Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit

The B-2 Spirit was a fundamental design. Its plans are made by using computers. The limits of that time computers were very big when that aircraft first flew in 1987.  So we can think about what kind of structures modern quantum computers can make with those systems. 

The successor of the B-2 the B-21 "Raider" is coming into service. There is made only two B-21 Raiders. The B-2 was made in the time of regular computers. 

The B-21 Raider is made in the time of quantum computers. And artificial intelligence. That allows designing every single point of the core of the aircraft by using extreme accuracy. And the AI makes it possible to keep its entirety in its hands and simulate the wave movement that hits the aircraft. 

But those bombers might enter service sooner than nobody expects. There are always questions about what kind of systems the modern stealth aircraft uses? 

Nanotechnology with intelligent artificial intelligence makes it possible to create solutions. That has zero reflection. And graphene is one of the most promising materials for stealth systems. The graphene that can reflect backward can deny the reflection of the light. And the abnormal ability to absorb light in graphene can also make the new ultimate stealth systems possible. 

Image 2: Three-layer graphene

Things like quantum stealth and zero-point stealth are the most promising stealth systems. 

If the aircraft uses the zero-point stealth system the core of the aircraft captures the energy and then that energy can conduct to the PPT (Pulsed Plasma Thrusters)-systems. That means. When the aircraft is under the radar surveillance it can use that energy in its engines. 

The zero-point system means that there is the minimum energy level material in the aircraft's structure. That means electromagnetic radiation can travel only in one direction. That material can be the Einstein-Bose condensate. 

Modern artificial intelligence can make counter-wave systems that can fall incoming wave movement. That means when the reflection has the same wavelength and force as incoming radiation that thing eliminates the wave movement. But that artificial intelligence can make it possible to create the active waving material. 

Shaped memory in hierarchical networks are allowing to make new materials. And that thing makes the new type of things like stealth technology possible. The new graphene-based materials can be waved when they are facing electromagnetic radiation. 

That means the structure of those materials is not solid. The active waving material can be the new answer for stealth technology. Artificial intelligence can control the system that makes the graphene-based structures create waving movement that would suppress the reflection to a minimum. 

In some cases, there has introduced a possibility that if the system uses opposite-rotating graphene layers those layers can capture the photons and electrons between them. But for making that thing in real life requires that the movement of the graphene layers would be extremely high speed. 

There is also possible to connect the graphene structures with photon crystals. The speed of light will decrease to zero in those crystals. And that thing means that there is no reflection. But as you know there are many other ways to make craft invisible for radar, infrared and human eye.

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The new engine will give a boost to hypersonic space flight.


China has made very big work with MHD (MagnetoHydrodynamic Drive). Those ion thrusters are ionizing air at the forward of the engine and then the magnetic system will pull it backward. Other names for the MHD are MDD(MagnetoDynamic Drive) or plasma ion thruster. 

The plasma jet engine called PPT (Pulsed Plasma Thruster) is the system that can drive aircraft higher and faster than anytime before. The nuclear reactor or gas turbine inside the core of the hypersonic aircraft can create electricity for that system.  Pulsed plasma thrusters can give things like jet fighters new abilities. 

That kind of system is developed also by Russians and NASA. And its purpose is to accelerate the aircraft to hypersonic speed. In that kind of system, the carrier plane would take the space shuttle near the orbiter where the orbiter shuttle will release to operate at orbiter. 

The original shuttle constructions by NASA the plans were to take the space shuttle near the edge of the atmosphere by using large-size carrier aircraft. Then the rocket engines of the shuttle would start. And it can operate at the orbiter. 

There were at least plans for making the EMU (Enhanced Mission Unit). That is the internal extra-fuel tanks for the space shuttle. I don't know did a real space shuttle ever use that system. But the shuttle program's first test flights by using the space shuttle launched from the back of the Boeing 747 caused speculations that this version of launch could use in some shuttle flights. 

There is the possibility that the large shuttle will take to the edge of the atmosphere. Then the rocket engines will start. And then that full-scale system will release the miniature shuttle. The miniature shuttle can also be launched by using some other vehicle. And it can take satellites to the cargo bay of the larger shuttle.

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

There is always the possibility that a nuclear state uses nuclear weapons.

SS-18 (Wikipedia/R-36 (missile))

In this text, the main objective is tactical nuclear weapons. The purpose of strategic weapons is to support the tactical systems. When we are thinking about the difference between tactical and strategic systems the limit between those systems is lower. 

The strategic missile can have tactical missions. And the strategic missile can also have low yield warheads. Also, the tactical missile can have high-yield warheads. And modern strategic missiles can also hit targets on the battlefield. 

If some state has nuclear weapons. There is always the possibility that the state also uses them.  There are two types of nuclear weapons. Tactical and strategic. The range of tactical nuclear weapons is about a couple of hundreds of kilometers. And the range of strategic nuclear weapons is over 2000 kilometers. When we are thinking of tactical nuclear weapons most of them are highly mobile battlefield systems that can sweep the situation away from the battlefield. The yield of the warhead of those missiles is about 1kt. to 12 kt.

 During the Cold War. The Soviets planned to place medium-range R-12 (SS-4) and R-14 (SS-5) missiles in Cuba. The yield of those missile warheads was 1-2,5 mt. and the ranges of those missiles were 2000-3500 or soviet calculated the range of SS-5 about 4500 kilometers. The accuracy of those missiles was not very good. And that's why they had very high yield warheads. Those Soviet missiles had western competitor "Jupiter" tactical missiles. 

Image 2) Ranges of the Soviet missiles in the Cuban missile crisis 1962

Later the other more accurate tactical systems like  RDS-10 Pioneer (SS-20 "Saber"), Pershing 1 and 2, and cruise missiles replaced those first generations' nuclear weapons. Today strategic weapons like RT-23 (SS-24 "Scalpel" ) that were replaced by RT-2 PM Topol (SS-25 "Sickle") can have tactical duties. And the weapons, like "Iskander", can equip with nuclear or conventional weapons. The air-launched version of "Iskander" is "Kinzhal" that can use to attack against tactical and strategic targets. 

The range of those missiles depends on the size of the warhead. The fact is that in the early years of the Cold War the yield of tactical missile warheads could be 4 mt. and the range was about a couple of hundreds of kilometers. That means those missiles could be as well as dangerous to their users as targets. 

There is sometimes suspected. That some of the tactical missiles could be at the silos. For securing some routes to the countries. The tactical nuclear missile can also be a surface-to-air missile that warhead has two tactical roles. The anti-aircraft role is meant to destroy the strategic bombers and the same warheads can use against land troops. 

