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"Elitism" and "elite" are very new worlds in media

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In modern media have come new worlds, what are "elite" and "elitist". This means that political rulers are not the ordinary men or women. They are the new way to speak in public media and that is the very good advantage for talking about political leadership. The connection between political leadership and economic power is the very well known thing. Politicians need money for their election campaigns and money is collected from businessmen, who have very much extra money for giving to the politicians, who are supporting their interests.

And this is one reason, why people are concerning about situation in Syria. That country has very much natural resources like oil and gas, and if that nation would start to dump those merchandise to the markets, would that cause the prize of those energy sources collapse. But if the Syria and Israel would make the peace, would that cause the very problematic situation, because in this case, would oil and gas transfer to Europe thru Israel. And this is the situation, what would take money from the pockets of some other countries.

Poor people would get poorer and rich people would get more money, is the thing in modern policy. And that is the same situation from West to East. There would be only one rule in the modern economy. Making money for the stakeholders is the only rule, that must be followed. The problem with democracy is that people would see, what they want. And sometimes I would ask is there any real democracy existed in the world. The new version of democracy is information democracy, what gives only the information, what serves it's leaders purposes.

The information is the weapon, and the question is, how the informer shows the things. When we are talking about nuclear weapons, we would face two ways to show the capacity of the nuclear arsenal. One is to show how many nuclear warheads some nation is, and the second way is to use the size of all nuclear material as megatons. In a first way, some nation says, that it has 200 pieces of 500 kiloton nuclear warheads. That would mean that some nation has 100 megatons nuclear arsenal. Another state would claim, that it has only 10 warheads, what have the capacity of 20 megatons.

That state would have 200 megatons nuclear capacity, but it would like to show that, it would have 10 warheads, what are of course meant for self-defense. In this case, the number of warheads would make that state look better than the size of explosives. Also, many bloodiest dictators have the very good way to show how brutal way, what the air strikes against the targets in their countries would be. In those news bulletins are very much bodies of children, and the purpose of those things would cause problems between attackers. Also the pictures of dead civilians are good way to make people look away from that governments crimes.

In those states, the reporters would know what they see, and in Germany during World War II was concentration camps deliver bodies to the pictures of propaganda. Those pictures were meant for evidence of brutal mass bombing. The bodies of children are the good method to make people forget the extortion and disappearing members of political resistance of the state. The numbers are the very good way to influence people opinions. There are many states, what would have extremely low taxes. Those states are very proud about this thing, that they have only 10% of taxes, but they forget to say, that they don't have public healthcare and also the school system must pay by the pockets of parents.

Every person in those states must pay every service from their own pockets. Also, there are some nations, what are proud of their free education system. They have free universities, but there is the only a couple of things forgotten. Their students must pay their own apartments, food, and books from their own pocket. And the financial support of education is about 465 euros per month. And also in schools, the food is paid by students own pocket. This would guarantee that students are done their studies in extreme fast timeline. The way to show facts influences the meaning of the news.


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