Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Image recognition is the very interesting method to track the members of well-known families

Could Mona-Lisa portrait
the sister of Leonardo Da Vinci?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Here I'm writing pure theoretical text, and I will not go out to track some members of Rockefeller family.  Here "well-known families" don't mean any Rockefellers. They can mean members of the famous painter's or inventors families. And if the skills to make paintings could be genetically hereditary, could those people be as good painters or inventors as their ancestors.  Image recognition is the very good method to one very interesting thing. That is select people for DNA test if they are suspected members of some well-known families.  When we would use the image recognition we can compare example the images of old paintings, and then photographs.

Those systems would give an answer, how many percent that computer found from some faces from old paintings and people, who are in some photographs. In theory, that system can use to track as an example the members of a family of Leonardo Da Vinci. If the faces of Da Vinci family portraits have the very high level of similarities between those images and some person, whose photograph is used in the comparison, this person would be the interesting target for IQ-test. But we don't know sure, have Leonardo painted a single painting about his family members. But sometimes I have thought that maybe Mona Lisa is a portrait of the sister of Leonardo Da Vinci.

And in that case, we might use Mona Lisa for making comparisons in those tests.  Those computerized compliment systems can track also members of some families, by using photographs. That system is not, of course, give absolute answers about hereditary membership of some family, but if we think about the genome investigations and similarities of faces of some families, that image recognition can help to find the people, who would be interesting deliverers for DNA samples.

The similarities between faces of some families have been forming the "trademark" of those families. One of them is the lower lip of Habsburg family. That kind of systems can also use to track the family members of some war criminals and misuse it is very dangerous. And also the use of image recognition for that purpose could be illegal. But there would be possible to find those persons by following their family members.

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