The tactical missiles have sometimes a "police role". In those cases, the security troops will crush the rebellion in the strategic missile bases by using tactical nuclear missiles.

But as you see there are also other systems like land, ships and aircraft launched cruise missiles, nuclear mines, and nuclear torpedoes. And then the strategic missile systems. Strategic nuclear missiles are the most powerful weapons in the world. The most feared of them is FOBS (Fractional Orbital Bombardment System) which can mean the nuclear weapon that is orbiting the Earth.

There is a contract that denies placing nuclear weapons on the orbiter. But there is the possibility that this contract has been broken. So that means there is the possibility that on the orbiter are satellites that have nuclear bombs inside them. 

There is also suspicion that miniature space shuttles like X-37B and MiG-105 "Spiral" can be used as an extreme version of the kamikaze drones. In those systems, there could be an internal nuclear weapon. 

And the rocket can rise them to the orbiter. There is the possibility that the R-36 (SS-18 "Satan") or RS-28 "Sarmat" (SS-X-29) will equip with one smaller warhead. And that thing gives those super heavy missiles the FOBS capacity. 

The most modern versions of those systems can probably return their warheads from the low Earth orbiter if those systems are not needed. All nations that have nuclear weapons have tactical and strategic weapons.

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What if Russian banks will be closed out from the SWIFT system?



The closing out from SWIFT means that there are no money transfers between those banks and other banks. That thing is devastating for the economy. And maybe that allows blocking the money transfer between Vladimir Putin's inner circle and other countries. That will limit those people's ability to operate at western marketing. 

Even Standard&Poors warned Europe about the influence of the sanctions. We must remember that economics is not an independent thing. When people are seeing that some nation is acting brutally. That causes antipathy. And today things like social media are very good tools to share information. That information can be right or wrong. But the thing is that thing will influence to invest to that country. 

Today is not possible to hide the membership in companies that have connections with Oligarchs. Even if we want to see that business is business we must remember that business with the wrong people can cause boycotts. A negative reputation is also damaged business. 

When we are thinking about the authoritarian government there is always possible that the authorities will seize investments by using some excuse. And that means the money is gone. But if the business is not tolerated. because things like production are against human rights. That thing costs also very lot of money. A lost reputation is a very expensive thing. 

Economics is always connected with politics. That a nation or country is following. We are all humans. And one aspect that is dominating marketing is psychology. If we are seeing that the police of some countries are using unnecessary violence. Or some other country will start unnecessary or injustice warfare that affects people's attitude. And attitudes cause boycotts. 

The problem with sanctions is that they might affect ordinary Russians, not Vladimir Putin. The thing is that the sanctions because of the Ukraine situation are necessary. But the thing is that we know that there is always the risk that the sanctions would not work. The nuclear weapons of Russia guarantee that the military actions against that country will not happen. But economical sanctions can affect at least the regular people. And maybe they are starting to see Putin in a different light. 

The problem is how powerful actions the sanctions include? Could the net attack against Russians be effective? Full close to the high-tech sanctions could cause Western mobile telephones not to get necessary updates because computer codes are also prohibited. Or those telephones will shut down. That situation would affect regular people. But do they affect the Russian business elite and Putin's inner circle? 

We know that Putin wants to finish his campaign in Ukraine very fast. And then that man believes that the focus of the world would turn away from Ukraine when there are more interesting things. So he might just believe that the world will not remember that attack. 

When we are thinking about things like the isolation of Russia, we must remember that we must not wait for the cold war. The cold war is already here. The thing is that economic sanctions are the thing that should give a message that the actions. like an attack on Ukraine is not tolerated by other countries.

Friday, February 25, 2022

When the AI is connected with the CCD camera, it can give new results about the observations.

The new AI-based technology can search for the bottlenecks of traffic and other things like that. The system can also search the things like too-long vehicles from the images. If some roads are too narrow for some type of vehicle the AI can tell that thing to operators. 

And then they can guide those vehicles to another route. The AI can compare massive datasets that are collected from multiple sensors. And then it can make decisions that can make things work better. 

The thing where the AI is the best. Is comparing the data of large data masses. The AI can see if there are some anomalies in the image. The AI can compare the images stored in hard disks. And then it can find the differences in those images. The system detects the smallest possible changes in brightness by comparing the images pixel by pixel. In that system, the image is taken at the same angle and same spot. 

That allows operators to see. If the object moving or if there are some other changes. This system can use in recon missions or astronomy. The idea is that. The camera is taking images that are stored on the hard disk. And then the system compares the images that are stored in the mass memories. That thing makes those systems more effective. Because the system has more time to make its duty. 

When we connect that system with fuzzy logic we can make a system that can compare objects very effectively. At first, the system can use fuzzy logic. This means as an example 80% of pixels have a match with a certain object. And the system tells that object is a van. 

Then the system can send that data to an operator. But it can also store the image on a hard disk. And then the system starts to search the images from its archives. To find out the mark and model of the van. This means the system can give interim information to the operator. 

The operator will get information that the thing that bypasses the camera is the van. And then after that, the system can search the mark and model of that vehicle from the database. This is the thing where computers are the best.


The new materials are pathfinders in photonic circuits and stealth technology.

The new graphene-based material reflects light backward. And it is a big step for the next-generation photonic circuits. But the new nano-materials are also possible to use in the next-generation stealth technology. There is introduced an idea to conduct the radar impulses to the accumulator. That means that the radiation's reflection is denied by conducting that radiation to energy storage. 

The thing is that if the energy and wave movement travels only to the object without reflection. There is no way to see that object. But the problem is that the system must sometimes remove the extra energy by conducting it to the ground. 

And there are suspicions. That some UFO:s that are hovering above the water is removing their energy storage. In that case, those aviation systems use technology that absorbs all radiation in the craft. So when the energy level rises too high the craft must remove extra energy to somewhere. 

Graphene-based materials have an abnormally strong absorption ability. The problem is that if the object would not reflect. It will turn very hot if it cannot remove that heat somewhere. The new graphene based-material allows conducting the light to the point where the researchers want. And that ability is useful in photon circuits. But it can also turn the aircraft or ship into shadow. The light can conduct to a laser that sends it in the wanted direction. 

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And the problem with this type of material is that they must remove their energy somewhere. The overload of energy causes the problem. The answer to that problem could be to load the extra energy to capacitors or the energy can conduct to air by using saltwater where the extra energy is loaded. 

