Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The writing about the song "Herr Mannelig"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Do you ever look at stories, what are told about journeyman? Some of them are very attractive and impressive. And almost in every book or adventure movies, the main character is some kind of journeyman, who have very good experience about those situations, what happens in those books or films. That kind of stories are not new, and they are told by journeymen or somebody, who have met those journeymen. In this text I don't actually write about the song "Herr Mannelig", but I would use the video about this song as an innovator about this text.

One of the oldest songs of Sweden is "Herr Mannelig", what is the folk tradition. In this film, what opens from the link below the text, this main character is made for moving. The film or music video is made by some Swedish band called "Garmarna".  The writer of that song is not mentioned, but it is the story about the man, who denied to get married to the witch, who lived on some mountain. The story is very popular, and there are many presentations about this quite good Viking-era song.

The idea of this song or music video is that man tells some stories, what are very suspicious. A man or woman tells stories, about journeys and storms what the teller have been faced during the life, and of course, this person tells about the monster, who lived under the falls of somewhere in northern Norway, and the stories are fascinating and impressive. There is one very strange thing about the main character. He doesn't do anything in the boat, is he some kind of passenger, in this music video. They are stories about journeys to edge of the world, and in the first many people sees nothing to say about them, but then we must realize that there is one big question about the stories, what the journeyman tells, and that is, that this journeyman was always alone in those situations.

There is nobody, who can proof those worlds about great adventures of this Mannelig. Every person who were with him in those ships were somewhere else, when this stories have been told. In the video, the prime male character has the very good equipment, and here I must ask if he actually meant to introduce as a journeyman? The equipment of this character is too perfect for use of Viking tradesman. They look like soldiers equipment, and that might meant for the joke. But the film is very good support for this writing because my Swedish is not very good. And as you see the writing is my hobby, and that's why I'm writing this text.


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