Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Discoveries can explain why magnetars have so strong magnetic fields.

"The study of the sound speed has revealed that heavy neutron stars have a stiff mantle and a soft core, while light neutron stars have a soft mantle and a stiff core – much like different chocolate pralines. Credit: Peter Kiefer & Luciano Rezzolla" ( Chocolate Pralines: Physicists’ Surprising Discovery About Neutron Star Structure)

Even if neutron stars are rotating at extremely fast speeds. Sound travels in those extremely thick objects. Sound is an oscillation of atoms, subatomic particles, and molecules. And soundwaves are traveling in neutron stars almost like in all other particles. Except in neutron stars sound means the oscillation of the neutron's quantum fields. And that thing makes that thing very interesting. 

When the jet of another neutron star impacts with another neutron star it can put it to resonate. That resonance is possible especially if the neutron star's core is stiff. 

The light neutron stars have a soft mantle and stiff core. Heavy neutron stars have stiff mantles and soft cores. In the case of neutron stars, the "stiff" and "soft" are far harder than iron. The material of neutron stars is one of the strongest in the universe. Researchers are interested in that material because the 2D neutron network is called "neutron-" or "quantum graphene". 

Neutrons are polar particles that have north and south poles. And that thing makes it possible that neutrons can create a similar structure to graphene. 

The discoveries can explain why magnetar's magnetic field is so strong. Magnetar is a neutron star with a very powerful magnetic field. And the reason for that is the core of that neutron star orbits very fast. Magnetars are lightweight neutron stars. That allows their core can rotate faster than heavy neutron stars. 

That thing can explain what makes magnetars so special. The fast-rotating stiff core can like hover above the mantle. And the extremely fast rotating core is the reason why magnetar's magnetic field is so strong. There is a vision that magnetars can superposition with each other. In that case, the radiation from another magnetar synchronizes the resonation of their core. 

In some other theories, neutron stars can have two stiff cores over each other. That thing removes the friction between those cores. And the core of that theoretical model rotates over the quantum rolls. The neutrons of the lower core act like small rolls. That almost removes the friction from the structure. And that thing makes it possible that the speed of the core is near the speed of light. 

That kind of rotating core can simply push the photons away from it. Or the powerful magnetic or quantum field simply captures photons between electrons that are orbiting in that field. That kind of effect can turn this kind of neutron star almost invisible.

Ions are playing a key role in the future fusion reactor.

In an ion-based fusion reactor, the system can shoot ions and anions against each other by using the ion cannons that are shooting ions from different sides. Or the magnetic plates can pull ions and anions together from above and below. Then the system can shoot a laser ray to those ions. Theoretically is possible to create a magnetic field that is powerful enough that it can form a fusion reactor. 

The future fusion reactor can use ions for making fusion. The problem is how to handle the plasma at extremely high temperatures. In those temperatures, the heat of the plasma brakes the entirety. 

Along with monopolar ions will push deuterium and tritium away from each other. The magnetic field pushes those ions together, but the problem is that when the magnetic press ends radiation with magnetic repel will push those particles away from each other. 

The problem is that when fusion starts the energy level in the fusion material that rotates in the reactor will expand. The rising energy in fusion material will win the magnetic field. And that thing rips the ring of the fusion material in pieces. One of the answers could be an injection of the opposite polar ions in the plasma. That thing could help to keep the fusion material in one entirety. 

The problem with fusion reactors is the heat. The system requires billions of degrees of celsius. And if there is a leak in the fusion reactor that plasma can cause big damage around the plant. 

One version that can answer the problem is the fusion reactor that orbits the Earth. The non-gravitational environment makes it easier to handle plasma. And if the reactor is outside the atmosphere. That helps to handle lithium hydride which is the key compound to creating lithium deuteride. Lithium deuteride is one of the most important fuels in the fusion stages of hydrogen bombs. 

The creation of lithium-deuteride is the process where the radiation will turn lithium hydride into lithium deuteride. Then another energy impulse drives those components back together. In fusion weapons, the used lithium isotope is lithium 7. Normally natural lithium is lithium 3. The problem is that lithium hydride is very highly inflammable. 


Lithium deuteride (From Wikipedia)

Lithium deuteride, in the form of lithium-7 deuteride (7Li2H or 7LiD), is a good moderator for nuclear reactors, because deuterium (2H or D) has a lower neutron absorption cross-section than ordinary hydrogen or protium (1H) does, and the cross-section for 7Li is also low, decreasing the absorption of neutrons in a reactor. 7Li is preferred for a moderator because it has a lower neutron capture cross-section, and it also forms less tritium (3H or T) under bombardment with neutrons.

The corresponding lithium-6 deuteride (6Li2H or 6LiD) is the primary fusion fuel in thermonuclear weapons. In hydrogen warheads of the Teller–Ulam design, a nuclear fission trigger explodes to heat and compress the lithium-6 deuteride, and to bombard the 6LiD with neutrons to produce tritium in an exothermic reaction:

6LiD + n → 4He + T + D

The deuterium and tritium then fuse to produce helium, one neutron, and 17.59 MeV of free energy in the form of gamma rays, kinetic energy, etc. Helium is an inert byproduct.

Before the Castle Bravo nuclear weapons test in 1954, it was thought that only the less common isotope 6Li would breed tritium when struck with fast neutrons. The Castle Bravo test showed (accidentally) that the more plentiful 7Li also does so under extreme conditions, albeit by an endothermic reaction. (Wikipedia/Lithium Hydride)


But the leak in the orbital reactor causes a situation that plasma with a very high energy level will release into the orbital trajectory. And that plasma will destroy satellites. 

That kind of reactor can answer the problems of heat. But this kind of fusion-based energy satellite is one of the most dangerous things in the world. 

Fusion energy is used for a long time in hydrogen bombs. The orbiting fusion reactor turns into a hydrogen bomb very easily. One of the most dangerous versions of the fusion systems is the thing where lasers will target the subcritical uranium or plutonium plates. Then that energy causes fission in those plates. 

That energy impulse pushes fusion material from both sides. The laser system can use straight sunlight for making the laser ray. The mirror system will conduct sunlight to the laser element. And then the laser will aim at the fusion system. The fact is that increasing the temperature in subcritical fission material is enough. So the launch of the hydrogen bomb can happen by using parabolic mirrors.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Topology, data science, and free energy make new intelligent materials possible.

The key element in the nano-scale computers and microchips is to create enough small data images and keep those data images in the form. If we want to create liquid machines that can take any form. There is a need to create different individual data images for each entirety's participant.  

If we want to create a liquid machine that can take any form researchers can use two methods. 

*Silicon-based nanomachines

*Computer- and nanomachine-controlled cells. Those cells can involve nanomachine that encodes data to the cell's DNA. That kind of system can create an artificial chorale. 

When the cyborg cells are in the correct position relative to each other.

And an entirety makes the right form. The system will get the order to create the core. And that thing can turn biological cyborg material from theory to reality. 


When researchers are developing new intelligent materials that can change their form and fix themselves. Those people need small-size nanotechnical microprocessors and nanotechnical mass memory. That controls the operations of those particles. 