And that thing can make it possible to make the objects that are not giving a reflection at all. There is the possibility that the graphene-based materials are conducting light and all other electromagnetic wave movements to the middle of the object like aircraft. And then that light and wave movement can conduct in the wanted direction by using laser technology. 

One version of how to deny reflection is simple. The system must just make the object that has as low an energy level as possible. That thing makes it possible that the energy travels only to the object. And that makes the object invisible for radar, infrared, and even for the human eye.

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There is a risk in Chernobyl nuclear plant.


Sarcophage over Chernobyl nuclear plant

Russian troops are capturing Chernobyl nuclear plant. And that is causing a risk of nuclear disaster. The radiation level in that area is increased because of the traffic of military vehicles. And that thing causes risks that the people get radioactive material in their lungs. Another risk is that there will be some kind of damage in the protective buildings of the nuclear plant. 

In the summertime that radioactive material is extremely dangerous. Because of radioactive dust, that rises from the ground. That dust causes lung cancer and other symptoms. There was a nuclear accident at Chernobyl in 1986. And still, the area is highly radioactive. Or it's the area where people cannot stay without protective suits or iodine tablets. Without those tablets, there is the risk that radioactive iodine will be stored in the thyroid gland. And that thing causes cancer. 

But as you might know nuclear material causes always a risk and that is somebody might want to steal that material for so-called "dirty bomb". The radioactive isotopes are extremely poisonous. And if some soldiers are taking "souvenirs" from that area. There is the possibility that the radioactive poison will get to areas that are not prepared. In the conflict is a very big risk that the radioactive material will get in the wrong hands. 

The radiation level in that area is lower than it was just after the accident. But that doesn't mean that the area is safe. Nuclear waste is still in that area. And there is a possibility that radioactive dust will get in the soldier's equipment. That thing can cause cancer and death. The radioactive material is ever fully secured. That means that if there is some kind of fight near the powerplant the ammunition can hit security buildings. And that can release radioactive poison to the area.


Quantum computers are taking the place of the number one simulator in the world.

Image 1) 

The image above this text portrays an advanced quantum computing system. Some of the quantum computers of tomorrow can use simply multi-channel radios. For their internal communication. In that system certain channel is a certain state of the qubit. And also the strength of the radio signal can determine the state of the qubit. That means a certain energy level is a certain state or level of the qubit.  

The thing that quantum computers are more effective tools to simulate and test quantum mechanics than binary computers is no surprise. The power of quantum computers is so superior that they can make the same calculations that take months by using binary computers in seconds. Quantum computers are the ultimate tools for creating new types of materials and enzymes, and they can map the DNA. 

And quantum computers can also use to control plasma at the fusion reactors. The thing is that quantum computers can also control nanomachines. The AI that is used to move nanomachines can run on the quantum server. That allows operating billions of nanomachines at the same time. Quantum computers can also control the data on the internet. And they can search and detect malicious code. 

The new solutions in nanotechnology require complicated AI software. And the power of quantum computers makes it possible to drive hard and complicated code and connect the data that is collected from sensors. 

The bright future of quantum computer-based AI means that when the number of the quantum computer increases their prices will get lower. The error detection in quantum computers is a similar process to binary computers. The system uses two or more data handling lines. And if those lines get the same result there are no errors. 

Image 2) Bacteriophage

Quantum computers operate with nanomachines by using similar WLAN systems with regular computers. The communication with WLAN systems will happen through binary computers that transform qubits to radio impulses. The thing is that by using the multi-channel radios. Is possible to send data in the form of qubits. In that case, every channel is a certain state of the qubit. And that makes the WLAN more effective. 

The nanomachine can be the genetically engineered bacteria that are controlled with microchips. The system can use bioelectricity or nano-size batteries for creating energy for those microchips.  The nano battery can be a virus where is small gold bites in the feet. When that gold hits with lead or some other base metal that gives electricity. That means the nanobatteries can create electricity also from hemoglobin. 

Image 3) Microchip on graphene.

The small-size or nanotechnical microchips require a new type of power source. The problem with nano-size microchips is that they need an extremely well-calculated energy level. If the electricity level is too high. That means the electric flow will jump over the switches. 

The newest microchips can create energy from graphene. That system captures the energy of the thermal movement of graphene. And that thing allows using that system also in the dark places. The IR radiation is one way to make the energy for that system. But there is the possibility to connect that graphene with miniature resistors. 

Or it can connect with living cells. When those cells will get nutrients their temperature will rise. And the thermal movement of graphene can cause by all possible thermal sources. That thing can use to control the nanomachines. If some medical nanomachine operates inside the human body it requires the WLAN system to communicate with computers.

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Machines are not racists. Human beings are racists.

The "shot spotter" system is very effective for locating the place of gunshots happens. The "shot spotter" cannot track people after gunshots are fired. It can make two circles around the location of gunshots.

Triangular metering determines the place where gunshots are located. Those circles are the possible distance of the shooter to the point where gunshots are located. Those distances are basing the average speed of a walking or running person or person who uses some vehicles. 

The "shot spotter" came into service in the 1990s. And there are more effective ways to locate the gunshot point. There is the possibility that when the shot spotter locates a suspected gunshot the system can send the drone to see what is going on. Or the system would aim the nearest surveillance camera to the point of suspected shooting. 

The new systems might base the networked systems like surveillance cameras and automatic drones that send to the point where shots are located. The system can base on the quadcopters that are around the city. And when that system locates suspected gunshot. It can send the quadcopter to see what is going on automatically. And that helps the field control to make sure about the situation before the patrol is sent. 

The acoustic system bases the microphones that are taking triangular metering. The reason why people are resists this system is that it makes the police more sensitive to use guns. The shot spotter sends information to the police HQ. And then the field leader will make a decision. Was the thing that is heard a gunshot or not? 

The shot spotter is a suitable system for the battlefield. But is it the same way suitable for city area? When the acoustic system detects a suspected gunshot. The field leader gets information about a gunshot that person has 80 seconds to decide to send or not to send the patrol. And then the reputation of the area has always an influence to decision. 

But the reputation and tales about the area. Always affect the actions of the law enforcers who go to that mission. If some area has a violent reputation. And the police are searching for an armed suspect. That thing causes the finger of the trigger to become too sensitive. And that causes deadly gunshots. If the attitude of a law enforcer is that the minorities are criminals. That will turn the risk of use of the gun even lower.  

