Monday, April 23, 2018

How can the law enforcement work with science?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Have you ever thought to go to the police station, and tell the officer, that somebody makes clones of humans? One reason for making those clones might be the attempt to get stem cells for some cancer patients. Or the mean for those clones might be growing organs for wealthy patients. Also, the reason for those actions might keep some military operations secret. In this case, military personnel might clone some special forces operators for the case that some of them would die. If there would be the clone as available that would hide the loss of some operator.

When we are thinking about laws and their relationship with laws and science, we must understand, that the laws are only texts in some book. Even if the laws prohibited some actions, that text is useless in the situation, that somebody wants to break the law. And the criminals are persons, who brake the law. Even if some country would deny something, would the law be only the text, if it would not enforce by authorities? Do you believe, that somebody would go to police station, and tells to some officer, that there would be suspected clone experiments in the area of those policemen and -women? In the laws of cloning is only one thing, what we always forget, and that is the enforcement.

In some clinics in the Far East can any person buy silicone implanted and maybe the making of clones is the same kind of thing as some silicone implanted. And those clinics do change the genres or fixing surgery without any juridical sanctions and talking with psychiatrists. So I sometimes think that those clinics might also the giving infertility treatments without a necessary talking with parents, and those treatments are more invincible and easier to give than some plastic surgery.

When we are thinking about the ethics of those clinics, they would not always care nothing else than money. The cloning humans are not more difficult than cloning some "Dolly" sheep, the same technology would work with humans. In that technique, the genomes inside the nucleus of the cell would replace by another genome. And if somebody wants, can those clinics make the clones. And then we must ask, who would control those clinics?

If the police don't control even the medicines, how it could control the cloning of humans? Have you ever thought, what kind reaction would you see in the local police station, if you would go there, and say, that somebody would make clones of humans? The problems of the laws, what purpose is to limit cloning, must we say that there are not many authorities, who would listen, persons, who make reports about this kind of things. This kind of things are only the conspiracy theory, and the persons, who would tell about this kind of actions to authorities will send to mental institute for taking little cure for their symptoms. And how normal police would control those things.

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