Thursday, April 26, 2018

Was famous hijacker "D.B Cooper" CIA operative and Vietnam Veteran? And did he ever made that parachute jump?

"D.B Cooper's" warrant
(Picture I)

Above and below the text links to the speculations about the only unsolved hijacking case in the history of United States. In this case, the hijacker claimed to jump out from the Boeing 707 passenger plane at the altitude 4000 meters. This case has been caused many speculations, that the hijacker has died or he was actually SPETSNAZ-man, whose mission was to get money, where were FBI:s security markings and send that money to Moscow, KGB headquarters, where the specialists would investigate those banknotes, and then make own fakes of those dollars.

But when we are looking about this story from the Vintage news, we must say, that those writers might be right. That kind of operation needs the man, who is trained, parachutist. When we are thinking about this hijacking, we must say that nobody actually saw the hijacker leaving the plane by parachute. And this makes me think that could this mysterious  D.B Cooper ever left the plane? Or did he hired somewhere in the passenger cabin or somewhere in the electronic room, or table space in that plane?

Maybe Cooper just dressed the overalls, what flight mechanics use and then this man was the slip in the cable space. And when the airplane rolled to the gate, Mr. Cooper just walked away. But the jumping was not very difficult, and if that man dropped to the trees, might he cut himself free.  There are many stories about this mysterious case, and the strange metal powder, what probably was Wolfram, caused many theories, that Mr. Cooper was the worker in the lamp factory or in the wildest theories this man was working in AREA-51.

This case is the only open hijacking in the history of United States. And the faith of Mr. Cooper stays in mystery. Nobody ever seen his body or met him. And nobody ever claimed that Mr. Cooper was her husband. So this is very complicated and interesting case in the history of crime. Someday that case could be solved, if somebody finds Cooper's body, and in that case, this man's real identity comes in public knowledge. But before that, there might be many stories about this mysterious case, what seems some days closed. Then there would always be some new evidence and the case would reopen.


Picture I

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