If the decision is that the heard thing was a gunshot. The leader will send the patrol to the area. That will lower the limit to using the gun. Because the policemen will search the armed suspect. The thing is that the system is claimed to be unfair to ethnic minorities. When the suspected gunshot is heard in the neighborhood where the main population is a minority. 

This causes the patrol will send to the area more often than to the area, where the main population is white. But when we are thinking of the systems the weak ring in all chains is human. The thing is that the acoustic system heard the bang. That sound is not necessarily gunshot. Artificial intelligence can tell does some sound the serial fire of assault rifle. But the problem is that this thing needs artificial intelligence. 

The problem is not in the system that tracks possible gunshots. The problem is in people who are reacting to the cases. If the leader would not send patrols. That thing means humans made that decision. So the problem is not in the system itself. The problem is in the attitudes of people who use the system. 

Is there any kind of statistics that are telling how many phone calls to the emergency center cause that police to come to place? Or how many times police will not send because the on-call decides that the patron will not need to come? And how many of those decisions have been wrong? And how many of those 911-calls caused no reaction or where the patrol not sent was made because of gunshots?

The thing is that in the system where the decision of the reaction makes the human is vulnerable. If the leader will have racist opinions that are not the problem of computers. So why the system will not be allowed to send patrols to position automatically? The problem is that if the attitudes of police are racist. That thing always causes problems. The acoustic gunshot location system was the plan for making easier to find shooters. But the problem is the human who executes orders. When police will get information about the gunshot. Law enforcement must take those things seriously. They must prepare for the gunfight. 

And those situations are always stressful. Then somebody says "gun" and then there is a victim who had no gun. So after that, the internal affairs starts the investigation that takes as long as they want. The investigators were not in the dark street, where is the suspected armed criminal. Or the shooter claims that somebody saw a gun. Of course, there might be attitudes that some area is more violent. And that thing will cause the level to shoot people is lower than it should be.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Magnetic fields are feeding black holes.

"This figure shows the magnetic field orientation (streamlines) and direction (animated streamlines) in the central 1 kpc starburst ring of the spiral galaxy NGC 1097 using data from the radio polarimetric observations. Credit: Lopez-Rodriguez et al". (ScitechDaily, SOFIA Reveals How Magnetic Fields Help Feed a Supermassive Black Hole)

String theory determines material as the ball of 2D strings. Those strings form the yarn ball-type structure called particles. The wave-particle duality means that material can turn to string or wave movement. And the counter-reaction should also be possible. The string can turn into a particle. Only elementary particles like quarks can form from that thing. 

So if we want to compare string with yarn ball we should only take the string that has the right length for creating dark matter. The idea is simple we should only determine the length of the string that forms dark matter. And then we could build dark matter quite easily. But as you know making that thing into practice requires a little bit of work. 

So string theory means that. The strings that are forming material are like quantum-size lightning. And the wave-particle duality means that the material is one form of energy. Wave-particle duality means that particles have mass. And because wave movement can turn to particles. Also, the wave movement must have a mass. 

Annihilation has shown that material can turn to energy. So there should be the mirror-reaction ("anti-annihilation") where wave movement turns to particles. In laboratories wave movement has turned to subatomic particle-antiparticle pairs. 

Black holes are the things that are pulling wave movement in them. The point where photons are dropping in the black hole. Is called the event horizon. And behind that point, every object travels at the same speed. This thing happens with normal and supermassive black holes. When that outcoming wave movement hits the halo of the black hole. 

That thing increases their energy level. And black holes will pull that energy inside it. Whenever a particle of wave movement drops in a black hole. That raises the energy level of the black hole. 

The black hole is an extreme version of the zero-point energy system. When the black hole pulls energy inside it. That energy will turn it stronger. So when wave movement drops in the black hole. A similar situation is visible in laboratories where electrons or atoms are stressed with radiation their weight increases.


Is dark matter the result of imperfect annihilation?

Dark matter is a mystery. There are some suspected impacts with material and dark matter in particle accelerators. But otherwise, that thing is a mystery. Dark matter could be the source of dark energy. 

There is the possibility. That dark energy is similar to neutron radiation. When radiation hits dark matter. It would release extra energy in the form of radiation or wave movement. 

Dark matter is the gravitational effect. That dominates the universe. There is the possibility that the imperfect annihilation caused the part of the material to turn to the thing that we are calling visible material. There is about 15% of material in the universe. That is visible to us. Last of it is the mysterious thing that interacts only by gravitation with visible material. 

But when we are thinking about its form there is one thing that might explain why dark matter is not visible. If we think about the string theory the material is like a yarn ball. And annihilation reaction is the case where the strings of those yarn balls are opening. 

The string theory describes the material as the ball that is formed of wave movement. There is the possibility that if the energy level of the impacting particles is not the same the annihilation would not be perfect. 

So could the dark matter be the result of the imperfect annihilation? That means that material turns to energy when a particle and its anti-particle pair will impact. The case where two particles are turning to energy is true when the particles have the same mass. 

But if the other yarn ball is bigger the annihilation is imperfect. The case is that if the energy level of the participants of annihilation is not symmetrical. And another participant is higher energetic than others the annihilation would not turn the entire material into energy. 

When the material is turning to energy in the material-antimatter impact means the impact of particles releases only the same number of strings as the lighter particle has. If we think of those particles as the yarn balls. The particle is at a higher energy level than the other is a bigger yarn ball. 

The idea is that when a particle hits its mirror particle it can turn only its mass of material to energy. So if the electron and positron are impacting and the energy level of the other participant of the annihilation is higher. That causes that there are remainings of the higher energetic particle. 

So, at the beginning of the universe. There was the Big Bang. The event, that released all material and energy to the universe. Or there is a theory that at the first released wave movement. Then that wave movement turned to particle-antiparticle pairs. And after that happened the big annihilation that formed the elementary particles. 

But if we are thinking about the Big Bang. And particle wave-movement duality we are facing one interesting thing. When crossing wave movements form material. They are forming the antimatter-material pairs. So that thing means that there is the possibility that the energy levels of those particle pairs were different. 

And that means the annihilation between them would be imperfect. So if we think like that. There is the possibility that the asymmetry in annihilation caused the visible material and dark matter to form. 

The energy asymmetry causes an effect. The particles of dark matter and visible material are not the same sizes. So we cannot see the radiation that comes from the dark matter. So could that radiation be dark energy? There is the possibility that dark energy is similar to neutron radiation. That thing would form. 

