Thursday, April 19, 2018

Writing about the song "Year 2525"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In the beginning and end of this text links to the famous song "2525", where is mentioned many things, that could be true even today. In this text, you might look at some maybe quite disturbing things. One of those things is the pill, what can give us all information, what we need. This small pill can be some radio tracking or GPS-system, and when the person takes one of them, then there would be drone above this human's head, and then it would begin infrasound transmission to that person. When the person eats some information pill, would the signal go to the central computer, and that would tell them what kind of information that person needs, and then the drone would find the target.

This would be the conventional model to send information for some man or woman. Also, there might be the more dangerous version, and in that version, the drone or "X-helicopter" would lay the modified EEG-machine to above the person's head, and then begin the brain core stimulation, and that would be the very good way to drive information for the brains of some people. When we are thinking about the future and control societies, we might think that inside every person head would install the electrodes, what allows to send the radio broadcasts in the brains of humans. Also in this controlled society, those brain waves can be surveillance by using radio or WLAN technology.

And in the most advanced model of those information pills, the pills are forming the nano-technological components, what would travel thru the body and lay in the layer of the brains. And then that person would get the radio broadcast about that information, what this targeted man or woman needs. I hope that this would not be the future of mankind. The "Orwellian" control system can be real in the near future, and terrorism is the very good excuse for making the control systems. But when we are creating the society, where every single thought have been observed, we are going the little bit too far.

But nowadays the superconducting radio-technology allows to catch EEG-waves from quite long distances, and that technology is very attractive because this so-called "remote-MEG" could uncover the potentially violent persons on the streets. And then those drones would lay ring-type magnets over those person's head, so could this mysterious "Project Saint".  Pentagon claims that this means Satellite interceptor, but they can lie about this thing for political reasons because the brainwashing is not so-called "politically correct thing", and those things afraid people across the world.  Superconducting sensors can use SQUID-technology, and they can be installed to the drones or on the roof of some nightclub. And those sensors can record human brain electricity from the long distance. In some scenarios that kind of technology can use high power radio waves to modify human thoughts. This is very dangerous technology in wrong hands.


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