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Privacy and national security are complicated combinations

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Privacy and national security are complicated questions, and they are the very large operational area for IT-specialists and lawmakers. The major problem with connecting privacy and national security involves the question ”whose security is national security”? This means that nobody actually ever mentioned, is ”national security” only the security of national leaders, or is it serving also public security and regular people. When we are thinking about the situation, where ”national security” allows to censor all data, what is not serving the rulers of the government, we think that we are going to wrong way. When we are thinking about data collection, we must notice that nobody cares that thing before the German top politician Angela Merkel was eavesdropping by NSA, and then the newspapers were very shocking about this case.

But before that nobody actually cares, how much private data this intelligence service have been collected, and how much this data have been delivered across the Atlantic by UKUSA intelligence co-operation between GCHQ and NSA. Also, nobody ever thought that NSA global surveillance network ECHELON could be the threat, but then the top politicians eavesdropped, and then newspapers woke up. They screamed that this kind of operations are illegal, and the intelligence co-operation between NATO electronic intelligence community must stop. ”Real soldiers”don't eavesdrop their enemies, and the international trust must base that opposite part is trusted because they say something.

”In God we trust, others we monitoring” is a mark of paranoia, was mentioned in some newspapers, and in the same time, the Facebook and other social media wanted to be banned, because that kind of things can cause embarrassing situations for some people. Social media can uncover if the person doesn't have those opinions, what he or she is claimed to have. If some person is known as the ”great person”, we must say that there must be some reason for that. And if the person has good opinions, we must ask sometimes ”why it doesn't be visible on social media”? Of course, the Russian government has their own style to work in the field of national security. They just prohibit every service, what they cannot control.

This is the very dangerous thing. If we have the situation, that nobody allowed to say anything, could some terrorists hide in the system, and then they can make very much destruction. Here we must ask ”how many school shootings have been prevented because the shooters were made mistakes in social media”. Or ”how many pedophiles and drug dealers have been identified by using social media”? Social media is the very good tool for collecting information by people personal life. Technical methods are very easy, the pictures, what is downloaded to the Internet can be isolated many details. Sometimes in those pictures is seen firearms, what are illegal or marks of using drugs.

Of course, those pictures are very dangerous in the wrong hands. Also, the prisoners or drug dealers identities can be used in social media for collecting data for persons, who want to make contact with those people. But this kind of data can also be misused. Those pictures, what are in social media can be made with computers and they can be used for denigrating some person. And that's why this media can turn into the false world, where nothing is real. Also, the surveillance files can be faked by some members of security service. This is the real problematic situation on the Internet.

The posters can be set in the walls by using image manipulation programs, and then those pictures can be delivered to the social media. This is not the very nice thing. If some person has automatic weapons in the home and then takes a couple of pictures at home, the location would of assault rifles and another kind of stuff deliver to the hands of the local motorcycle club. But also if somebody forgets the GPS on, and claims that he or she is a business meeting, could this be very embarrassing, if that person is locating in some ”Red light district”. Also, the embarrassing situation can cause in the case when somebody plays cleaner but then uncovers that this person is actually the owner of some cleaning company.

Also some ”garage companies” have uncovered that the owners are sons and daughters of some top members of the business community. This is very tasteless in my mind, especially in the case, that this person gives statements, that students should pay their lectures or that this person ever got the financial support from the government. If they never mentioned that they are members of the very wealthy families, and get everything, what they want, could be embarrassing if they claim to be cleaners or something like that. So this is one opinion about social media. If you have better opinions write it on the Internet.


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