When the particles of dark matter will stress with radiation. And after energy stress, those invisible particles will release their extra energy as a radiation burst. The fact is that dark matter is dominating. And should we ask like this? Is the visible material result of imperfect annihilation?

Can the planet have a mind of its own?


There are two ways how the planet can reach consciousness. 

1) The natural way. 

There would form the neural network that covers the entire planet. There is some kind of vision or hypothesis. That another planet can have intelligence. The intelligence would be the vegetables that are hybridized with neurons. 

The question is what this type of intelligence would do? The fact is that this type of creature can make spaceflights if there are some species like monkeys. This means that the neural network of the planet will control those animals. And that kind of entirety can make many things. 

But without those monkey creatures, the neural network would do nothing. It just stays. The reason why evolution has created the ability to think for people. Is that people need that skill. The ability to think is formed from the need to answer. For the challenges that nature is giving. And humans needed thinking the challenge the predators. 

If our hypothetical neural network has no enemies or problems it would not think. Thinking requires some kind of information. And need to handle that information is making thinking. But without the need to develop things our hypothetical neural network is like The Little Prince from the novel. Its entire world is the planet. And that thing means it would not make anything. And the destiny of that species is its sun. Sooner or later that star turns into a red giant and destroys its planets. 

2) The artificial way. In this version, controlled evolution will connect networks and animals to one entirety. 

In this version, the planet will turn to the singularity of technology. And biological components. Theoretically is the possibility that all organisms on the planet would equip with a microchip. That microchip would control the behavior of insects and all other species. The BCI systems allow controlling computers by using EEG. And that thing means that people would start to live in augmented reality. 

In that reality, the sensors or robots are starting to interact with people. But augmented reality can benefit also things like insects. That thing requires that the signals of nervous systems can code and decode. But maybe the control of the insects is possible quite soon by using the EEG-control neural port and microchipped insects. 

Also, those microchips will turn the nervous systems of the entire fauna into the entirety. The thing is that this kind of civilization can control every single organism on its planet by using microchips and computer networks. And maybe we someday face that kind of level. The fact is that the ability to interconnect species would create interesting visions about the augmented reality where everybody can share their thoughts and senses. Or they can take things like ants in their command. Those ants would send their senses to the person who controls them. 

Image 2: (ScitechDaily/Planetary Intelligence: Can a Planet Have a Mind of Its Own?)

But where do we humans are going? 

In the article below this text is described the route from the immature biosphere to the mature technosphere. You might read the description of those stages from the article that is linked below this text. But mainly the steps of intelligence and singularity are in the next list. 

1) Immature biosphere

2) Mature biosphere

3) Immature technosphere

4) Mature technosphere

(ScitechDaily/ Planetary Intelligence: Can a Planet Have a Mind of Its Own?)

Stage 1 was the caveman step. Even the intelligent species would be under force of the nature. The animals are dangerous for all species and that is the beginning of all civilizations. 

Stage 2 Was the level of Romans. They lived in cities, and big animals were not the problem in those cities. Outside city areas things like wolves caused dangers. And things like epidemics caused very big risks. 

Stage 3 is the most dangerous part of the civilization route to Kardashev-Scale. The immature technosphere benefits the pollutive energy production. And also things like a non-controlled environment are causing wars and crises. 

If we think that the Kardashev-scale civilization must pass some test that stage of the immature technosphere is the point where the civilization would destroy itself or turn to planetary and interstellar-scale. But if the civilization reaches the level of mature technosphere it will face a bright future. 


1) The civilization will control one solar system. 

2) Civilization can travel to the closest stars

3) Civilization controls the entire galaxy. 



For reaching Kardashev-scale the civilization must unite. And start to act for the goal that is to conquer the entire solar system. For reaching stages 2 and 3 the civilization must reach stage 1. And that thing is possible only if the civilization will forget its problems. Reaching the Kardashev-scale is necessary because otherwise, civilization will annihilate itself. 

Stage 4 is the mature technosphere. The AI-driven world is where energy will be produced only when people need it. That world base is the information technology that is making it possible to control robots and make discussions over the internet. That thing means the ability to make almost the entire world well-controlled. Where even the animals are interconnected with the internet.

Image 2:)

The fusion energy is coming.

Fusion energy is one of the most interesting versions of energy production. The problem is that this reactor requires deuterium and tritium for the fusion. The term "heavy water" means that the hydrogen is turned to its heavier isotopes deuterium and tritium. But there is so small number of those isotopes in the water. 

In hydrogen bombs, lithium deuteride creates, deuterium and tritium when it's shot with neutrons. But deuterium and tritium can produce from water by stressing it with radiation. In nature, 0,015% of hydrogen is in deuterium form. 

So vaporized lithium deuteride can use in fusion reactors the same way. The radiation stress would turn lithium 6 deuteride into deuterium and tritium. The vacuum allows vaporizing the lithium deuteride. And then that vaporized lithium deuteride can be driven to a tokamak-type donut-shaped reactor. 

When a fusion reaction is started. The reactor's radiation can use to produce deuterium and tritium. The bottle of water will take near the fusion reactor. And then the radiation of that reactor should turn the hydrogen in that water to deuterium and tritium. In laboratories, deuterium and tritium are formed by stressing water by using X-ray machines.

In the universe, the deuterium is forming in the nuclear fusion of stars.  But there is no chemical reaction that can form the deuterium or tritium. There is the possibility to create tritium by using neutron radiation. In that case, the neutron flow would impact deuterium. And the deuterium traps neutron and turns to tritium. 

In the production of those heavier isotopes of hydrogen, the neutron or two neutrons in the case of tritium must connect to the proton. Producing tritium by using Helium 3 is impossible because there are two protons and one neutron in Helium 3. The tritium involves two neutrons and one proton. 

But in nature heavy water is forming when cosmic radiation hits the water. In that reaction, the hydrogen turns to deuterium and tritium. This reaction is extremely slow. But when we are thinking possibility to take the water tanks to the edge of the atmosphere. There is the possibility to stress the water by using cosmic radiation.

Researchers can make it by using balloons or high-flying aircraft. The high-flying stratospheric aircraft can take water bottles to the upper atmosphere. 

There is the possibility to use the fission reactor to create deuterium and tritium. In that case, the water bottle will be put in the nuclear reactor. And then the neutron radiation can turn the water into heavy water. So the nuclear reactor will turn the hydrogen atoms in water be deuterium and tritium. But the most economical version is to benefit the fusion reactor's radiation for making those hydrogen isotopes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Is the reason for autism that there are "too many" certain type neurons in the human brain?