The new intelligent materials are formed of structures that look like bacteria. The small silicone machines are taking their place in the entirety. The silicone-based nanomachines can use for making silicone amoebas that change their form. 

The living cells can also create the forms when controllers want. In that case, the cells must be microchip-controlled. Maybe the participants of the entirety would be basils. That is controlled with microchips. 

Or maybe there is a nanomachine or nano-factory in every cell. And then the nanomachine encodes the wanted data into the DNA. That thing makes it possible to create a structure that can take any form that developers want. The nano-size microchips can use also bioluminescence light from shining cells as an energy source. 

Researchers used an extended Landau free energy model for making nano-scale structures. There are two types of energy. The energy that free. One version of free energy is radiation. Or another version is energy. That is stored (connected) to material or some process. That system must release non-free energy somehow before it can be useful. 

Sometimes free energy means to heat or some other energy. That formed in the process. But that energy will not return to process or turn to the material. So the free energy just flows around. So if the process forms thermal energy it can use as power. 

That kind of reaction is happening when some material like gas is burning. When material burns it connects with oxygen. That reaction forms heat which can conduct to water that vaporizes and then conduct to turbines. 

Things like photons carry energy. And some description of free energy as energy that is not participating process. 

Nano-size microchips can use things like electroluminescence as the power source. And that thing makes this type of thing interesting. 

By the way...

The helium-steam turbine can use in Pluto conditions. 

One of the most interesting. But still theoretical power supply system is the steam turbine which uses liquid helium. There is a biological component in the small platform. The biological processes in that small platform create temperature. 

And then liquid helium will deliver over that platform. The biological temperature causes the vaporization and expansion of that gas. That system can operate in extremely low temperatures where helium turns to liquid without energy. 

Of course, helium will freeze that biomass. But there can be other platforms that can replace the frozen platform. And then new organisms can deliver to that base.

Images from the top:

Sunday, November 27, 2022

The black holes, and what is their relationship with eternity?

Could the Schwinger effect in black holes be the source of mysterious Hawking radiation? 

Is there some outcoming radiation that comes out from the black hole? And could that thing turn the event horizon invisible? Could that outcoming radiation be the thing called "dark energy"? If that strange wave motion is coming from the fourth dimension. That radiation is invisible to detect. There is the possibility that dark energy tunnels through superstrings that are forming all elementary particles. 

There is a theory that black holes are particles. That is in the fourth dimension. The idea is that when a particle jumps to the fourth dimension or otherways saying energy level that means the fourth dimension. It leaves a hole behind it. That hole is the channel where the radiation from that fourth dimension comes from that super-high energy level. 

And the reason why we cannot see the singularity is that there is some kind of counter-radiation or wave motion that will pull energy from incoming radiation. In that case, the gravitational waves or Hawking radiation that impacts other wave motion near the event horizon acts like a counter-wave from the beach. 

The counter wave pulls energy out from the impacting radiation. So the radiation that comes from the black hole must be very high-frequency. But the height of those hypothetical waves is very low. And that means the effect of that radiation could be visible only extremely close to the event horizon. 

So if that Hawking's radiation is coming inside the black hole there is one reason that could explain this thing. And that is this. There is some kind of Schwinger effect in black holes. The rotation speed of the black hole is extremely fast. And that can cause the Schwinger effect. Where wave motion turns particle-antiparticle pairs. Could there be some kind of Schwinger effect in the black hole?

The universe is material. And the material is one form of energy. Energy is the thing that determines how long the universe can exist as a material entirety. 

The dimension is the energy level where particles can interact with each other. We are living in the third dimension. And the thing that separates the fourth and third dimensions is the energy level. 

The energy level of the four-dimensional particle is so high that it cannot interact with three-dimensional particles. But the fact is that time will travel in the same direction in the fourth dimension as it travels in three-dimensional space. 

Term time dilation means that time moves slower on the particles that travel at a very high speed. Or another thing that can cause time dilation is the energy pumping to the particle. 

So if we will think that the particles are hairy things and the hair is forming when the superstrings erupt from particles. That thing is called quantum vaporization. The reason for that vaporization is the expansion of the universe. 

All energy and particles are involved in the universe. And when the size of the universe increases. That causes the material and energy relation with space decreases. That thing is called "Cosmic inflation". 

Cosmic inflation causes that material never to reach the minimum energy level that is the same as space. And that thing means the vaporization of the material accelerates all the time. Quantum vaporization or "vaporization" means that the material sends wave motion. And that wave motion is the thing that decreases the mass of the particle. 

Energy cannot form from emptiness. Particle turns to wave motion because the material is one form of energy. So when energy or wave motion targets the particle. It gets the lost energy back. And that energy increases the mass of the particle. 

But the problem is that when we return the particle's "youth" the energy level of the universe decreases. And that means the energy difference between the particle and its environment increases. So when the energy pump to the particle ends. It starts to release energy faster. 

And the wave motion that is left from the particle can pull a warp bubble or electromagnetic vacuum around it. That causes a situation. Where the wave motion that travels out from the particle rips it to superstrings. 

The thing that destroys the particle is not the energy pump. The end of the energy pump and too fast energy movement out from particles is the thing that destroys single particles. 

Dimension is energy level. If energy levels between two objects are too far from each other those particles cannot interact. 

The energy level is the thing that determines the third and fourth dimensions. The dimension that is at a higher energy level is always smaller than the previous one that is at a lower energy level. But the upper (higher energy) dimensions are denser than the lower energy dimensions. The energy travels from higher energy level dimensions to lower energy level dimensions. And that energy flow is the thing why it's so hard to reach those invisible dimensions. 

When the particle jumps to the fourth dimension. Its energy level rises very high. And that thing makes it possible that particles can keep their particle form longer than the universe exists. When the particle's energy level turns high enough, we could say that it jumps to the fourth dimension. It loses its ability to interact with other particles. 

Sooner or later that particle will lose so much energy that it returns to the third dimension. But if some particle makes that thing it keeps its particle form longer than the universe. The reason for that is that the energy level of that particle is so high, that energy in it will remain longer than in other particles. 

And when we are thinking about cosmic inflation and the aging of particles. We can say that this particle in a hyper-high energy level follows other particles in the aging process. That thing is called time dilation. There is a possibility to restore or return the youth of the particle simply by stressing them with electromagnetic radiation. 

Can some particle someday reach eternity?

That thing depends on how we describe eternity. If we say that the universe's lifetime is the limit of the existence of material. We must remember that information never vanishes. And the reason for that is when the wave motion reaches its final and smallest form. The universe reaches a stable form. The energy level of the system reaches its minimum level. 

For the first time in its history, the form of the material doesn't change any more. So that means the superstrings that formed the universe after the Big Bang cannot split into smaller parts. But when the material reaches its final form. Greek philosophers called that form the "Atomos" form. 

Material cannot take any smaller or lower energy form. But the fact is that those strings still exist. And the existence of the universe never ends. 

But could some particles keep their particle form forever? We can say that the end of the universe is the end of material existence as particles. When all particles are turned to wave motion that thing could describe the end of the universe. But there is a possibility to create a particle that lives longer than the universe. 

