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Thoughts about the fog and forgotten things, what are wanted to keep secret

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In the island name "Runit" is a giant concrete structure, what hides very much radioactive material. In 1980's the United States authorities collected all radioactive waste from that island, and stored it under the giant concrete structure.  If that material would go to hands of terrorists, the results would be horrifying. That radioactive waste is from nuclear tests what were done in 1950's and early 1960's. The island of Runit is, of course, prohibited area, but I believe, that terrorists would not actually care about that thing. Those nuclear tests lost from the mind of people, and now in those islands is only silent and peaceful air, and some debris to remember people those high-power nuclear tests that were done in that area. Also somebody afraid that polluted material would steal from places like Chernobyl, and that material would use for terror strikes against the Western world.

There were many secrets in the Cold War, and there are many rumors what consists the Nuclear Tests. One of the fascinating rumor is about nuclear test "Castle Bravo", the most powerful nuclear detonation what was made by the United States. In this rumor this very high yield nuclear test, what was 1,5 times more powerful than it was predicted, made for hiding evidence, that United States military co-operated with Japanese and German scientists, who made nerve-gas and biological weapon tests in Manchuria and Concentration camps like "Dachau". Those scientists were blood-type specialists and highly trained medical personnel, who were actually war criminals. And if co-operation with those people would be uncovered, the commanders of the military would get in trouble, and then they decided, that those criminal scientists would be better disappear by nuclear tests, what transfer them as vapor, and the same kind of Rumors are told by the Soviet nuclear program.

In those rumors the men, who knew too much about Stalin's crimes just disappeared, when some Soviet nuclear weapon detonated over their heads. And there was no mark of those men left behind them because they were vaporized immediately. We know that Joseph Stalin didn't care anything about human life, and there are stories, that same style experiments, what Nazis made in their concentration camps made by Soviets.

When we are thinking about those experiments, we must say that of course, the USA has admitted those tests, but sometimes I have felt that maybe those admitted have become in public just after the last maker of those tests have been died. So nobody got punishments for eating radioactive cornflakes to children or delivering radioactive material from the smokestack to the air for testing how radio-active cloud would spill in the air. That was the very interesting thing because the U.S military could now mark their personnel by using radioactive material.

But the radioactive material has also another effect, and that effect is cancer. Then we are thinking about the same style of military training, where the person transforms the killing machine, military or another trainer would use radioactive material to cause cancer in that person? Here I'm talking about the "Werewolf"-training, where the person would train to work as a torpedo. Those operations were highly classified, but some persons have claimed that very violent criminals were used in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam as the "torpedoes". This kind of mission was the intelligence-version of "Dirlewanger" famous and notorious SS-brigade, where also mentally ill persons were served. Those men were known for their evilness. And the persons like Dr. Oscar Dirlewanger were suitable for "one-way elimination missions" because nobody missed them.

And probably CIA had the same kind of interests, that kind of men would send to missions, where they would not want to get back. The leaders of this kind of operations might think that if some of those men have come back police could kill him right away because that person has fled from death row. But these are only rumors, and no physical evidence has been shown about this kind of military units, what have served under the flag of United States. But the files of that kind of actions is very easy to destroy in some oven. And we know that intelligence services sometimes would tell lies to the Senate or parliaments.

But that kind of "suicide mission" units was formed in South-Korea and other nations. There is a link to this text to YouTube film about those units. Cancer would make this person unable to live long after the operation. And maybe those persons, who were used in that kind of illegal operations were death row prisoners, who could uncover that CIA or military have made so-called "fake executions" and send those persons to Vietnam for secret highly violent missions. And of course nobody wants to catch this kind of operations, so it's better than those persons would die, as some tough guys want to say.

Fog is an element, what symbolizes secrecy, evilness, and mysteries. Fog consists tiny water drops, what would protect some viruses what normally doesn't seize via air because air would damage their genomes. But those water drops can protect those viruses, that they would allow infecting viruses hiding in the fog. We are all seen movies, where werewolves hunt innocent people and the horrifying laugh of Jack the Ripper will echo around us. Also, we all have seen movies, where enemy patrol comes from fog to take somebody as a prisoner. But fog is more than crimes and horror. It is the symbol of forgotten memories, and things, what is remaining as an secrecy. The fog is symbolizing also thinking and peaceful time.

What is more peaceful situation than the old man with the big hat sitting on the step in the fog at some park, and listen to the silence? In the fog, not even the wind would break the silence, until somebody screams in it. The mysteries are raising in the mind of people, and maybe somebody would find answers o the great questions. We all know that fog is good cover for people, who are making prohibited things in the cover of fog. But also that element is meant for peace. The fog of Avalon meant, that the King can finally rest, but when I think this fog, I must say, that maybe the phosgene gas is the source of the stories that are told of the Avalon fog. Phosgene is cell poison, what is forming when grass is rotten in anaerobic conditions, and in nature, the phosgene can forming spontaneously in the swamps.

But sometimes I have thought that situation, where some virus would suffuse inside the fog, and if the virus is the so-called retrovirus, that could, in theory, change the animal as another species. Also, the water drops of the fog can make possible that the viruses like AIDS would able to infect a large number of people because the water drops would protect that virus, and in that case, the virus could transfer to human noses and to lungs where those particles would transfer to human blood causing AIDS.

There are also rumors that there is tested the viruses, what can transform the species to other. And if we think large-scale Rabies-epidemics some military forces would be interested in delivering this virus against enemies, and this real-life zombie-virus can make horrifying things in the human population. Rabies makes its victim very violent, and the infected victim would bite very easily. This behavior helps this virus to infect other animals and also humans can infect by that dangerous virus.

The fog is the key element in one of the most well-known horror film in the history, and the name of that film was "The fog", what told about fog, what raised from the sea. This fog left only dead people behind it, and maybe it is one of the darkest films in history. Fog is the good element in that kind of stories, what could be somehow true. If there was sunk the ship, what was carrying chemical weapons, and then those tanks start to leak, would the horrors of the film "The fog" become in reality. I don't know how many tons of chemical weapons have been lost at sea, but if as an example the nerve-gas tanks start to leak, would the results be devastating.


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