The math neurons are causing a question: is autism an anomaly about neuron groups that control certain skills. If the neuron group that is controlling mathematics skills is too dominating. That means there are fewer neurons for handling some other skills.

The discoveries like math cells in human brains are leading neurologists to track the origin of autism. The savant autism and math-cells are causing an idea that maybe autism is the disorder. In the relation in cell groups in human brains. The specialized neuron group is controlling every single skill that person has. That means there are "math neurons", "language neurons", "musical neurons", etc.

 And if there are "too many" neurons that are controlling some skill. That means there are fewer neurons that are controlling some other skill. Even if we have 300 billion neurons in the human brain every single neuron is responsible in its area. And every single neuron has the area where it's best. So that means autism can be an anomaly in the relations of the neurons that control certain skills. 

There is made new research about autism. And one sad thing that is seen. Is that sometimes undiagnosed autism is the thing. That is driven a person to suicide. This thing is reasonable because autism causes problems with social relationships. The need to be social is the thing that causes sad things. And I certainly hope that nobody must die because society wants them to be "normal". 

Modern society benefits good social skills, and that means a person, who has autism must always force and drive themselves to social contacts. Being different than others causes. Other people would start to show them with thumps. And being different means fear of being closed out from social relationships. 

Why people would not get autism diagnoses? The problem is that autism is the diagnosis that is stamped as "mental". This means that autism causes thoughts that this diagnosis has caused that person would kick out of school. 

Autism is a problem with social communication. And that means the autistic person must use more energy in social relationships than the so-called "normal" person. The problem is that society is benefiting so-called "normal" people who are social. And if there is some kind of anomalies in behavior. That means the person is "weird". And especially at a young age, that kind of thing is a catastrophe. 

This means that person would need more energy for creating social relationships. And that thing will bring extra pressure in the life. If the person must always concentrate on behavior and force being social. That thing can drive that person to self-destruction. And that thing is sad to read. 

So is autism the anomaly in the relations of the specific neurons that are controlling certain skills? 

Autism is one of the things that are not researched very well. Things like savant where the person has extraordinary skills in the very thin sector are causing the question, why some person can make the computer program or play some composition. But they cannot make things like cooking potatoes. There is no certain skill that savant autists have. 

Savant-autists might be extraordinarily talented music players. Or they might be extraordinarily talented mathematicians. That thing means that there is might be too many neurons. Those are needed for controlling some special skills. Researchers found so-called math cells in human brains. So there must be "music cells" and "language cells" and "computer programmer cells". 

The new findings like the math-cells in the human brain are causing theories that maybe autism is the disorder in the specialization of neurons. When we are looking at savant-autistic people we sometimes see extraordinary mathematical skills. And that thing means. That there is a possibility. That too many math cell is in their neural structure. So that means autism would be the disorder in the specialization process of the neurons.

Can spinning spacecraft create artificial gravitation?

The fact is that artificial gravitation is not the same as gravitation on Earth. The artificial gravitation that is made by using spinning structures bases the centripetal force. 

That means things like the Coriolis effect are things. That makes artificial gravitation a different type than so-called normal gravitation. When something is dropped in the spinning spacecraft that thing will drop by screw trajectory. 

And the fast-spinning spacecraft can cause nausea for people on board. The spinning structure is the only way how to make artificial gravitation. If we want to send the crew to other planets we need artificial gravitation. Without a gravitation field, the muscles of the astronaut will turn weak during the spaceflight that takes years.  

If the muscles are getting weak after space flight that person cannot operate on the surface of the planet. There is the possibility that the spin of the craft is not very fast if it is used only for anchoring things on the layers. In that case, the gravitation is used only to determine where the spacecraft's roof and floor are. 

There is introduced one of the most interesting visions of artificial gravitation. In that vision, while the craft is in the middle of the space between planets or stars the spin would be very slow. The muscles of the crew will turn weak. But when the craft is approaching its target speed of spin will increase. And that thing turns the gravitation stronger. 

When we will send the spacecraft to another planet. Artificial gravitation is the vital element of that things. The travel to other planets will take about a year if the destiny is Mars or Venus. But to the gas giants, the journey takes a longer time. And the only way to keep the crew in condition is the artificial gravitation. Or the remote-controlled robot can make that kind of mission. 

Things like social problems make manned missions inside our solar systems difficult. And, of course, the journey takes years. That means the crew must spend a considerable period of their life in the space. These kinds of things are even more difficult to solve than simple technical solutions that are needed in long-term space missions. But maybe someday humans will make the first bases on other planets.


Researchers are found math neurons in human brains.

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Researchers are found math neurons in human brains. That thing gives new information on how and when the neurons are starting to specify. The discovery of the neurons that are specialized in mathematics is opening new paths for neurosciences. Because there are the math neurons there should be language neurons. 

And maybe there are specialized neurons for every type of skill that people have. So there could be cooking neurons and social neurons that are controlling social activities in the neural network. 

When researchers are finding when the separation of the neurons starts. That thing makes the revolution in the training and education. Learning new skills is rewiring brains. And if that process can be controlled by researchers, that brings the new and powerful educating tools to the hands of the educational processors. 

That kind of research can serve the medical care of brain damages. There is a possibility that in the future. The person whose brain is injured. Can get the neural transplant. That thing can make by using the cloned neurons. But the problem is: How to transfer the skills, that people had to those neurons? Every single skill that a person has is stored in neurons.

Image 2:)

And that thing means that if a neuron is lost. The data includes skills that are stored in those neurons gone forever. 

That is the thing that makes brain damage so hard to recover. Researchers can clone neurons. But the problem is how to recover skills and memories that are gone to the cloned neurons. Skills are memories like all other things. 

The thing is that when we are expanding our understanding of brains and their function we are getting tools how to make more effective neural networks. And those things might consist the hybrid systems where the living neurons are connected with artificial intelligence and non-organic sensors. 

We know why our brains are so effective. Brains are made of billions of neurons and that thing makes them effective. But the thing is that the brains are starting their data handling process same time in multiple locations in neural structure. 

And that increases their effectiveness. When some neuron group is needed for some other mission, that group will store the thing in memory. And that allows that other neuron group will continue with that thing. The internal axon structure can transmit the data that is stored in memory to anywhere in the neural structure. 

The new type of neural computers, networks, and deep-learning AI can use the data that is collected from the sensors. The deep-learning systems are following the success of the robots by using certain parameters. Those parameters can be simply how far a robot can operate without causing damages or getting damaged. 

