Tuesday, April 17, 2018

What are VX and BZ chemical agents?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The poison of the Skripal-case was sprayed to the door of those persons. And there would be one great question, what actually that poison was? If the used poison were the VX-nerve agent, we must say, that those victims would ever get out from the house. VX-nerve agent is actually liquid and water-like poison, what boils at 300 degrees Celsius. Nerve-agent is somehow very unstable, and in some sources are mentioned that deadly dose of that super-poisonous chemical can form in the room temperature.

The deadly dose is metered by the sucking that chemical thru the skin. Also, the smallest drops of that organic phosphate cause death. The symptoms of the poison begin immediately, and that makes the walking impossible. BZ-nerve agent is the nonlethal LSD-based psycho-active hallucinogen, what has the purpose to make enemy unable to operate, what makes easy to take those persons to the prisoner or destroy them. BZ is also used in some test, where soldiers ability to use protective suits and chemicals have been tested.

In those test, the BZ- or LSD-chemicals would deliver to the air, and if soldiers would see some colors, their attempt to use the gas protecting suits were failed.  That chemical was tested in Edgewood Arsenal and in some tests of MKULTRA, and the purpose of last tests was tested this hallucinogen suitable for interrogations. Also that chemical or LSD were used in tests, where were tested the military personnel able to make reports if they would get some strange symptoms. In those tests, the military personnel was given drink, where was LSD, and if they would answer that they would not feel any strange symptoms, they would mark as unstable. Below this test films from similar tests from Czechoslovakia.

But when we are thinking about the situation, that somebody would use VX or BZ-chemical agents in this attack, we must say that this person needs very good protective gear, what is planned for use with this kind of nerve-agents, and VX would penetrate normal chemical weapon protection suit, and of course the user might get atropine-injections, but in this case must the user be sure, that nowhere in the skin or clothes would leave any remains of that nerve gas. And if the spray would deliver to near the point, what was sprayed, would that cause the terrible situation, where some outsiders would die because of that chemical. BZ can cause psychotic symptoms and that might cause the violent behavior.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxCLXk6XgrQ LSD-test Czechoslovakia

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLCzR34HfVQ LSD-test U.S military



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-Quinuclidinyl_benzilate (BZ)


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