Time is one form of energy. And the thing that causes that material to turn to wave motion is the end of energy. When energy ends that thing causes a situation where the superstring that forms the particle turns open. 

But there is a possibility that the particle energy level is so high, that its energy level is so high that energy cannot release during the lifetime of the universe. The energy level of this sub-atomic particle would be so high that we cannot see it. 

Or the quantum field of that particle in the hyper-high energy level just pushes other wave motion around it. And that outcoming radiation denies that particle's ability to interact. The radiation just travels around the particle. And that radiation makes it hard to detect. That wave motion will just make that particle act like some kind of stealth material.

Researchers extend the lifetime of the qubit.


Image 1: Molecular qubit

Researchers extended the lifetime of the molecular qubits. Many things are making molecular qubits interesting tools in quantum computing. 

Researchers can create molecular qubits by putting some atoms (like krypton, helium, gold, etc.) in the fullerene molecule. Then they are driving information to that atom.

Then that atom sends the information to the fullerene core. And after that, the fullerene core will transmit the data to the multiple receiving sensors. If that system uses a C60 molecule. That allows the creation of a qubit that has 60 channels. 

Image 2: C60 Fullerene

Also, receivers have numbers. The system uses numbered data segments. So the data line will delete all other segments than the segment whose number matches the number of the data line. So when data arrives at line 5 the receiver destroys all other data segments than segment number 5. And that allows putting the data row into pieces. Then the system turns the data row into a line. 

The thing that makes qubit so important is that it is required in the process. That transforms the data row into the data line. Diagram 1. There is a possibility to create qubits with four states by using electric wires when the temperature is as low as possible. But the molecule-based qubits are more useful in biological microprocessors. 

Diagram 1: Qubit's principle. 

A =Data row 1

B= The level that transforms data from row to linear form. 

C= Datarow 2. Where the system returns linear data in a row. 

The biological qubits can also transfer data to neurons or microprocessors. Genetic engineering allows researchers can create bacteria or viruses that can operate as a qubit. 

Researchers are the first time manipulated data inside the DNA. And that allows the creation of artificial bacteria which can transfer information to neurons or microprocessors. The idea is that the DNA transfer will make bacteria able to send electric impulses. Then the data that is stored in the DNA will transfer to the receivers which can be axons of living neurons. Or they can be microprocessors. 

Image 3: AIDS-virus

Or the virus itself turns into a molecular qubit. If we are looking at the AIDS virus nothing denies that it could work as a qubit. The system requires a genome where data is loaded. Then the qubit virus will send electric signals to receivers that can be the living neuron. Or they can be microprocessors. 

Human brain neurotransmitters are molecular qubits. And molecular qubits can use for transmitting data between living neurons and non-organic microprocessors. There is a possibility that some viruses can transform into molecular qubits. DNA could be excellent data storage. And the outer core of the virus can send electric impulses to the receivers. 

The problem is how to make the internal data of the DNA transform electric signals. The answer can be simple. The retrovirus will infect the bacteria. And then that transforms the cell into a memory neuron. Or the DNA can turn the bacteria to be able to give electric shocks. Then the DNA would transfer its data by using those electric shocks as the transmitter.


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Cloud castles and reality.

What is reality? 

Above this text is the image that portrays a castle that is above the clouds. What if we spend our entire life in that castle?  What kind of reality is to those fictional isolated characters?  If all contacts with the other world are stories that visitors tell?

The big question about the universe is, could there be other universes? And the big answer is that we don't know, and probably, we never will know about that thing. So multiverse, metaverse, and parallel universes are theories, nothing else than theories. Some people are saying that our universe is typical. This question causes another question about reality. 

There are two types of reality. 

1) Confirmed reality

2) Not confirmed reality

We live in a universe that is the only known universe in space. We don't have any single observations about other universes. And we can say that we are in the "typical universe" because we cannot see other universes.

The situation, in this case, is similar when we are thinking case, that we are living in one room our entire life. If creatures never see other rooms, we can think that all rooms are similar. We might think that all rooms in the world are similar. 

There are similar types of furniture, and everything is similar. If our creature lives in that castle without ever seeing another castle or house that creature would think that the castle is a typical way to live. 

Of course, people who come outside can say that creature lives in some special room. They might say that we have different furniture than other people.  Before we start handling our hypothetical creature, and this isolated room and space, we must realize one thing. 

What people say is not confirmed reality. There is the possibility that the creature asks things from different people. That thing is confirmation. Otherwise, all of those people or actors are members of the same system. And they might have orders on how to answer something. So even large groups of people are not always speaking the truth. 

Truth is a subjective thing. Some armed soldiers might say that city is a safe place. 

And some children can say. That the same place is not safe. The reason for that is that nobody dares to fight with armed people. 

Things like feelings are things that are not confirmed. And things like people's position in the hierarchy affect the service and treatment that person gets. And of course, people are telling stories about things like bad spirits to living in forests to keep people inside the city wall. In the same way, people who are living in our hypothetical cloud castle can think that the world below clouds is empty. 

The creature could sit in just a lonely room or castle. And listen to things. Or maybe we should think that the creature is ourselves. What if we meet only certain types of people? We might think that those people are typical. And every other people are similar to them. 

If we spend our entire life above the clouds. Many regular things are unknown to us. Things that are common at sea level are extraordinary above the cloud level. 

We can hear things like thunderstorms. We can see flashes of lightning. 

Or we can hear thunder and flashes. But we cannot see lightning itself through clouds. We see only light that the lightning sends. Maybe somebody tells that rain will make people wet. 

But we do have not any physical experience with those things if we ever come down through the cloud layer. We must know that there is a world below those clouds. But we have no physical observation about that thing we could only guess what the world looks like. 

We can go into that room and tell many things about cities. But the creature cannot confirm those things. 

Only personal experience that comes from all senses is the thing, that can confirm reality. 

If a creature (or we) just hears something. That thing causes inadequate observation. We can hear things, like a rustle in the wall, and there could be some creature like a mouse. But there could be some kind of twig that causes that sound.

Confirmation requires personal experience. If the experience is not coming from all senses the experience is inadequate. We need all our senses to confirm reality.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

In 1992 Donated twin embryos were successfully born.

Researchers put 1992 identical twin embryos in the cryostat. And today those twins were born. Those embryos were gifted to science, and then they are stored in nitrogen. These kinds of experiments are interesting. 

Those embryos are aborted before researchers stored them in liquid nitrogen. And then, after 30 years, they were born. These kinds of things are interesting things. 

Because the researchers must guarantee the parent's position. And that thing includes the children's right to know about their background. There is the possibility that those people feel anger against their biological parents. 

In that case, there is a possibility. That this kind of research is limited to the deliverer's lifetime. That means the researchers should make those research must do after the deliverers are dead. This kind of thing is serious. We must concern about the human rights of those born children. 

When we think about embryos, that returned to life after spending 30 years in liquid nitrogen. That thing brings new information for cosmology. And interplanetary and even interstellar missions. 

The purpose of research is to bring new information to science and technology. Genetic engineering is one of the fastest-advancing sectors in science and engineering. Today we can interconnect genomes through the species. And we must take care of the things that we create. 

