Monday, April 16, 2018

I think I exist, and if I'm punished for my texts, I exist for some powerful man

Kimmo Huosionmaa

René Descartes said once, that if the human being thinks that makes this person existed. In his lifetime, normal or ordinary people did not exist for rulers of the nations. And everything, that said against the king or rulers was the straight attack against the god. If we think this way, everybody who says something against rulers exists only when they are punished.

When we are following the way of thinking, what Descartes followed, we must say that if somebody makes texts or makes speeches, what means nothing, we must ask a question "why this person would punish"? If writing means nothing, the consequences must be nothing? So what in some writings or speeches is so harmful, that the king gives the order to arrest that text maker. Why poor philosopher causes the situation, that all nation must change the laws in the country?

When people make the own writings,  this person must have the capacity to think about those things. And that kind of writings might be harmful to people, that believe that person must keep quiet when somebody would not ask something about that person. Only persons who have right to speak or write something, are superiority officers. And the role of henchmen is to keep their mouth shut, when their leaders are speaking.

When the person raises to a very high-rank official, would the orders, what this person gives become so-called common orders. This might cause some misunderstandings because that kind of person is above everything. Normal man or woman can't say or do anything, what might harm that superiority official.

And if some worker would say something bad about this very high-rank businessman, would that cause the situation, that this person must step down from the tower, and say something about this case to that worker. In this case would look very funny, that some main director of enterprise corporation kicks this worker off. And in this case, would happen that the director would give common orders, that the doors of the company will be closed for the person, who is from some city or state. This means that the director wants to make generic orders for hiring the position. Those high ranking officials of the private or public sectors might sometimes hide behind orders, what are given to all industry. This means, that this person would just walk away if somebody says or does something bad about that person who might be king of the state.

Soon comes to the orders to kick off 3000 persons from their working place, because somebody said that the slips, what this boss used was not very good looking. So that kind of thing might cause the situation, that thousands of workers would kick off or something like that would happen. This is how powerful men are working in real life. And also everybody, who writes about those things, should be quiet because they would not find the jobs from those companies.

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