Thursday, April 26, 2018

Soviet "Brain radio"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

At below of this text is a link to the video, where is introduced the man, who created an idea of “brain radio”. This man was circus worker Bernard Bernandovich Kazhinkiy, and he made experiments by this kind of things in 1922 with the circus animal trainer Vladimir Durov. This man targeted dogs by low-frequency radio signals and tried to make them do, what this man thought. But as we might know, this system didn’t work perfectly, and this program ended even if it was introduced to the Soviet military as a psychological weapon.

The problem with Kazhinskiy attempt was that he couldn't make so powerful radio waves, that they could induct the electricity to the neurons. And that’s why this system didn’t work in the hands of Soviet scientists. The Soviet military afraid that thing, because it can use to the brainwashing any person in the Soviet land. If that machine could be targeted to the Stalin's bodyguards some of them could shoot that man. As I wrote, the reason malfunction of that system was that the makers of this device would not able to make enough powerful radio wave, that the “brain radio” could not be worked.

But then somebody noticed that EEG-machines and the electric shock machine called “Elka” can give electric stimulation for brain core, what can make this brain radio real. That thing was tested in "Sonnenstein" psychiatric clinic in the Nazi-Era. Those tests claimed to make under the control of Gestapo, and the mission was to make perfect servants for Nazi-Government. In some stories inside military men helmets were put the “Elka” machine, and then the radio transmission would send to that equipment.

And there is a rumor or theory, how you want to say, that electric chairs were prohibited because if they are misused, they could collect the EEG-from those persons, and then record it. After that this EEG-would transfer to other people brains, by using modified electric shock equipment, and in some scenarios that transmission can give to the people by using modified electric batons, what would play recorded EEG-message to the victim's brains. This kind of systems might allow transferring the feelings between people. But that kind of machines is terrifying in wrong hands, and they might use in brainwashing missions, where some important person would persuade to work for some actors, who would not be moral in the eyes of the brainwash target. And this methodology can be used to make people for support the political leaders like Joseph Stalin.


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