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Why are the crop circles made almost every time in Great Britain?

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Below and above this text is links to document of crop circles, and the persons who are made some of them. If we have sharp  GPS-system and very good draw for the map, we can make very difficult and complicated crop pictures in the field. This technology consists a picture what would position over the crop field and then the GPS coordinates would be put on the system, and then the persons can do that without no difficulties. They just copy the picture to the field.

And if the persons would have drones with GPS system and very high power blowers of hydrocarbon-like Acetone, they could make those signs very easily. But when we are thinking about the movie below, we must ask why somebody did crop circles in 1678? if the reason for making those crop circles is that people would not go out to see some secret military aircraft, the reason for that news from 1678 is simple, that news could be faked by MI-5 (The Security Service), what could be responsible for some of those hoaxes around the crop circles.

Picture II

But there is another very important thing in this document. All crop circles are made in the areas, where is easy to go, and when we are thinking clearly, we must say that this kind of areas might be useful for delivering agents and special forces for missions against IRA. And some crop circles might cause the secret STEALTH aircraft operations, in the case, where some tornado comes from above, and that tornado can be forming because the STEALTH-helicopter would target the opposite rotating rotors to some place, and in this scenario the helicopters use the same kind of rotors as Kamov Ka-25 helicopters, what are used in Russian navy.

Those helicopters might look like saucers, and the rotors might be in the tube in the middle of the circular body.   And when we are thinking about the case, that some farmer in Australia has seen UFO over the field. There were not mentioned about the year when this person made the observation. But this farmer might see the airship hanging over the cornfield. Also, the British military has been tested airships for military use, and sometimes I have thought, that those Zeppelin-style airships were misunderstood as UFO:s.


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