Saturday, April 21, 2018

Thoughts about alien lifeforms

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Today was the important conversation about alien lifeforms, and one thing is the most important in those speakings what consisted alien life.  The intelligent life is not the synonym for alien life, and the last world consists also bacterial and vegetarian life forms. When we are thinking about alien life forms, what are probably living in some planet at the Universe, we must think that the alien life form at another solar system might not like, what we know on the Earth.

Those hypothetical life forms can be so different that we ever saw those species even in some SciFi movies. They might be hybrid of animals and vegetables, and in the some wildest thoughts those species might be like some kind of Apple trees, where Apples are replaced with Eggs, where aliens would hatch. In that speculative case the alien might be born like some vegetable, and when the vegetable could be ready, can those aliens step out to the world. In this hypothetical case, the vegetable actually forms the egg, and there would produce an alien life form. This would be the animal, what have chlorophyll in the skin cells.

A green alien could be like some kind of Hulk, what skin has the ability to create sugars straight from solar light. In some SciFi series, this kind of life form could make by connecting the genes, what allows vegetables to make photosynthesis in human genomes. That technology allows the human make sugars in the skin cells, and that would help to choose the food for people. In some alien jokes is mentioned the "Little Green men", and maybe in distant future, the astronauts would get the green skin by genome therapy, because that allows them to eat the food, what has not include C-vitamins.

And that might allow those astronauts to travel the long distance in Universe. In this case, the hypothetical astronauts of tomorrow would actually be aliens for the people of the Earth. Those futuristic astronauts might be born in the Space, and maybe they would not have connections to Earth at all. So they can be very different than people, who lives on Earth.

There is actually rumors that the humans are tried to hybridize with another species by using genome manipulation. But how far the scientists have gone in those tests is the mystery, and if those hybrid humans are created, are they destroyed before those life forms were got an ability to independent life outside their wombs? There are many secrets on the Earth, and maybe some high secured laboratory has tested those things.

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