The fuzzy logic makes that kind of system "quite easy to make". At the first, the AI would operate by using a large number of actors. When some actor will make mistake the AI drops that thing away. If the AI would follow robots that system records how far a robot can travel or how long it can operate. 

Then the parameter can be simple like this: (number of actions/time unit). The best result would be stored in the memory of AI. And then the AI would use mission records to find out where the mistake is made. If a robot falls into the canyon. 

The AI would control those machines to drive farther from the canyon's edge. So the best result is the same thing that makes the AI select a certain route. And of course, if we want to connect the number of actions to the robot. That thing can be picking up the ground samples.

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Are we living in a simulation?

A lighthouse is a good example of an isolated place. What if some person lives entirely life in that kind of place. And plays some computer games? Would those games turn to reality? 

Is reality an simulation? Before you will start to laugh we must determine the simulation. Many people believe that simulations are only things like computer programs. But there are also other types of simulations. The main types of simulations are: 

1) Computer-based virtual simulations like computer games. 

2) Physical simulations like military exercises.

3) Hybrid simulations where operators control robots at operational areas. 

The virtual or virtual reality-based simulations are the computer programs that are running on virtual reality. And things like computer games are one version of simulations. 

But the physical simulations also exist. Physical simulations are things like military exercises. The physical simulation means that person would go to some area. And then that person starts to make things like assault practices. Those are needed for some special things. Things like fire simulations for firemen training are also physical simulations. 

When we are thinking about virtual simulations those simulations can be independent. They might not have a connection with the real world. But there is the possibility that there is a hybrid simulation where the operator is controlling things like remote-control jet fighters or field-operating man-looking robots. So the operator would sit on the chair and control things that are happening in the field. That kind of simulation allows making real-life attacks against air defense stations. 

The Solar Warden is the theory of the modern Kaspar Hauser. That fully isolated person would live in a place where is no real contact with outsiders. 

The idea of living in simulation begins with Kaspar Hauser. That boy has grown in a cell where his only toy was the horse(1). You can read his story from Wikipedia. But by using modern technology is possible to make the "modern Kaspar Hauser". Have you ever thought about what happens if some person grows at the lone island or deep-sea base? 

When we are thinking about things like "Solar Warden". In conspiracy theories "Solar Warden" means imaginational space station that is orbiting the sun. We forget that "Solar Warden" might mean the lone island. The idea of that thing is stolen from the novel " The Little Prince". by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The "Little Prince" lives on his asteroid. The thing is that the "little Prince" is the symbol of the isolated person. 

So what if we would replace the word "asteroid" by using the word "island"? There is, of course, made a version about that tale where the "island" is the base like nuclear command bunker where the information is fully controlled? What if our Little Prince would live at the Cheyenne Mountain command center all his life? What kinds of things that person might think about the world. What if somebody claims that the world outside Cheyenne Mountain is destroyed in the nuclear war? Would somebody come out and check the things. 

There is one very interesting story about the Finnish lighthouse at Bengtskär. When the youth of the lighthouse guard came to school on the mainland that person didn't even know what were trees. The lighthouse is in a place where are no other islands. And there is the possibility that the person would not see trees before. If the person would not have any other contact with the outer world the people who share information might control everything that isolated person knows. 

And they might call the planet where they are Neptune. Or they can even create their religion for those people who have no other contact with the outer world than some selected person. The thing is that the people who might have no contact with other reality than information that the controller shares might believe that the world is destroyed in the nuclear war. 


Sunday, February 20, 2022

What if Earth would be flat?

We all know that Earth is almost like a ball. Or it's flattened on poles because centripetal force is stretching its equator. But the Earth is not flat. This is the thing that everybody should understand. 

 Flat Earth is one of the things that are proven wrong. But if Earth would be flat. That thing should rotate quite fast. Or the size of the pancake world should be extremely small. 

If the flat Earth would be stable the gravitation would pull all water to the middle of the disk. But large size object requires centripetal force to deny the collapse of the structure. That means the structure must rotate. Same way, if we will create the black-hole-driven spacecraft. Its core should rotate. For eliminating the effect of the massive gravitation. In that case, the centripetal force will pull the edge of the core outside. 

When we see films where people would hang at the edge of imaginational flat Earth we forget that gravitation would pull those people to the center of that thing. So people could walk at the edge of the world normally. Or the centripetal force will just throw people away from the edge of our flat Earth. 

Many things are wrong when people are talking about flat Earth. If the flat Earth would rotate the rotating disk would act as a centrifugal cannon. That thing means that water and all hummus will fly away from the disk. The idea is similar to when the fast-rotating disk would drop water. That disk would sling that water around the room. 

The centripetal force would just remove gas and water away from that disk. If that disk would not rotate the gravity would crush that structure. So the centripetal force is needed to deny the collapse of the pancake world. 

The flat Earth is the thing that is proven as fake. The curving horizon proves that Earth is ball-shaped. 

The "Alderson disk"

But there is one very interesting model that might interest people. That model is called "Alderson disk". The idea of the Alderson disk is taken from flat Earth. The Alderson disk would be a giant artificial megastructure. So-called artificial planet. The Alderson disk would require rotation movement for keeping its form. 

And that thing makes this futuristic disk-world very hard to build. Without centripetal force that structure would collapse immediately. But the rotating speed at the edge of the disk would be extremely high. And that speed would drive all water to the space. 

The Alderson disk would be very big construction work even the Kardachev class 3 civilizations. The weight of that kind of structure would be enormous. So that means there is the possibility that even if that structure is possible to make. The asteroids will impact with it and destroy that thing.

The laser could send probes to Mars in 45 days.

Image 1) "Project Starshot, an initiative sponsored by the Breakthrough Foundation, is intended to be humanity’s first interstellar voyage. Credit: "(SciTechDaily/Lasers Could Send Missions to Mars in Just 45 Days)

The solar sails are effective systems for researching our solar system. The high-power laser system can send the swarm of probes outside the solar system and even to other solar systems. In that, the most extreme version of that project. There would be made a chain of ultra-powerful lasers in the solar system. 

And then those lasers would give a punch for the solar sail when it travels through that point. The lasers can be fusion-powered systems that are basing Tokamak-reactor. The laser would install in the middle of the donut-shaped reactor. And then the radiation of that reactor would conduct to the laser element. There is the possibility to increase the power of the lasers by shooting electrons. Or some ions inside the laser rays. Those particles will increase the energy of the laser rays. 