We must realize that things like level of intelligence are making organisms dangerous. But if we create something intelligent, we must realize, that those creatures must have some kind of rights. Human rights like the right to vote depend on the level of intelligence. So someday we must think about the voting right of the creature that looks different from what we are. 

Image and sources

The Internet connects but also separates people.

Automatized AI-based language translators like Google Translate make all of us language specialists. This kind of AI-based solution can translate almost every text or speech into any other language. When that kind of system translates speech, it uses speech to text-application, then it translates the language to English. And after that, it translates English into some other language. 

These kinds of tools are effective and free translation tools. And they are easy to use. So they are making social media applications more effective and fun. But the language and Internet are also making this kind of system dangerous. We must realize that language is not just spoken words.

Language is body language but it's also culture. And if people don't realize that, it can cause problems. The thing is that people must realize that some other people might have different cultural backgrounds. And that person might have different opinions. 

At this point, people misunderstand that we always must accept other people's opinions. We have the right to defend our opinions and values. Even if some other people live in some other country. And even if that person has strong opinions. We have the right to have different opinions than some other people. 

If other people don't like our opinions, that's not a problem. We just can't please everyone, even if we want to. Discussion means that we talk about things at the same level and on an equal footing. Many people think that conversation is synonymous with ordering or commanding people. That is not true. If we want to discuss something we must have the preparedness and will to hear other people's opinions. 

We must not like those opinions. But we must realize that other people might not like our opinions either. Sometimes we face a situation where we must do something that we don't like. In those cases, we have no choice but to select. But that doesn't mean that we like those situations. And in those situations, we also have the right to say that we don't like what we do. 

But in the net, the problem is that. We cannot see the opponent while we discuss in the net. We can give answers to what is not pleasing to those people. This is the problem with text-based discussion boards. In those discussion boards, people just write things. And other people answer those texts if they answer. 

Those texts are the cases where we should think about, what we are writing. Those texts are giving evidence against us. That means nobody knows if we are joking at some discussion board. That's why we must think very carefully about what we say and especially write on the net.

Friday, November 25, 2022

How are the material and space formed?

When we think about space and material we can say that material is only a dense part of space. That means there is something that makes space denser at the point where is material. And that thing makes the material so interesting. 

Material is not separate from space and the universe the bubble that involves all known material. So the material is part of the universe. Not separated from it. And the universe is part of a bigger entirety called space. 

Nobody knows what is outside the universe. There could be a cosmic vacuum where is only wave motion. That travels away from the universe. That vacuum pulls the universe larger and larger. 

In this model time is the energy. When the universe expands it turns colder and colder. 

This process continues until the universe reaches energy same energy level as the space around it. When the energy in the universe ends. And all particles turn to wave motion. At that moment, the universe's existence as the quantum system ends. 

Of course, somebody says that wave motion and superstrings still exist. And information about the universe remains. But this is not a story about the ultimate fate of the universe. 

Universe also involves a strange gravitational effect that is unknown to us. And maybe there are other universes, but maybe we can never confirm that thing. So multiverse is more philosophy than scientific theory. 

But when we are talking about dark matter. We should rather talk about dark gravitation or gravitational effect whose source is unknown. 

Same way dark energy is the wave motion whose source is unknown. The only thing that we know about dark energy is that strange wave motion rips the universe into pieces. 

And in some theories, the source of that dark interaction is in strings between quarks. When those energy channels are oscillating that sends wave motion across space. And because that interaction affects so small structures that explain why it's so hard to detect. 

But dark energy and dark matter tell that some structure is common to all particles. And that structure that is involved in all particles is the thing that we can call graviton. Or is it so? The thing is that we should look at this structure somewhere in the elementary particles. 


There is the possibility that the source of gravitation is at the core of the particle. 

The idea of this model is that a particle with high-speed spin forms electromagnetic low-pressure near its core. And then, the wave motion from space will travel to that particle. 

In that model, the particle is like a whisk. The quantum lightning or superstrings surround some internal structure. When that particle spins at high speed. It forms electromagnetic low-pressure near its core. 

The idea is that the quantum vapor forms when the quantum field around the particle turns weaker. And the reason for that is the expansion of the universe. That thing makes particles "hairy". That hair is the superstrings were magnetic or quantum fields touch. 

 And sometimes those "hairs" are touching the quantum field around the particle. That moves energy to that particle. But that hair also sends wave motion through that quantum field. So that thing explains both dark energy and gravitation. 


When we are thinking about material and the smallest known particles there is a possibility that the elementary particles are the power fields. Or they are formed of superstrings that make them look like a whisk-looking structure.  In this model, the superstrings (or quantum lightning) are orbiting the central structure of the particles.  And that structure explains why the qubit is possible. 

If that whisk-looking structure spins at a very fast speed. That could push electromagnetic or quantum fields away from that particle. That thing forms the electromagnetic low pressure near the particle. So, could the gravitation be the effect that forms at the surface of the elementary particle? 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The ICT-business: the symbol of the plastic time.

Image: Pinterest

Plastics are the synonym for disposable products. Plastic crocks or plastic clogs were once megatrends. Crock-shoes were single-used if we compare them with real clogs. And that thing is one example of products that are made of plastic. Crock-shoes would not stand so long as real clogs. But they became one of the megatrends. 

When we think about plastic and ICT business. We are in the middle of the plastic world. This text is written using a plastic computer. The man who writes this text sits on a plastic chair. And that man looks at the plastic clock. That tells when it's time to meet the boss. 

The characteristic of the ICT business is single-use programmers. Replacing programmers or coders in this business is very easy. Those people are learning some new megatrends in this business. 

Then the new megatrend replaces the old one. And the new thing requires new skills. And that means the old worker's skills are old-fashion. So changing the programming environment and programming tools on a laptop is easy. And cloud services that are allowing to deny access to web-based programming tools are even easier than replacing some programs from a laptop is one thing that makes some programmers disposable. 

Fixed-term employment means that programmers that have fresh skills can get the job. But then the skills of those people turn old fashion. So when the deadline of the project closes. The coder team would also finish their working relationships. Fixed-term employment guarantees that this kind of termination of employment is legal. Fixed-term employment just ends. 

The cloud-based programming environment is one of the most powerful tools in programming. But advanced AI-based solutions cause a situation where old-fashion encoding turns useless. The automatized home-page makers allow anyone can make web pages without training. And a new type of code requires new skills. 

So the trend is that ICT workers or coders are learning some programming language in courses or schools. So the company hires those coders would for some projects. And during that project, some new trendy programming languages were. That makes the skills of those people old-fashion. So, it's cheaper to kick those workers out. And hiring new coders is cheaper than offering training for old workers. 

The new workers have no age supplements. And also the possibility that some of those workers can continue with the firm keeping their mouths shut. That method means that worker wants to please their bosses. So the single-use workforce is one of the things that guarantees that there are no strikes.

Today borders are higher than ever before. Or are they?

Many people believe, or think, that national borders are the only borders in the world. The highest of all borders is the economical border. Even though we live in republics, we all have the right to go to school, and we are all equal people at the front of the law. We are facing economical inequality. 

