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The way to think is the key to creating texts

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Philosophers are sometimes very interesting persons, and of course, they meet another interesting people. In the stories and writings, philosophers travel around Europe and meet many well-known artists and spend their time in European courts. They always have very much friends and they have of course many connections with European intelligent persons. But when we are thinking about the position of René Descartes as the member of the royal court of Sweden, we must say, that his position as the "crown's official philosopher" was the little bit extravagant.

Of course, philosophers want to be that kind of persons, who spend their life in courts of Europe, but then we must say something, if those philosophers would really live in the royal courts, their life would be very short because the rulers would not always like philosophers ideas. One of the ideas, what was not very popular when it was first introduced was the hidden way to use power. This way to rule the government is very nice for the ruler. In that hidden way to use power, the king or whoever gives public orders is actually a front man. The real power is in the hands of somebody else than public leaders.

Eminence-style way to use power is very attractive because in that model the real ruler of the nation would not ever get responsible for their actions. The possibility of eminence was also the reason, why Allied didn't murder Adolph Hitler during World War II. The only person during WWII who was assassinated by British intelligence by the special operation, what was targeted straight against that person was four stars SS-general Reinhard Heydrich the chief of RSHA, who was murdered or assassinated in "Operation Anthropoid". Here we must ask: "why Adolph Hitler has not targeted that kind of operation, what was accomplished by Allied intelligence.

In that time Allied intelligence didn't actually know, who was real ruler of the Third Reich, and also the mental condition of Hitler was probably in the knowledge of some intelligence officers. The rumors or stories, why allied forces didn't assassinate Hitler goes like this: "If Hitler were assassinated, there would raise some man who was mentally wealthy raise in the power, and that would cause that the war could get longer". But those are only rumors. The reason, why S.O.E (Service Operations Executive) didn't assassinate Hitler was probably burning in some oven after the WWII when British intelligence cleaned their archives.

It is also called as an "eminences". This kind of way to use power is sometimes existed in some companies, what is established by using the name of some famous person. Sometimes we would see eminences in the student unions of Universities. What makes us suspicious is the situation, that the student's union would work against their own interest, like in the case where students want to raise the tuition fees. That is the mark of the influence of eminence. When we are thinking about the situation, that some very public person would establish the company, we must same time realize, that if that person has not trained for leading the company, there must be somebody, who pulls the wires.

Here I'm talking about the firms, what is established by some formula drivers or ice-hockey players. There must find the persons, who have the lawyer or another kind of that background, what justifies them to lead the enterprise-class company. Sometimes we would see the persons, who are the very strong reformer. They always bring their agenda to the public knowledge with the very high profile. And of course, there is always very good ideas, why their agenda is better than others. If some person comes to say, that some system would be better than the existed system, the philosopher would ask one question from that great reformer.

The question is: "what is your position in that new system"?  When we are thinking about the situation, that some students wants to raise the level of the payments of some universities, we must first look at their student cards, and courses, what they are done. Then we must realize that there is always one question about payments: "do you like to pay any payments"? What those students actually want, when they want to get more payments? Are they the highly motivated students, who would get top grades from their courses?

Or are the students, who were motivated in the parties, but studies would not go forward? Sometimes I have to meet university student who wants to be the nurse or something like that. Those students agenda is always been some kind altruism, and they want to do something concrete to other persons, but when we are looking at their grades, those people would not have in the worst case a single course passed. When their student cards are full of failed courses, there would be the new idea in their head. They want to stop studies, and then move to the easier nursery school. And the reason for that new type of altruism is sometimes that this person would want to get access to narcotic medicines or easier place to study.


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