Sunday, April 15, 2018

What actually is ancient Greece in philosophy?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Many times in philosophy have mentioned some persons from ancient Greece. That place and time were full of philosophers, who created many thoughts about things, like idealistic republic and atomic models, but people almost ever asked one simple questions about those philosophers. They ever ask "why those texts are made in long time ago"? In philosophy, the key thing is not proof anything like in some empiric investigations. And what means or what is the role of ancient Greece or philosophers of ancient Greece in that profession. Another question goes like this: what is the difference between the philosophical and historical Greece?

The element of philosophy is to use rhetorical argumentation, what makes those texts or speeches feeling right. And the problem of philosophy is that philosophers are professional thinkers, who sometimes say something, what is not pleased the persons who keep the force in their hands. And that's why is more comfortable to say that some ancient philosopher said those things before some Voltaire said those things in some place because in those cases Mr. Voltaire would be escorted in the cellar of that castle, and then the brutal extortion began.

In the time of Voltaire, there was one golden rule in making writings. The kings or other noblemen should not embarrassed, and the best way to embarrass those people was show that they were wrong. Kings were perfect people, what means the thing, that they could ever be wrong in many cases. But when we are going to meet the modern philosopher's relationship with some man, named Socrates or Plato, we must say that none of the modern philosophers could ever meet those persons from ancient Greece. And in the real life, we can't go and ask anything from Plato or Socrates.

Maybe in some day in tomorrow we could build a time machine, and then we could go to meet those great men from Greece, but before that, we can only use our imagination, why those philosophers claimed to say something, what might be the reason, that those philosophers have made so much claiming. Other philosophers have put their own texts to their name, and we can't go to ask those Greeks that what they really have said or written in some garden in ancient Greece at the beginning of history.

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