When we are thinking about social inequality. We must ask: is that some kind of new thing? Or are people aware, that there is some problem with our beloved society? When we think about average salaries there are high-class directors whose salary is far above the average worker's salary. 

Even if we are not a class society where some kind of background guarantees some kind of position, we must realize that people who are born into wealthy families have a better chance to get better positions in working life. They know more high-class leaders who are offering better positions to those people who know more leaders. And people who have high positions in companies offer higher positions for employees. 

But even if the noblemen or noble person's dispensations were discontinued. The land was still in hands of noblemen. That meant that, especially in England, those people earned lots of money at the beginning of the industrialization era by renting their land for factories. The ownership of land offered very big incomings to people who owned it. And that thing caused that capital stayed in the hands of noblemen. And that formed the new term "idle upper class". 

Wealthy businessmen worked with noblemen to make money. And that social network formed the new upper class. 

Big ownership brought more money. The reason for that was that wealthy people visited similar events. And in those hobbies, those people could form a network with similar people. 

And that inspired Karl Marx when he created his "Accumulation theory". The economic accumulation theory meant that capital accumulates in the hands of people who already have the capital. And the reason for that is that wealthy people are knowing each other. So people who have capital also accumulate in the same rooms or events. People are surrounding them with people, who have similar opinions. 

And that is problematic. The people who have a membership in the "idle upper class" knew each other from childhood. And that made outsider hard to join that group. People who knew each other from childhood had their own stories. They always talked about their own business. And that caused a situation where people like Marx felt that they are outsiders. 

The problem is that there are still attitudes that wealthy people must keep their level. People who have expensive clothes are something else that people who have lots of money want to see. The social accumulation where people already know together makes outsider hard to join the group. 

A successful business requires good networks and good relationships. Without relationships, nobody buys new products from start-up companies. The networking with right people who can buy products is the thing that makes business. 

We might think that people who are similar to us are cool. And people who are different than us are "lol".  

The thing that caused the hate between the high- and working class were the expensive things. Or we must realize that if a person is wealthy something expensive for the worker is cheap for that wealthy person. Because high-class people are isolated behind their fences they heard stories about dangerous streets. So that caused the need to isolate more and more. The businessmen didn't want. That their families knew that they just kicked workers out of their company. And the same way those people who kicked off their homes. 

When some bosses kick workers off, they told stories that made them look innocent. The stories that were told were, of course, that workers just didn't do the job. And then the superior just told the person to go to find another job. That kind of thing was water for the agitator's machine. Agitators repeated that great injustice is done. 

The reason why communists wanted to please workers was simple. Workers were a bigger group than high-class people. So for agitators, the workers were better alliances than some high-class people or businessmen, who made big money from factories. 

Today in some cases. People can check things from surveillance records on the net. But before the net people must trust or not trust the stories that the participants are telling. The net has brought surveillance in the cities. It also offers a channel where people can tell their opinion or viewpoint of things. But the problem is how to prove things that people are saying. 

Agitators always wanted to believe workers. The fact is that the worker was not always innocent. But the conditions in the working class were not as good as they should. Social problems caused high-level crime statistics and conditions in some homes were horrible.

The world is in the deepest crisis in its history. But why is this crisis so deep?

Is the world really in crisis? Or are we realizing or understanding the crisis in new ways when the internet brings them even into our bedrooms? 

We all say that the internet brings crisis to our living rooms. But does the internet make the crisis more difficult to handle than they were before the internet? So is our world in its deepest crisis? Or have we just become aware of the crisis? That is an interesting question. How would we manage a crisis like the war in Ukraine? 

Otherwise, the internet is bringing new and powerful changes to society. The problem is that the Internet is causing turbulence. And nobody can control this kind of change. So managing this scale of change is impossible. Legislation is behind technical advances. And there are billions of users of international networks. But the international networks are also giving the possibility to deliver false information. 

And one other thing that makes the Internet different than any other information delivery tool is that we can see only things that we want. We can close all other opinions except those supporting us, out from our social network. We can say that those people who don't like the same things as us are lol. They are boring, they don't wear the same clothes as we like. Or they don't like the same music as us. So we don't have to listen to those people. 

What would the media tell us about the Ukrainian crisis if we would not have internet? Would we just accept the Russian military actions? And just say that "there is conflict in Ukraine", and then start to look at football? The internet makes people aware of a crisis like the Syrian civil war. 

That kind of situation. Where one of the world's largest military powers involved in internal conflict ever introduced great public. 

At least in the same volume. There were many weaknesses in the Russian military, and one of those weaknesses was the lack of high-accurate smart weapons. That forced Russia to use the TOS-1 thermobaric ammunition which caused lots of civilian casualties. The Russian operation was not as successful as it should. 

And Russian way to use firepower caused lots of casualties and if some western commander would make those things that man would sent to court martial. But Russian commanders must not care about the civilian casualties. And Syrian leaders accept all of the actions the Russian troops made in Syria. And Russia believed that the same tactics are effective also in Ukraine. 

That thing is one of the most interesting and same ways dangerous things. Political leaders must listen to public opinions more carefully than ever before. So crises and actions in those crises cannot hide from the great public anymore. Or the government must use high-class censorship.

And that is against western principles. In the western world is one holy principle. Everything that is not prohibited is allowed. 

Things like energy crises are at the door. And the new thing is this. We have no chance to replace the energy with other deliverers. We must accept that energy is one of the most powerful weapons against western infrastructure. So if we will buy natural gas or oil from some nation, we must understand that those things are not just trading. They also have high-class political dimensions. 

The conflict in Ukraine makes this problem deeper than ever before. If we do not support Ukraine, it means that Putin will get the green light for the next steps in Western Europe. Europe must therefore stand strong and defend its values. But one of the European values is its largest Achilles' heel. One of our most important and finest values:  freedom of speech is one of the most dangerous tools in the hands of populists.

We always believe that nations or governments are punishing people who threaten others. But nobody even imagined that threatening individuals. Net bullying, and propaganda. Are supported by some governments. I always wrote that people must use many sources for making their opinions. In that case, people must find many viewpoints. 

But what if some government and its media are full of bullshit? What if the official media. Which is a trusted source in Europe and the Western world is a pure propaganda channel? What if the media's function in some countries is only to support the government?

We must realize that the internet caused an information revolution. But there must be rules in there. We know that net bullying and disinformation must delete from the net. But the difficult question is who defines what is disinformation or what is bullying? This is one of the most difficult questions in the world. We know how the Russian government defines those things. 

Things like one-sided information are dangerous. And things like Russian support for Trump's election campaign and Brexit news were highlighted only what benefits that thing brings to Britain should be warning signs of what we must beware of. We must remember that there are people who get very much from dictatorial countries. There still are people in the east and west who wants to return to the iron curtain. The iron curtain was the line between East and West. 

People like KGB agents could make big money by introducing western businessmen to their colleagues. They offer cheap wood and raw material to western businessmen. And if those products were made in the Soviet Union. It offered cheap labor. 

But there is one other thing that this thing allowed. That was money laundry in the Soviet Union. 