The solar sail that is sent to the journey would not be one craft. That system might be a swarm of miniaturized probes that are connected with the membrane. Those probes can be separated at the right distance. The thing is that this kind of system must be very large. 

Image 2) "A swarm of laser-sail spacecraft leaving the Solar System. Credit: Adrian Mann" (ScitechDaily/Lasers Could Send Missions to Mars in Just 45 Days)

Because the energy load that those lasers are given is very high. In the missions to the outer side of the solar system or even to other solar systems the solar sail would use the outcoming energy as long as possible. The energy can transmit to that solar sail by using coherent radio waves. Or the system can use laser rays that are targeted to the large membrane. That is covered by using a thin silicon layer. That layer can use to create electricity for the solar sail. 

That thing minimizes the energy load that hits the solar sail. So the solar sail would be a group of probes that are acting as an entirety. The solar sails are one of the versions of the interstellar and interplanetary probes. The thing is that there are many variants to this construction that benefits the solar wind for traveling in the solar system. 

The solar sail could be a multipurpose tool. The sail is a very large structure. And there is the possibility to use that kind of thing as a spaceborne radio telescope. The large lightweight structure can be used also as a large-size radar. And the components that are installed in that thing can use also CCD cameras. The thing is that the same kind of structures that are suitable for the solar sails are also suitable for large-size orbital radars. The ultra-thin membrane acts as the radio telescope or radar. Can use as a communication antenna in the solar sails. But it can also use as a recon system that is orbiting Earth.


The Space X Starship can have a key role in future space projects.

Image 1:) Artist’s rendering of a SpaceX Starship leaving a lunar colony. Credit: SpaceX (ScitechDaily/Space Missions To Watch: A Lunar Return, a Jupiter Moon, and the Most Powerful Rocket Ever Built)

The Starship is a new type of large-scale vertical take-off and landing shuttle that can operate almost everywhere. That system can be the tool for the next space programs. When we are thinking possibility to send that craft to the Moon. There is the possibility that the Starship is connected with some other rocket. The Starship can launch to the orbiter and the auxiliary stage can dock to the back of Starship. By using that kind of modular system is the possibility to make journeys to the Moon or even to other planets. 

There is the possibility to connect the NERVA system or ion rocket stage at the back of the Starship. In the plans, the reactors that nuclear thermal propulsion requires. Would load at the Lunar orbiter. Those lightweight but extremely powerful reactors would use high-enriched plutonium or some synthetic elements like neptunium, californium, or einsteinium as nuclear fuel. Those reactors can use as the NERVA system. Or they can use in ion engines. 

The Starship can use also as a platform for the orbital weapon systems. Those systems require high-power laser systems. And those lasers and ion systems can install in large-scale space shuttles. Those kinds of lasers can use to destroy recon, location, or communication satellites. And the ion systems can also use to create plasma over the hostile communication centers.

By the way, the Ingenuity-helicopter still runs on Mars. 

Image 2) Ingenuity helicopter. ( year later, Ingenuity helicopter still going strong on Mars)

Those kinds of small helicopters are pathfinders in many ways. Those helicopters can search for water and interesting samples from large areas. And those systems can have multiple sensors like lasers and radars. Those systems can connect with spectrometers that are telling what kind of elements some areas involve.  

Also, the feet of those helicopters might have seismic sensors. So that kind of helicopter can operate with rovers. The thing is that the small helicopters can use advanced AI even they are small-size. 

The AI can be at the rover. Or there is the possibility that another planet would send the computer unit to assist those rovers and helicopters. Those small helicopters can use for simulating high-flying helicopters that can observe areas by using infrared cameras and small radars. Those helicopters are suitable to observe the strength of the ice. And they can search for pollution from water and air. 

The miniature helicopters can get their energy supply by laser rays. The laser or radio system that is targeted to their solar panels or radio receivers can give an energy supply for those systems. The small-size helicopter can land on the roof of the bunker. And then it can listen to things that people are talking about in it. It can aim laser or radar systems to windows for observing people. 

The system can use its seismic sensors to record noise through the wall. Or it can try to use radar. Or a sonar system for searching things that are inside the houses.

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The artificial sun is hotter than the sun.

In the fusion reactor, the intensive heat causes The temperature of the plasma to be higher than the nucleus of the sun.  And there is too hot for light. The dominating infrared light will turn all other radiation to infrared. And the temperature in those systems is higher than the sun's nucleus.

Deuterium and tritium plasma that is traveling in the donut-shaped Tokamak-accelerator-reactor. And then the magnets will create intensive pressure in that plasma. The magnets keep the plasma away from the core of the fusion reactor. 

Ignition of a fusion reactor will make by stressing plasma with lasers and microwaves. The microwaves are better because that radiation will make it possible to stress plasma in the entire area of an accelerator.

The intensive heat of the reactor needs extreme tools for making the best solutions. And one of those systems that can help researchers is deep-learning AI. That AI can use to collect data of the highest reached temperature, the longest fusion time. And the best energy production. From those cases, the AI will also store the relations of deuterium and tritium in each case. And that data can use for re-adjusting the fuel mixture.

The deep learning AI can control the magnetic fields inside the reactor. And that thing makes it possible to drive plasma with extremely high accuracy. Most civilian fusion systems use deuterium and tritium are for making fusion. In hydrogen bombs, lithium or lithium-deuteride is acting as the fusion stage. The mainly used mixture is Lithium-6-deuteride. That material is impacted by neutrons that are forming deuterium and lithium.

There has sometimes introduced an idea to use vaporized lithium (or lithium-deuteride) in the fusion reactor. The vaporization of lithium can happen in the fuel line, and then the vaporized and ionized lithium will conduct to Tokamak-reactor. That system requires an absolute vacuum because lithium explodes very easily if it contacts with oxygen. The deuterium and tritium production can make by stressing that lithium or lithium-deuteride with x-rays. 

The absolute vacuum makes it possible to vaporize lithium by using microwaves or lasers. In the Teller-Ulam construction of thermonuclear weapons, Lithium 6-deuteride is bombarded with neutrons. That reaction produces tritium. The problem is how to make neutrons? 

The problem with heavier hydrogen isotopes, deuterium, and tritium is that those isotopes are not very common. There is the possibility to produce those isotopes by using cosmic radiation. The water tank will rise to high mountain areas or the high atmosphere and then the cosmic radiation turns the hydrogen of water to deuterium and tritium. 

That thing makes it possible to create more deuterium and tritium atoms than in normal water. But the fusion is waiting for its breakthrough. And when that thing happens we have a new and powerful energy source.


The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...