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The autism, security, and music

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a “wonder boy” and musician, but when we are thinking about the life of this man, we must realize, that this man was probably autistic. Why was this man working in the royal court of Vienna? Mozart was probably the identity of many young men. The autism caused that person was able to play the composition by hearing it in the single time. But this person could not read the notes of the melody.

That’s why there might give another melody in papers, what the people heard. This denied the opportunity to curry favor the king. There was some melody, what was mentioned the favorite song of the king, what means here the highest ranking nobleman. And then there were came the time to play some music. Some people might realize, that the compositions what the people here might be not same, what was in the papers, on the top of the piano, where everybody might see, when the king’s favorite composition would be played.

As you might see, there were people, who had the need to like the same music as the top noblemen. The purpose of that methodology is to uncover those needs from the head of the persons. But the royal court needed also many other specialists, who were portrayed as the composers for people. Those persons were tactical opponents for highest ranking military officials, who must know, what to do in real situations. The need to please higher officers is sometimes so strong, that younger officer lost in purpose. This is the reason, why many military forces use computerized simulations in the military training.

And those simulators are also used to select suitable persons for military command positions. Simulators can also support the selection process of every military job because that would help to find suitable persons for fighter pilots. But do you know who first used games to choose officers for his army? That person was Frederick the Great from Prussia. He created the “chess machine” where the buttons were equipped with magnets. There were also buttons in those wires, and the analysts made their conclusions about the tactical skills of those players. The more realistic version of that “chess machine” was actually, that those observers used paper bites, there the movements of the buttons were marked.

The markers had colored pencils, and of course, all of the persons had that job in the court of Frederick the Great.  There is the reason, why I think that the “chess machine” was only a box, where those markings were put is that if somebody raises the button, where is the magnet, would the lower button drop dropped from the bottom of those buttons, when they were separated from those tables. There was only one problem with those methods, they left to change to cheat in those games, what were the route to the circle of the king and gentleman of Prussia.

And if some wrong person would slip in that circle, would this person cause the horrible situation like assassinating the King or his personal staff.  But the music has the very important role in those closed societies. The mission of the music was hide other voices, and make the eavesdropping more difficult. And another mission was to cause little problems with concentrations, that the memorization of some things would be difficult, and telling people the memorized replies and making other memorized actions more difficult.

Handicapped persons were idealistic choices for playing pianos and marking the movements of the chess game. They could not tell lies, and also those persons were very easy to control.But also assassins used those handicapped for hiding poison and weapons to palace.  The handicapped person could be taught to use that kind of weapon, and they must also know how to use that gun. And if they could not speak, they would not able to tell they're hired to anybody.

The guns were easy to find, and there were also used blowpipes and frog’s poison in the 19th. century. Actually poison dart frogs nerve poison is used even modern days in those actions. The poison is actually botulinum, what is very easy to the product in anaerobic chambers by using rotten flesh and soil. The blowpipe can mask as the cigarette holder, and the poisoned arrow is very lethal. That equipment can be produced very easily, and of course, the DNA makes very easy to track the user.

But those equipment are still in use by South American drug cartels and maybe the CIA’s and KGB’s special units were interested in those methods because the poisoned arrow can be shot by air pistol. That poison is very lethal and the airguns don’t seem in explosive detectors. That poison could deliver to victims body by shooting the arrow to the neck of the target, or they could be stick to person’s body by hand. That means, that there would not leave DNA to that arrow. And those poisonous arrows are extremely dangerous. The South American drug cartels have also massaged the styluses of drug users in the back of those dart poison frogs, and that stylus causes death in every case.


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