People could carry dollars to the Soviet Union. Then they could change that money to German Marks, British Pounds, and other currencies. And then they could return that money to the west. That money made the Russian mafia a very powerful organization. The reason why the KGB didn't want to stop that thing was simple: it needed western money for its illegal operations. 

The Euro or the common currency in the European Union made that money laundering impossible. There was only one currency. That made it impossible to exchange the dirty money for Russian Ruble. And then rechange those Rubles for multiple western currencies.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

What do you think about reality?

In the past, reality just was. Term reality meant the observations that our senses sent to us. And we believed that reality was stable. And it was the same for everyone. Then we realized the differences in our senses like color blindness. But also, differences in our experiences adjust the way we see things. Things like feelings are modifying our way to see reality. And that thing means that reality is not stable or static for all of us. 

Things like feelings are ordering who we are feeling certain things. Feelings are subjective things. The experiences are making something very funny, and positive things to somebody. But then another person can feel the same thing very negatively. 

When somebody feels falling in love is a very positive thing. There is one person who might feel that thing very negatively. And that is the ex-lover of our new honey. 

In the past researchers thought that somebody just fell in love. But modern neural scientists are researching what kind of effect causes that thing. Why some people just fell in love? Or why do some people buy things, that they don't even need? What is the neuro-effect behind the things that something that person sees turns so attractive that the person cannot resist it?  

One example of that case is a customer who goes to a shop and buys something very expensive products. That the person uses only once. But that thing is only "need to get" and there goes lots of money. And why do some people go to a slot machine and then put their entire salary into that machine? Why do they think? That they will get a very good profit from that machine? 

Modern science tries to find the neural and neurochemical background for some behavior. And the most interesting question is, what launched that effect? There was some kind of sense, and then the neural chemicals started the interaction, which was against all logic and nonsense in many ways. 

Memories that are connected to senses are making feelings. So in that way, thinking of reality is always a subjective experience. 

In the past, people who worked with neural interactions said that people are interested in things. That thing means that interest was enough. And the effect that caused interest came outside the object. So that means everything that people see is real. But is it like this? We can say that things like holograms are causing questions about reality. But is a hologram only a virtual thing? Before we touch hologram we cannot say. Is hologram real or not? 

Holograms are forming a new version of reality or existence. 

That thing is virtual existence or virtual reality. Hologram-capable projectors can project houses to fog.  

Holograms can form a collective virtual effect. 

The VR glasses and other VR stuff are forming subjective experiences. But holograms are forming collective experience. 

Otherwise, developers can make holograms by using infrared frequency. And if that infrared radiation might have a high energy level. So that means the hologram can burn things that are touching it. 

So we can think that holograms are forming a thing that we can call "sliding reality". The hologram could be virtual reality. But it can slide to the interacting state of the objects. And one version of reality is the interaction between objects. 

Theoretically, we could raise the energy level and number of photons in the hologram so much that it transforms real kinetic objects. The idea is that the high-power energy just turns the photons into their waveforms where they are free superstrings. And then those pieces of wave motion turn to quarks and hadrons. So theoretically is possible to transform holograms into real objects by manipulating the wave motion. And transform that wave motion to the kinetic object. 

This is one version of reality. And maybe we can say that reality always exists. Even if we cannot see it. 

When we think about things, like the Internet. Those things are the worst tools in the wrong hands. But who is the worst selector in the world? We are the people who are using the worst censorship in the world. The target of that censorship is we. We don't want to hear people. Whose opinions are different than our opinions. So we just close those people away from our social network. 

Things like Facebook and some other social media networks made lots of work that the users feel good. They must always have fun. And "fun" means that all different people who have no similar background or opinions as we have are closed away from our social network. The false world is the place where are only nice and cool people. Everything that is shared is positive. But in the real world, there are also many negative things. We cannot just love and feel nice. 

There are also bad days. And we must also handle negative feelings and thoughts. We must realize that if we close some "not cool" people away from our social network that would not turn that person not existed. That person still exists. And maybe that user tries on the social network by using a fake identity. Some people are curious characters. And they are sneaking around to find out what other people will write and read about them. 

The reason for that censorship is the attitude, that we must not hear anything else than things that are pleasing to our opinions. 

If somebody has opinions, about what we don't like, we just close them away. We have the right to do that thing. The reason for that is that we must only hear things that please us. 

The Internet is the best information deliverer in the world. But then we must realize that internet is the best place to get the one side information. People are choosing similar people as they are in their social network. And that means people hear only opinions. That supports their opinions and attitudes. People see only things that please them.

The standardized probability variable and its role in the study

We are all heard of the standard probability variable. But many people do not know what this thing means. The "standard variable" means the criteria used for choosing the participants or actors for research. The ability to handle those variables is the thing that gives results to the researcher. 

When the researcher makes research. One of the key elements to getting real information out from research is to know what those "standard probability variables are". The researcher must know the research team's criteria for selecting the sample. That is under research. When researchers are researching things like viruses they must realize one thing. 

HIV infection makes all organisms dangerous for those patients. Same way. That is one version of the co-effect that boosts the effect of the primary variable. 

In COVID-19 statistics the primary variable is COVID-19. But co-variables ("booster variables") are HIV infection or weak immune defense. 

 If the patient uses an immune depressant. That makes all viruses dangerous for those people. Those medicals are causing chemical AIDS. And they are used with organ transplants to deny immune reactions. 

There are many ways to report deaths about COVID-19.

*Researcher can report all victims. That is dead during the pandemia and use the COVID-19 antigens as criteria. 

*In that case, we can say that if a person has a COVID-19 infection. And get under the car is dead because of COVID-19, which is not true. But if the criteria are only COVID-19 antigens the statistic shows that the person died because of COVID-19. 

*Researchers can report only cases that are dead because of COVID-19 infection. But in that case, we must check things like HIV infection.

*Researchers can also involve things like hospice or cancer therapy or the use of narcotics in those research. Or researchers can bypass those things, and that thing can affect results. 

How to select a sample is a problematic question. When we are thinking about the changes in the brain structure of COVID-19 patients, we must notice some other variables in the research. Those variables are lifestyles, use of alcohol, and use of narcotics. 

And many other things that can affect the metabolism and especially neuron metabolism. Those things are playing a key role in the co-effect of virus infections.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Could dark energy be the pushing and dark matter pulling gravitational effect?

The dark interaction and antigravitation. 

The standing gravitation wave that makes impacting gravitational waves reflect can be the key to antigravitation or pushing gravitational effect. 

Are dark matter and dark energy two-way interactions of gravitation? So could dark energy be antigravitation and dark matter be gravitation in the form we know it? If that thing is true that means gravitation has similar two-way interaction. 

All other fundamental forces have two-way interaction and they push and pull particles. So why the dark energy cannot be the hypothetical antigravitation or pushing gravitation? And dark matter could be the regular pulling gravitation. 

*Dark energy is energy that rips the universe into pieces. 

*Dark matter is the mysterious gravitational effect that keeps dwarf galaxies in one structure. Nobody has seen dark matter. And the only known interaction between dark matter and visible matter is gravitation. 

*So the name of the dark matter should be dark gravitation. Nobody even knows if dark matter existed. 

