Saturday, April 28, 2018

The nasty tricks, what only the criminal mind can do

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When we thinking about the situation, that somebody has left bayonet in the chest of a victim, we must consider one thing. That bayonet or knife can be shot to the target by using the crossbow. Normal people would not suspect that the knife would not be the strike to the victim by using the hand. The situation that knife has been shot to the victim can murderer use to mislead the officers of the law to watch another way, and that would leave the criminal change to flee away. This is one of the ways to look at the thing, why crossbows became popular in Europe. Of course, they were very effective in the use by cavalry, and if they have feet-iron under the weapon, could the cavalryman use that weapon by single hand.

And that is the reason, why Wilhelm the Conqueror won the battle of Hastings in 1066. But when we are thinking the very nasty ways to make murders, one of the best could shoot the bayonet in the chest of the victim by using the crossbow. Do you know, why I write this text? The reason for this is I found a 9 mm Parabellum caliber blank patron on the road. And by using that kind of things, is very easy to make one bad thing for the victim. In this trick, the victimized person would make angry by violating all day long. And then the murdered just gives the victim the patrons, what are not functional.

After this, that person might set up that victim as the attacker and uses own weapon to that person. That weapon can be the knife, and then that murderer just calls to police, that he made that thing as the self-defense. The type of that blank patron is quite interesting and this type of patron can be used as the trap, or it might be used to test the pistol or sub-machine gun. When we are thinking about this kind of patrons, they have marked that somebody owns weapon what is suitable for 9 mm. Parabellum patron and all that kind of weapons are automatic- or self-loading pistols and sub-machine guns like Glock 17 or Heckler&Koch MP-5. I don't own the gun or shot this patron, but it was laying on the road and brought this thought to my mind.

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