Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Technical remote view (Real life version of the theme: "I have the microphone in my teeth")

Poster for "Alien intelligence" exhibition
in the  museum of modern art Kiasma
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

There is very well known psychiatric disorder, where the patient thinks that this person has the microphone on their teeth. That syndrome and claiming have the real background, because military intelligence has used the modified hearing aids, what are connected to GSM-phones and Internet. They allow the support team to follow discussions by remote positions. One of the biggest problems with modern wireless prosthetics like eye-prosthesis and hearing aids is that that equipment can use also as spying tools.

Those techniques are developing the company known as PSI-Tech corporation. There would also develop tools, what are bases the brain core stimulation, and that means, the all conscious of the human or another animal can transfer to human brains. Ability to send animals EEG-to humans would give the new way to see how nature works. Also, humans could send a day as an animal if they wanted. And this is the way to make real-life Tarzan, who communicates with animals. Also, those implants would use to control the animals, what makes them extremely dangerous.

There are many more ways to eavesdrop another person and I have read from somewhere, that in the skulls of the dangerous criminals have implanted eavesdrop equipment.  Also, eye prosthesis can transform as the remote view equipment. There are many ways to make eye-prosthetic, and one is just connecting the action camera with EEG-machine, what stimulates the vision center in human brains. The same waves what makes visual effects in the brains can transmit by GSM-telephone and Internet to another side of the world, by using standard communication satellites. That would give the opportunity to see everything, what the targeted person sees.

To the brains or the brain, the core can install the electrodes, what communicates with those EEG-systems wireless thru the skull. In this version inside the skull, over the dura mater will put the net, where are the electrodes, what gives stimulation to the brain core, and that system would give electric power from similar plutonium batteries that are used in pacemakers. And they can be useful also in internal prosthetic.

Those systems could be actually normal WEB-cameras, what is installed in the eye sockets, and they can communicate with that net by using BlueTooth communication protocol. The problem with that implanted prosthesis is that they must get safe and long-term batteries for their working. And because there must not make fixed injuries on the skin, those wireless equipment are very safe, and they would not infect the patient.

And the plutonium batteries are problematic in that use because they contain highly radioactive material. The solution might that the eye prosthesis would equip with standard batteries, and they can be recharged by using the wireless battery charger. That means that the person must only sleep on the side of that mobile telephone charger, and that would recharge those batteries. That would make easier to use this kind of solutions, and wireless technology will make them safer. But the problem is that those systems can be hacked and used as the spying tool.


Picture 1:


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