*Or could the reason for that unknown effect be the virtual particles? And one virtual particle type is a standing gravitational wave. 

*If a standing gravitational wave is possible, that thing could make antigravitation possible. 

*The idea is that the energy level of that standing gravitational wave is higher than impacting gravitational waves that cause gravitational reflection. 

*And maybe that thing makes antigravitation or pushing gravitational effect possible. 

*So, could dark energy and dark matter be antigravitation and gravitation? 

Dark energy is a strange force that rips the universe into pieces. And dark matter is the gravitational effect that pushes particles away from each other. Dark energy and dark matter are forming a thing that we can call "dark interaction". 

So dark energy is pushing. And dark matter or dark gravitation is pulling particles together. Does that mean there is a question are they part of the same force? In some of the most fundamental speculations, dark energy and dark matter is the gravitation that is turned upside down. Is it possible? Can gravitation turn its mirror effect? 

Gravitation is radiation or wave motion. So gravitation can put travel to focus like all other radiation. And there is a possibility that while the gravitation travels across that focus. They are turning to their mirror waves. And that thing makes it possible that somewhere in the universe the gravitational effect turns to the opposite. 

There is a possibility. That some kind of gravitational loop or gravitational lensing is turning the gravitation to its mirror effect. In that kind of theoretical situation, coherent gravitational waves are traveling through the gravitational lens. And that lens forms the focus where gravitational waves are turning to the opposite. But could that effect cause that gravitation turns to its opposite force? 

While gravitational waves are traveling in space they will turn very weak. And if another side of the gravitational wave is at a higher energy level. That thing means that the gravitational wave can turn upside down. 

When quantum entanglement breaks. And the particles are starting to travel in different directions. We are always forgetting to explain how that thing happens. Before quantum entanglement is formed the particles must take superposition. That means that two elementary particles start to oscillate with the same frequency. 

Then if the energy level of those particles is different. There is forming an energy bridge between them. When the energy level of those particles is turning to the same level that pushes those particles away. 

When the quantum entanglement reaches energy stability. That breaks the structure. Wave motion that source is in both particles impacting in that energy channel it forms the virtual particle or energy bubble. And then the energy that reflects from that virtual particle pushes those particles at both ends of the quantum entanglement away.

Quantum entanglement and the expansion of the universe

There is a small possibility that the universe's expansion is the reason for the cloud of extremely small particles that are superpositioned and entangled. Those particles could be gravitons, the hypothetical transportation particles of gravitation. There is a possibility that the graviton involves all particles that have mass. 

If the size and energy level of those yet unknown particles are precise same the quantum entanglement that forms between them is starting to push those particles away from each other. 

If that thing is true. That hypothetical extremely small, yet unknown particle is in every single quark that thing explains the dark energy, and the reason why we cannot observe that energy is simple. Dark energy is virtual energy. 

*When we research material and its smallest particles. We are facing one interesting thing. There must be the "final particle" the form or the thing that is involved in all particles. 

*If there is quantum entanglement between those particles there is a possibility that the energy levels of those particles are identical. And that destroys quantum entanglement. That thing pushes those particles away from each other. 

*If the energy level of those particles is different the quantum entanglement is stable. But if that particle is an inside quark. That thing causes the information that travels in quantum entanglement blows particles from each other like the wind. 

That thing can be the superstring. Or that thin could be some kind of extremely small black hole. If the energy levels of those particles are at the same level. And there is forming quantum entanglement between those particles they can push other particles out from each other. 

Because those hypothetical particles are far smaller than quarks or maybe they are smaller than gluons that cause the situation where the affected area of that quantum entanglement is so small that researchers cannot detect it. And the quantum gravitation between quarks and leptons covers the existence of those energy channels. 

But even if the quantum entanglements between those particles are stable it requires that the energy level between the ends of that thing is not the same. That thing can cause an effect where information blows those particles away from each other. The information that travels in this hypothetical quantum entanglement acts like the wind that is blowing the particle, or the superstring in that particle that acts like a sail. 

This theory requires that there is an identical particle in all other structures. And that thing can explain why dark energy is impossible to see.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Can we someday transplant the brain from one body to another?

The thing is that transplant a head straight from one body to another is not possible because the immune defense destroys the transplant. Also, the spinal cord is hard to connect. And because the spinal cord cannot make them grow together, because immune defense destroys those cells. Making a working head transplant is not possible. The immune system is the thing that made Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov's (1870-1932) experiments in the 1920s impossible.

But Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov was a pathfinder. He made the dog's head live in the machine for a couple of days. And that thing can use for making surgical operations on the body. 

Then that body can reconnect with the own body of the person. The only thing is how to connect the spinal cord. If the person has large-scale injuries the head can remove. And then medical staff can cure the body and remove things, like some poisons. The head can connect to the heart-lung machine when the operators work with the body. The idea is that separation of the head denies the poison transfer to brain tissue. 

One version of the brain transplant is the process where researchers destroy the person's immune system. And that means the immune system will not destroy the transplant. But the person must use a space suit while being outside. And that person must live in a house that looks like a space station. If one single organism slips into that house or base that causes death immediately. 

But then we must realize that Ivanov did not know about genetics and immunology. During his lifetime nobody even knew the DNA or at least its role as genetic code in living organisms. Ivanov couldn't create synthetic DNA or RNA bites. And there is a possibility that large-scale genetic transplants can be made by using synthetic retroviruses. In this case, the laboratory creates synthetic RNA bites by splitting the DNA. Then those RNA bites will inject into the cells. 

Or some cells can transform to create synthetic RNA-retroviruses. Those viruses can have similar core antigens and structures to the AIDS virus. But the genetic material that is connected to the cell's genomes could involve instructions to make neurons. The thing is that those viruses can inject into any organism on this planet. 

There are two possibilities to make a brain transplant. 

*Chancing the entire head.

*Changing only brains. 

If we want to change heads between persons, researchers must use highly effective immune depressants. And the tissue typing must make very careful that the body and head are close to each other as possible. But that requires the body. So in this case the problem is how to get a younger body for that operation. The tissue antigens must be as near to each other as possible. 

Or genome therapy can change the core antigens of the head. In that case, the tissues in the head are turned to similar. With the body where that head will transfer. But that kind of immune therapy is possible in the future. Today we cannot do that thing. The idea is that the artificial virus that is made by using the DNA of receiving body will inject into the head. And then that virus transfers the antigens of the cells. 

And that genome transfer must make the antigens of the head and body identical. If that is successful. A head transplant is possible. There is the possibility that the spinal cord will put two microchips that connect the broken neural tracks.

But what if researchers are transplanting only the brain?

There are also two ways to make the neuron transplant between the brain. 

*Real neurons are used for neuron transplant. 

*Or the EEG or the skills that the donor's neurons are involved. Will transplant to the new body. 

There is a vision of the future.

The lab-grown human neurons were transplanted into a rat's brain. That thing causes visions. That in the future is possible. Researchers can make rats with customized genomes. Those rats can use to create customized stem cells or neurons. In that case, the synthetic RNA from the receiver's body can transfer to the rats. And that makes it possible that they can create stem cells. That is fitting perfectly into people who will receive them. 

Or before a person bor. Medical staff takes stem cells from the fetus and stores them in liquid nitrogen. Then those stem cells can multiply by multiplying their genome in the laboratory. And then inject them into some other cells whose own genome was removed by researchers. 

Genetically engineered rats can use to create neurons with the same antigens as the receiving body. In that case, the genetic material of the rats can manipulate the tissue types of those rats to be identical to the receiving body. The thing is that nanotechnology along with artificial intelligence and new observation tools are increasing our knowledge and capacity in genetic engineering. 

Then those lab-grown neurons will inject into the damaged brain. The problem is that the skills that are stored in those damaged neurons must somehow restore. Those skills can transfer to those lab-grown cells. But that requires accurate data on the lost memories. Or the system that transfers memories to those cells must use synthetic memories. 

Theoretically, brain transfer is not as difficult as people might think. The problem is how to deny immune cells to destroy those cells. There is the possibility that the stem cells that are just starting to specialize would inject into the person's brain. In some other visions, the gel that is made by using neurons can inject into the brain or head. 

And then those neurons would travel to the right points. But that requires that those neuron's antigens are not launching the immune system. In some visions, researchers make neuron transplant by using cloned neurons. That is taken from receiving body. Then the needed information will load onto those cells by using electric stress. 

In that case, the needed thing is stem cells there is transplanted the DNA of the neurons. And one vision is this. 

Researchers can make this genome transfer to cancer cells. That is quite similar to stem cells. 

The lab-grown human neurons made a working neural network in the rat's brain. That thing shows that neurons can transfer between species. 

This thing means that neurons themselves can transfer at least between species. So if human neurons can transfer to rats the opposite transplant is also possible. There is the possibility that in the future. There are lab-grown rat neurons that genetically transform to fit the receiving body.

There are videos of Ivanov's experiments. I don't put them in here.  But you can find them on YouTube. Use words "ilya ivanovich ivanov".

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Could graviton be one or two quantum-size black holes?

Another model that could explain why gravitation is so special. 

Above this text is an image of the black hole. But that image could be the image of a quark. In some scenarios, the graviton is a small black hole inside the quantum field. The quantum tornado forms the point where that radiation pushes the quantum field away. So there is the electromagnetic vacuum that pulls the quantum field to the ball-shaped form. But there is also another version of the graviton and its interactions. 

The hypothetical graviton particle that should transport gravitation may be two quantum size black holes. That thing causes a quantum field whose shape is similar to the magnetic field that forms around a rod magnet. Those quantum-size black holes would be the south pole against the north pole. And there is forming a quantum tornado around those two black holes. 

Then the quantum fields are forming the lightning structure or superstring structure. That is looking like a whisk. When those black holes that size is smaller than quarks are starting to make the quantum fields or quantum lightning around them the outcoming radiation makes those flashes of lightning stronger. Because that structure starts to rotate, it turns to look like a ball. And maybe that thing is the quark. Maybe that kind of thing could explain gravitation. 

Another model of gravitation or graviton particle is that gravitation is the force that is forming around the fast-spinning particle. The idea is that when a particle spins. It creates the effect where wave motion travels to the poles or the axle of the spinning particle. And because the particle is extremely small. 

There forms a small quantum vacuum bubble to its poles because those waves impact each other just above the quantum field of that spinning particle. That bubble starts to pull wave motion to the axle of the particle. So when wave motion travels at the surface of the particle. 

Those waves are transporting the wave motion that hits the particle to its poles. So that means the particle that is making the effect of gravitation is like a neutron star or black hole. When a particle spins at an extremely high speed. It transfers wave motion to its poles like neutron stars or black holes are transferring. 

What makes gravitation interesting? That is that the graviton is missing. There is the possibility that a graviton is a quantum-size black hole or so-called black photon. The form of the graviton is one of the most important things in the gravitation theory. 

The thing is that things like neutron stars or black holes are not forming energy from nothingness. They are like generators. Generators are transforming motion into electromagnetism. The thing that neutron stars and black holes are doing the same thing. They are transforming electromagnetic fields into powerful energy beams. 

Or otherways saying they are transferring the frequency of the radio waves to X- and gamma rays. In similar ways, the Casimir effect doesn't make energy from nothingness. When Casimir plates are taken very close to each other electron cores form the quantum bridge over that hole. Then the outcoming radiation will inject energy into those bridges. And that thing loads the energy to the Casimir circuit.

Could gravitation form when quarks are moving back and forth?

There is one forgotten version of the gravitation theory. The idea in this theory is gravitation forms when particles inside protons and neutrons oscillate. When the size or the distance of those particles changes. That thing forms an effect that is like a pump. So the gravitational effect forms when quarks are moving back and forth inside their quantum field. If that movement forms gravitation, it will explain things like gravitational waves. 

When the distance of quarks inside protons and neutrons expands, that motion forms quantum low pressure between those particles. That low pressure causes the electromagnetic- or quantum fields are dropping between those particles. So could that thing be gravitation? That explains why planets are the gravitational centers. 

There are lots of protons and neutrons. And when the quarks that form those particles are moving back and forth that thing causes an electromagnetic pumping effect where the force of the quantum field between those particles changes. 

When those quarks are closing each other they are forming a standing quantum wave between them. And in that case that virtual particle will send wave motion or gravitational waves to the universe. That thing explains gravitational waves. 

The mystery of gravitation is an interesting thing. There is a possibility that mysterious gravitons are only oscillating quantum fields. When the size of the particles is turning smaller. That thing also causes the position where escaping quantum field forms the electromagnetic low-pressure zone that pulls quantum fields to that particle. 

The pulling effect of the gravitation forms. When the particle rides with wave motion that falls to the gravitational center that model is true. The gravitation effect is similar to other fundamental forces. 

That means electromagnetic wave motion travels through a hole that is in the middle of those three quarks. That means those waves are traveling in and out from three quarks. And the incoming electromagnetic field or radiation forms the cone that causes scattering to the outcoming electromagnetic field. 

The idea is that when the distance between those quarks increases that pulls the quantum field through it. That quantum field continues its journey. And the same effect happens on both sides. There is the possibility that the impacting electromagnetic or quantum fields are forming a quantum bubble in the middle of those quarks. 

That bubble pushes radiation away from it. Around that bubble is forming an area that is at a lower energy state than the quark. And that forms bridges or gluons between those quarks. The outcoming energy can travel between those bridges. And maybe that is one form of gravitation. 

The thing that might make photons unique is that they are somehow slight. Maybe the thing that explains the photon's speed is that the particle's quantum field somehow pulls energy inside it as much as it delivers. The interesting thing is that the speed of light is lower in the medium can be explained in this way. 

The medium pulls the energy away from the photon faster than a vacuum. But fast-moving particle replaces the lost energy. In a vacuum, the photon travels at the same speed as wave motion. So because quantum fields cannot fly out from photons. That means those particles' speeds will not decrease.

The mathematical work that shakes the world.

"As a graduate student, Maryam Mirzakhani (center) transformed the field of hyperbolic geometry. But she died at age 40 before she coul...